powmedia / backbone-forms

Form framework for BackboneJS with nested forms, editable lists and validation
MIT License
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Custom templates don't work well with NestedModels #338

Open bpardee opened 10 years ago

bpardee commented 10 years ago

When you create a custom template that references a data-editor that is a NestedModel, it hoses up various input fields.

See http://jsfiddle.net/bpardee/zqXU3/1/

The text and select fields aren't rendered or the nested model fields. If you comment out the template option in the Form constructor or comment out the address field in the custom template then it works.

mvattuone commented 9 years ago

I'm having trouble with this particular use case as well -- I noticed in your case, though, that making the address field a value of 'data-fieldsets' seemed to solve the problem.

emudojo commented 7 years ago

as of now this problem still persists, has anyone figured a way to address this ?, happens also with Objects, using fieldsets prints the WHOLE form again which is what we want