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Follow up on Integration method for automated document creation #345

Open CallmeT-ty opened 1 month ago

CallmeT-ty commented 1 month ago


_For the 100 documents we'll be creating for Arbgrants.com we're thinking of creating a script that uses CSV input (7 fields) to create the initial document. So to avoid any typo's along the way.

Frank's input is the following: In the end we just have to initiate a document drive server instance add a remote drive and start adding operations. in theory it should be easy, but yes, will probably take a day to set it up.__

Prometheus | PH: What I suggest is that we use this to enable more integration tasks in the future.

The goal is to enable @liberuum to set up a new integration repository that works with a local Reactor as Frank is describing.

  • [ ] Task 1 - Create Integration Project Template
  1. Someone from core dev can create a template repository that
  2. instantiates a new Reactor (document drive server)
  3. adds a remote drive based on a remote drive URL
  4. waits for the drive to finish synchronizing
  5. creates a folder in the drive
  6. creates a new document in the drive
  7. submits an example operation to the document
  • [ ] Task 2 - Use for ArbGrants document creation

Then we hand it over to @liberuum . He can implement the Arbitrum logic of reading addresses and names from a Google sheet (preferred over CSV) and turning them into Arb grants documents.

  • [ ] Task 3 - Write an integration guide based on the experience

And then writes a guide about this. We probably had one already in the list about integration. This same setup will also serve as a first exploration of the document model dev service that automatically regenerates code when a document model document is changed.