powerline / fonts

Patched fonts for Powerline users.
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Using Terminess in Cygwin convert bdf to fon for Windows usage #349

Closed 0xROLANDIAN closed 4 years ago

0xROLANDIAN commented 4 years ago

I use Terminus bit map fon in Windows with Cygwin.

I have tried several times to convert a Terminess BDF font to a fon for windows with FontForge, but I always end up with just the basic character set in the fon file when I inspect it and it doesn't contain any of the powerline symbols.

Is there any foolproof way of converting a BDF to a FON for using Terminess in Powerline. I really dont want to resort to WSL if I can help it.


0xROLANDIAN commented 4 years ago

Opened ter-powerline-x14n bdf, in Font Forge, moved powerline symbols to sections I never use and dont mind loosing from the font within the first 255 sections. Exported as fon remapped my airline and promptline symbols to the new sections. All good. Decent font in Windows now.