powercrystals / MineFactoryReloaded

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Feature Request: #202

Open Technus opened 11 years ago

Technus commented 11 years ago

Gated Bus pass-trough - basically a pass-trough for a whole bus something similar to a RedPower2 Bus Transceiver , possibly with a "translation method" to swap certain colors with other ones, and with ability to disable certain bits.

Bus pass-trough - same as above but always active

Bus sync. flip-flops - 16x flip-flop for a whole bus (T , D ,RS, JK types) utilizing common clock and up to 4 bus connections (T/D/R/J, S/K ,Q ,~Q )

Bus async. flip-flops - same as above but async.

Bus comparator - checks if two buses are equal , possibly with fuzzy logic (ignoring analog values) and possibility to disable certain bits comparing

Bus translator - "trans-coder" circuits just for tasks like interchanging from gray code to binary code etc.

8 and 16 input gates - great for addressing the PRCs

16 times NOT - gate to invert whole bus

and many other stuff like colored wires to have them packed more dense or even a "Busx16" wiring

Many of the stuff i mentioned above is really high end (if not all) ,so i think that there should be an addon to PRC which allows bus operations in addition to simple signal ones( something like LX-9001 or implementing that into LX-500 - since it gives tons of variables which are no useful if the gates are not complex enough)

If you want to get point why i would need something like that i would say ... with actual stuff its insanely hard to make a de-multiplexer with 256 outputs that remembers the state and sends it 16 output buses or back to data bus on demand

If that all seemed hard to read and understand I'm sorry but English isn't my national language. Many thanks for the great work so far, Tec.

PS. On a side note that would be nice if the recipes for PRC / PRC addons would be cheaper or at least make the addons for them stackable , since i get used to the cheap RP2 stuff

PS2: just like on forums it would've require shoving a 17th row into GUI

Technus commented 11 years ago

Also that would be great if clicking boxes in GUI would allow you to select color / side / or type in the number of variable or even name your variables instead of incrementing/decrementing the actual thingy

If that would've be implemented could you adjust that , so changing the side doesn't resets the color back to white?