powercord-community / suggestions

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Nitro Spam remover. #744

Closed MagmaBro123 closed 2 years ago

MagmaBro123 commented 2 years ago


I bet this'll just get insta-closed, but I really don't get why Discord loves spamming ads about Nitro everywhere. I know it exists, but seriously, you don't need to put it in the server list too... image

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asportnoy commented 2 years ago

You can do this with a CSS snippet that sets display: none; on the class selectors for that element. No plugin needed.

MagmaBro123 commented 2 years ago

Oh? No clue how to make themes, hence why I asked here. Sorry for putting this in the wrong area.

asportnoy commented 2 years ago

You don't need a whole theme, just a quick CSS snippet. If you need help doing that, I recommend asking in the support server.

MagmaBro123 commented 2 years ago

Alright, sorry.