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Dry runs for network modifications #3001

Open olperr1 opened 4 months ago

olperr1 commented 4 months ago

Describe the current behavior

When applying network modifications to a network, there is no way to know if all of them can be successfully applied prior to applying them.

Describe the expected behavior

We want to add "dry run" capabilities to network modifications. They would allow to check that all the modifications could successfully be applied before their real application.

Describe the motivation

When applying several network modifications, if one of them fails, the network is left in an unknown state: the first modifications where applied but not the ones after the failing one. To return in a stable state, it is necessary to identify the applied modifications and to revert them, which could not be easily done.

Extra Information

Problem description

For simple network modifications, it is easy to check if they could be applied or not. For instance, an OpeningSwitch modification could be applied if the switch exists (regardless its previous state). Thus a list of network modifications containing only OpeningSwitch operations could be applied if every single modification could be applied on the network.

On the contrary, some modifications can have an impact on the next operations. For instance, if you have a modification removing a switch, it would be applicable if the switch exists… but if it is followed by another modification opening the switch, the application of the whole list of modifications will fail.


To cover both of these cases, it is proposed to create 2 "dry run" modes:

  1. a simple one, called the local dry run, which would just check the application of a single NetworkModification;
  2. a more costly one, called the full dry run, which will try to perform a whole list of modifications on a copy of the network and will return if this was successfully achieved.

Local dry run

To implement the local dry run, the NetworkModification.apply(Network, NamingStrategy, boolean, ComputationManager, ReportNode) method will take an additional parameter: boolean dryRun and will return a boolean:

Full dry run

This type is the simplest to implement, but also the most costly. It consists of a single method in NetworkModificationList: boolean fullDryRun(Network, NamingStrategy, ComputationManager, ReportNode)

This method should clone the network and call the NetworkModificationList's apply method with it. If no PowsyblException is catched, the dry run is a success and the method should return true. Else, It should return false.

Special case of NetworkModificationList's apply method

As each NetworkModification's apply method, the one of NetworkModificationList should have the additional boolean dryRun parameter and should return a boolean:

How to know if a local dry run is pertinent? Each NetworkModification should implement 2 new methods (better names can be used):

The local dry run could be performed by the NetworkModificationList's apply method if:

pjeanmarie commented 3 months ago

Can use of local dry run replace Rao canBeApplied? yes

Rao canBeApplied was only doing separate equivalent of local dry runs for each of its elementary actions, without taking into account interaction between multiple elementary actions (but most network action have only one elementary action). So local dry run (as describe above) can be used in Rao on each elementary actions to reproduce canBeApplied behavior* (even without using NetworkModificationList) and using NetworkModificationList local dry run or a full dry run will be more precise than actual Rao.

NB. The exception in Rao is the network action SwitchPair elementary action which canBeApplied is not linked to the fact that the modification are applicable and so it will keep is own implementation of canBeApplied in Rao.

*To be exact: canBeApplied was verifying less thinks that the local dry run will, but it was not on purpose so using less permissive local dry run will be better.

pjeanmarie commented 3 months ago

Can use of dry run (local or full) can replace Rao hasImpactOnNetwork? no

Local dry run as describe above do not answer this question but we could imagine a similar mechanism than the local dry run that will answer the question of hasImpactOnNetwork by checking if the elements of the network are already in the configuration expected post-modification. It will have the same limitation in case of multiple actions by not saying if one modification cancel a previous one for instance.

Full dry run will not give that information because it return only a boolean, but it computes that information, for instance, if we return the copy of the network on which we applied the modifications we could compare it to the original network to see if there is at least one difference, in that case hasImpactOnNetwork is true.

annetill commented 1 week ago

Update: the full dry run is kept and has to be transferred in a dedicated PR. A new PR should be open to transferred the work done around the local dry run, in changing terminology because the local dry run is more a check than a dry run. Indeed, the user should be aware that in the check method, the treatments couldn't be equivalent as what could be done in a full dry run.

The check must cover a need to know if a remedial action can be applied on a network. But, it seems pertinent to cover also the need to know if a remedial action, that can be applied on a network, has or not a real impact. Doing these two functionalities in a single method leads to performance gain.

See in powsybl-open-rao, where the needs are located:

 * Remedial action interface specifying a direct action on the network.
 * <p>
 * The Network Action is completely defined by itself.
 * It involves a Set of {@link Action}.
 * When the apply method is called, a {@link com.powsybl.iidm.modification.NetworkModification}
 * is triggered on each of these elementary remedial actions.
 * @author Joris Mancini {@literal <joris.mancini at rte-france.com>}
 * @author Baptiste Seguinot {@literal <baptiste.seguinot at rte-france.com>}
public interface NetworkAction extends RemedialAction<NetworkAction> {

     * States if the remedial action would change the current state of the network. It has no impact on the network.
     * @param network: Network that serves as reference for the impact.
     * @return True if the remedial action would have an impact on the network.
    boolean hasImpactOnNetwork(final Network network);

we have to look at all implementations and put the equivalent method in powsybl-core. And

    public boolean canBeApplied(Network network) {
        // TODO: To implement on powsybl-core Action
        return elementaryActions.stream().allMatch(elementaryAction -> {
            if (elementaryAction instanceof ShuntCompensatorPositionAction shuntCompensatorPositionAction) {
                ShuntCompensator shuntCompensator = network.getShuntCompensator(shuntCompensatorPositionAction.getShuntCompensatorId());
                return shuntCompensatorPositionAction.getSectionCount() <= shuntCompensator.getMaximumSectionCount();
            } else if (elementaryAction instanceof GeneratorAction || elementaryAction instanceof LoadAction || elementaryAction instanceof DanglingLineAction) {
                return true;
            } else if (elementaryAction instanceof PhaseTapChangerTapPositionAction phaseTapChangerTapPositionAction) {
                // hypothesis: transformer is a two windings transformer
                PhaseTapChanger phaseTapChanger = network.getTwoWindingsTransformer(phaseTapChangerTapPositionAction.getTransformerId()).getPhaseTapChanger();
                int tapPosition = phaseTapChangerTapPositionAction.getTapPosition();
                return tapPosition >= phaseTapChanger.getLowTapPosition() && tapPosition <= phaseTapChanger.getHighTapPosition();
            } else if (elementaryAction instanceof SwitchPair switchPair) {
                // It is only applicable if, initially, one switch was closed and the other was open.
                return network.getSwitch(switchPair.getSwitchToOpen().getId()).isOpen() != network.getSwitch(switchPair.getSwitchToClose().getId()).isOpen();
            } else if (elementaryAction instanceof TerminalsConnectionAction || elementaryAction instanceof SwitchAction) {
                return true;
            } else {
                throw new NotImplementedException();