powerhouse-inc / connect

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Connect Drive Navigation #3

Open acaldas opened 9 months ago

acaldas commented 9 months ago

This Epic discusses the ability for the Connect user to add Connect Drives to the sidebar and navigate the folder structure. This functionality will be displayed in: Integration Demo 1 - Connect <> Switchboard Synchronization Demo for Integration Stakeholders

Specific to this demo we will need to offer the following functionality:

User stories to implement to make the above happen.

The larger feature card and all of it's required user stories that support these feature can be found below

An overview of the detailed user stories can be found here in detail. https://www.notion.so/makerdao-ses/CDN-1-Connect-Drive-Navigation-7410346f8f35409da2c6130b00c5e613

An overview of the detailed design files can be found here. https://www.figma.com/file/nixRuw4mg4v8URY9rk1dTp/PH-(Connect-App)?type=design&node-id=3187%3A15128&mode=design&t=lDUzEqFTccVJY9LB-1

CallmeT-ty commented 6 months ago

It seems like this epic is nearly finished apart from the last 4 user stories. @gpuente once other priorities for demo are lower we can pick these up.

gpuente commented 6 months ago

hey @CallmeT-ty ! here is the list with the missing things: