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Safety system status - part 2 - warning in the top bar #4

Open joannapienko opened 1 month ago

joannapienko commented 1 month ago

As a user, I would like to know, if any of the reactors has exceeded the safety norms when I am located on a different page than HP, so that I do not miss important alert.

wireframe: https://www.figma.com/design/D09gXGjycBxsrXo1GwxsPO/Letnie-praktyki?node-id=18-74&t=xhqQOi4Gk170lS7i-4

Pawel1Golabek commented 1 month ago

Test scenario:

Happy Path: /// This test can be parametrized to merge it with 3 following tests Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes below 250 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the temperature below 250 is red, Notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes from 250 and below 400 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the specific temperature is yellow, Yellow notification on the top of the page is being displayed,

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes>= 800 and below 950 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the specific temperature is yellow, Yellow notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes> 950 and below 950 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the specific temperature is red, Red notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Note: 950 is undefined. Talk with client what to do then

Pawel1Golabek commented 1 month ago

Test scenario:

Happy Path: /// This test can be parametrized to merge it with 3 following tests Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor production ever goes below 10 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the specific power output below 10 is red, Red notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes >= 10 and < 50 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the specific power output is yellow, Yellow notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes>= 250 and <300 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the specific power output is yellow, Yellow notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: Reactor tempetature ever goes>300 on the graph Then: Part of the graph with the power output over 300 is red, Red notification on the top of the page is being displayed.

Note: talk with buisness what if its =300

Pawel1Golabek commented 1 month ago

Happy Path: Given: Reactors subpage opened and loaded completely When: There are 2+ notifications Then: Notifications don't display a top of another. All notifications are being displayed. All notifications are visible and take desired position and space

joannapienko commented 1 month ago

To do after data repair