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Search Messages by Deleted User #485

Closed Qoes closed 3 years ago

Qoes commented 3 years ago


Plugin that allows us to search for messages by a deleted user.

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Normally if you search for a user using their username+discriminator or user id, you'd be able to look at just his/her messages. But if you use the username+discriminator for the deleted user on the search, you'd get this. image And if you use the deleted user's id, you'd just see a list of everyone's messages. Some of the deleted user's messages are still up since I have checked the oldest messages on the server. But I am unable to use the search to look at messages by only him. I think a plugin to fix this bug would be nice.

katlyn commented 3 years ago

This isn't possible for a plugin to do, as it is the API that filters out results from deleted users, and not the client.