Closed sasmaster closed 7 years ago
glCompressedTexImage3D also throws the same error,btw
PVRTC compressed image format (e.g. GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG
) is only accepted by the <internalformat>
parameter of glCompressedTexImage2D
and the <format>
parameter of glCompressedTexSubImage2D
Thanks, Shaun
Correct.But none of those work.I have also realized just now that I can not use gl Storage API because it demands valid FORMAT.But as I see ,in case of compressed textures,the tex format is always zero.You can uncomment the glCompressedTexImage2D and try to load the file I supplied.It should fail.Thanks.
Well,that fast fast.Had to replace the inner loops and add 'uiSurface' as a third param to getDataPointer() method. ` GL_CHECK(glTexStorage3D(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, mHeader.u32MIPMapCount, internalFormatOut, mHeader.u32Width, mHeader.u32Height, mHeader.u32NumSurfaces));
for (uint32_t uiSurface = 0; uiSurface < mHeader.u32NumSurfaces; ++uiSurface)
for (uint32_t uiMIPLevel = 0; uiMIPLevel < mHeader.u32MIPMapCount; ++uiMIPLevel)
auto mipWidth = getWidth (uiMIPLevel);
auto mipHeight = getWidth (uiMIPLevel);
auto dataSize = getDataSize (uiMIPLevel, false, false);
auto dataAddress = getDataPointer (texData, uiMIPLevel, uiSurface, 0);
GL_CHECK(glCompressedTexSubImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, uiMIPLevel, 0, 0,
uiSurface, mipWidth, mipHeight, 1, internalFormatOut, dataSize, dataAddress));
Now it works.
But it doesn't work with
GL_CHECK (glCompressedTexImage3D (targetOut , uiMIPLevel, internalFormatOut, mipWidth, mipHeight, mHeader.u32NumSurfaces, 0, dataSize , dataAddress ));
Can you point out to what params should be set for
auto dataSize = getDataSize (uiMIPLevel, false, false);
auto dataAddress = getDataPointer (texData, uiMIPLevel, uiSurface, 0);
In this case? Thanks!
As I stated before the extension is not designed to work with glCompressedTexImage3D, the spec states that the pvrtc compression format should only be passed into the 2D variant of texture image and texture sub-image functions, please refer to the spec here:
Regards, Shaun
Oh!Had no idea about that.But from the other side I see it works fine with glTexStorage3D .I don't see on that page anything about it.Though I also see the specs of the extension are quite old... Thanks for help, man!
Hi again,I am working on integration of 2D array textures. Using PVR to load the array texture it work on Windows with PVR SDK GL ES3.0 emulator. However,when I launch debug on iPhone 6 device it fails on
glCompressedTexSubImage3D with INVALID_ENUM error.I trippled checked all the data and enums I pass into the function and found nothing wrong there.The GL docs say that INVALID enum can be cause by a wrong target or internal format.Both seem to be fine ,at least in debugger.
Here is the whole chunk of code that tries to load array texture.
GL_CHECK(glTexStorage3D(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, mHeader.u32MIPMapCount, internalFormatOut, mHeader.u32Width, mHeader.u32Height, mHeader.u32NumSurfaces));
The internal format is GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG getDataSzie() and getDataPointer() are the methods I borrowed from the SDK
I also attach the texture itself.It has 4 equal sized textures inside.Baked with PVRTexTool.
Thanks. PS:rename .zip to .pvr. What a shame on Github they don't support PVR upload ;)