powerline / fonts

Patched fonts for Powerline users.
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How do I make Status Bar work? #399

Open ianTevesAcc opened 3 weeks ago

ianTevesAcc commented 3 weeks ago

I'm so sorry. I've tried so hard but I really can't make the Status Bar work for some unknown / my stupid ass brain can't find out the reason. I have a Powerline font installed as well as updated it in the code. But it's still not working. Can I get some help?

Image of what the Status Bar looks like. Its the green dot and white arrow at the bottom. image image

Here is my css code for the status bar.

div.status-bar-item.plugin-obsidian-vimrc-support {
    /* Papercolor theme */
    --text-color-normal: #585858;
    --text-color-insert: #005f87;
    --text-color-visual: white;
    --text-color-replace: white;

    --background-color-normal: #eeeeee;
    --background-color-insert: #eeeeee;
    --background-color-visual: #d75f00;
    --background-color-replace: #d70087;

  div.status-bar-item.plugin-obsidian-vimrc-support {
      Move to bottom left corner and discard top/left/bottom space
      from container paddings.
    order: -9999;
    margin: 0;

      We have the :after pseudo-element next, so padding-right
      is not needed
    padding-right: 0px;
    padding-left: 1em;

    /* Use Monospace font */
    font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline'; /* !!! Needs to be a powerline font */
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 1.2em;

    /* Clear spaces made from radius borders */
    border-top-right-radius: 0px;
    border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;

  div.status-bar-item.plugin-obsidian-vimrc-support:after {
    /* Powerline separator character */
    content: '';
    position: relative;
    font-size: 1.5rem;
    left: 0.9rem;

    /* Fine adjust the position */
    margin-top: 0.1rem;

  /* Normal */
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="normal"]:after {
    color: var(--background-color-normal);
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="normal"] {
    color: var(--text-color-normal);
    background-color: var(--background-color-normal);

  /* Insert */
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="insert"]:after {
    color: var(--background-color-insert);
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="insert"] {
    color: var(--text-color-insert);
    background-color: var(--background-color-insert);

  /* Visual */
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="visual"]:after {
    color: var(--background-color-visual);
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="visual"] {
    color: var(--text-color-visual);
    background-color: var(--background-color-visual);

  /* Replace */
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="replace"]:after {
    color: var(--background-color-replace);
  div.status-bar-item.vimrc-support-vim-mode[data-vim-mode="replace"] {
    color: var(--text-color-replace);
    background-color: var(--background-color-replace);

What am I doing wrong?