poweradminllc / PAExec

Remote execution, like PsExec
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PAExec 1.26 Cant Handle Special Characters in Passwords . #17

Open frostarun opened 8 years ago

frostarun commented 8 years ago

*PAExec is cool and it connects to sever without a problem when my password was in this pattern "xyz123$$" (without quotes).

*But when I changed my password to this pattern "8]D3"&=-$6L5R}_#8m" (without quotes) , It doesn't connect, It shows Error code 6 which is not a correct one because I have connected to the same application with another password . I can connect the server using remote with same password but not with PAExec.

*There is no document given to how the password pattern should be or which special characters will be accepted and parsed by PAExec.

Really the Application is very helpful but please fix this .

masaeedu commented 7 years ago

Could you perhaps build from source in debug mode and run with the debug build? If you have Just In Time Debugging enabled you should get more information about where it is failing.

frostarun commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply. This is handled when we use p@password.txt file . Special characters in command line was the problem. When I used it with password in a file it worked.