powertac / powertac-server

Power TAC simulation server
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PowerTAC communication extension proposal and discussion #974

Open pascalwhoop opened 6 years ago

pascalwhoop commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have looked extensively into different techniques for extending the capability of the powerTAC infrastructure to allow for better communication with various components written in different languages. I would like to summarize my findings which I have already discussed with John to receive feedback and opinions.

The problem

The communication as of today can be considered an internal API that is not specified or documented in any public ready way. This is due to the fact that historically, the comm has been handled by the same Java package on both sides. This is great, as it reduces complexity and avoids 3rd party devs to be concerned with it. But there are obvious downsides to it:

  1. No clear spec of how the data looks like on the wire
  2. No alternative clients existing

Change goals

Investigated alternatives

handleMessage 2 GRPC

The first (already implemented) approach is based on GRPC to transmit the messages between the Java sample-broker and the final client. For this, each handleMessage method in the three core classes of the sample-broker passes the received message along to the GRPC infrastructure. While previous developers have handled these messages in the Java environment, I pass these messages to the ultimate environment by converting them into protobuf messages which are then sent to a connected broker who implements correpsonding handler methods in the target language.



Expose XML messages via Socket on Sample-Broker

A second approach is quiet similar to the original bridge but instead of writing the XML strings to the local file system, they are passed to the fi- nal environment via GRPC by simple messages that just serve as a wrapper for the XML string. While this is not elegant from a engineering perspective (GRPC should be used on a method level and messages should not contain other message formats as strings), it is simple and may lead to quick results.



Generate Schemas from Domain Model

A final approach is the generation of schema definitions from the Java model classes that are transmitted between the brokers and the server. JSON vs XML schema is the question. XML did not succeed for the PowerTAC model definitions which lead me to create a question on StackOverflow. The resulting answer lead to the ultimate alternative which is the generation of JSON schemas which can then be converted into Python class files .



jecollins commented 6 years ago

Another classical option is IDL (the CORBA Interface Definition Language).

pascalwhoop commented 6 years ago

I just found out that XStream crashes if there is certain "odd" structures of the XML stream.

Let's say we want to deserialize a Competition.

xml of the form


works. But

  <iMillis> 1277078400000 </iMillis>



both fail. It can't handle the newlines or spaces, it's not stripping spaces/newlines etc That would make it extremely fragile to use XStream when opening the XML up to other XML creators

pascalwhoop commented 6 years ago

Interesting side note: Some performance comparison. Serializing the Competition object with all its content 1000x on my machine:

Unsure why deserialisation is so much slower but I assume it's because I'm using some reflection to force the PowerTAC classes to take the ID that is incoming instead of generating a new one as well as some BrokerRepo etc lookups.