poweradminllc / PAExec

Remote execution, like PsExec
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Registry mapping differs between paexec and psexec #29

Open deajan opened 6 years ago

deajan commented 6 years ago


Using Windows 10 (latest 1803 build up to date) x64, paexec does not correctly map HKLM\Software key between normal and system accounts.

Exemple: paexec -i -s reg add HKLM\Software\Test /v Some /t REG_SZ /d Value /f will create the TEST key in WOW6432Node subkey. Hence, paexec -i -s reg query HKLM\Software\Test will work. reg query HKLM\Software\Test will return an error since it won't find the Test key.

Running the same commands with psexec will work.

Best regards.

deajan commented 6 years ago

Playing a bit further with that bug, I can confirm that even running regedit as system with paexec won't show the the registry key created with PSExec.

n-mam commented 3 years ago

add /reg:64 switch at the end.

reg query HKLM\Software\Test /reg:64

poweradminllc commented 3 years ago

Are you using the 64-bit version of PsExec when you test?