powercord-community / suggestions

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(new) Notification sound changer #687

Open JinglBells opened 2 years ago

JinglBells commented 2 years ago


A new notification sound changer, as the old one is not going to be updated according to it's creator

More info

the original: https://github.com/ploogins/notif-sound-changer

akisblack commented 2 years ago

Making new plugins because the older ones haven't been updated isn't the answer. If some plugin developer wanted to, they would either contribute or ask, AAGaming in this case, to take over the plugin's development.

LandenStephenss commented 2 years ago

AAGaming doesn't even use powercord anymore, just fork the original and build from that.

akisblack commented 2 years ago

I am aware. He seems to accept PRs and is probably willing to transfer ownership of the repo without someone having to fork the original plugin. If a fork where to happen it would probably confuse users even more.