When you get a huge amount of options, the time spent in these methos can reach 30s for 1500 items.
The main trouble is due to
html = html.add( $())
The array of object is destroyed/rebuit on each iteration.
Here's my fix proposal, make only one big add at the end:
Backbone.Form.editors.Select.prototype._arrayToHtml= function(array) {
var html = [];
//Generate HTML
_.each(array, function(option) {
if (_.isObject(option)) {
if (option.group) {
var optgroup = $j("<optgroup>")
.html( this._getOptionsHtml(option.options) );
html[html.length] = optgroup[0];
} else {
var val = (option.val || option.val === 0) ? option.val : '';
html[html.length] = $j('<option>').val(val).text(option.label)[0];
else {
html[html.length] = $j('<option>').text(option)[0];
}, this);
return $j().add( html);
When you get a huge amount of options, the time spent in these methos can reach 30s for 1500 items. The main trouble is due to html = html.add( $()) The array of object is destroyed/rebuit on each iteration.
Here's my fix proposal, make only one big add at the end: