powercrystals / MineFactoryReloaded

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[Low Priority] Rednet meter Texture not found in console #414

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Using only Team COFH mods, my console reports a large error message after suggesting that "minefactoryreloaded:textures/items/item.mfr.rednet.meter.debug.png" is not found.

Here's my log, line 164 is the error. http://paste.ee/p/x26Cn

This is in the latest release "MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0RC8-86.jar", and I've reinstalled it to make sure it wasn't something weird with install going on.

Using 7Zip to open the jar, it appears the .png's name is "item.mfr.rednet.meter.info.png"

Nice mod by the way. Sorry if I forgot anything, this is my first issue report. I hope it was helpful, even if it is a harmless problem.

And now I realized I've posted on the wrong github. Sorry, feel free to delete