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Authorisation Feature: Document Creation & Document editing. #197

Open CallmeT-ty opened 3 months ago

CallmeT-ty commented 3 months ago

Allow List We'll have to add at least a couple of addresses to a certain allow list function in switchboard to give them 'create permissions'. This will be the addresses of Matt of stablelabs + the Core dev team.

File Admin 'Authorized Signer' in the ArbLtip 'Summary' will usually be Matt of Stablelabs, or anyone else who's setting up the grantee documents for grantees. This automatically makes the Authorized Signer the the Root user. Which can be seen in 'Admin' section of the document model. Additionally, at any time the authorized signer can pass ownership to another address, and they become an editor.

File editors Through Admin, Editors can be assigned who are able to change details in 'Summary', 'Todo' section and 'Historical', but who cannot change the name of the file.

Currently the address of the 'logged in' user is automatically passed on to the reducer. Next thing is properly catching the authorisation error and other exception error that should be thrown.

Notes from OZ on actions we can control:

Actions we can prevent

CallmeT-ty commented 2 months ago

@ryanwolhuter I recently tested on Arbitrum Alpha staging. I was able to add an address as an editor, but that editor address when logged in able to change the file name, but not save any changes it made to the content of the ArbLtip document. I'll check in with Benjamin on this too.