powsybl / powsybl-gse

JavaFX UI for powsybl framework
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window flicker/move on java11 #162

Open jonenst opened 5 years ago

jonenst commented 5 years ago

Running on fedora 27 with gnome3. I'm running the exact same jar in both cases (adding the javafx jars manually for java11 since they were removed from the jdk)

On java 8, there is one flicker when the main window opens. The splash screen and the open dialog don't flicker. java8

On java 11, it flickers everytime: java11

We need to find if it's a bug in our code or not.

jonenst commented 5 years ago

Using -Djdk.gtk.version=2 works around this issue.. I would be nice to find a bugreport if this is a bug in openjfx
