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Force Arbgrants to use new default drive #376

Closed acaldas closed 3 weeks ago

acaldas commented 1 month ago

Arbrants is only supposed a single remote drive. To make sure users that have already used the app are moved to the last version we will change the default drive from https://apps.powerhouse.io/arbitrum/switchboard/d/arbitrum3 to https://apps.powerhouse.io/arbitrum/switchboard/d/arbitrum. (This is changed in Vercel on the env VITE_DEFAULT_DRIVE_URL: https://vercel.com/powerhouse-dao/connect-arbitrum/settings/environment-variables)

Since the defaultDrive is saved to localStorage, I believe that in the current implementation if we change the defaultDrive the user will ignore it and use the one from localStorage. We need to hardcode a check where if the defaultDrive is not arbitrum instead of arbitrum3 we clear the drives and the localStorage and refresh the page.

We can test this by releasing to staging/arbitrum first and changing the default drive there.