powercord-community / suggestions

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Favorited Gif Restorer #457

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago


When you log out of discord, your gifs will be wiped and you will have to favorite them all over again, I am looking for a plugin that backs up these gifs so that when you log out and log back in to either your own account or an alt account you will have those gifs restored.

More info

There is currently a manual way to do this which is described here: https://gist.github.com/Gladuin/b00228769f154cb4ed2fcb266698cab1 Additionally it would be cool if frequently used emojis could be saved aswell and even have gifs and frequent emojis were saved on different accounts so if one account has one set of favourited gifs another account will not restore the same ones and will have its own gifs.

NyxIsBad commented 3 years ago

This can be closed, dupe of 252

252 can also be closed https://github.com/VenPlugs/PersistFavourites

ghost commented 3 years ago
