powturbo / TurboBench

Compression Benchmark
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Feedback - Open Benchmark Directory (user testdatafiles/proposals allowed) #10

Closed Sanmayce closed 6 years ago

Sanmayce commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for the nifty TurboBench, after wandering here and there, finally thought it is a good idea to post my endless quest (in form of console logs and tables) for giving a rich picture of [de]compressors of today. Hope, you don't mind me posting on a weekly basis inhere. My wish is we to have on a public site (GitHub is fully okay) as many as possible interesting datasets tested.

The older package used for tests:

The single PDF file unfinished (134 pages) overview of Textual Benchmarks (done on my other laptop with i5-7200u) is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DUVowDtp__WGiC3HIw1whE2dTKt7kvBD/view?usp=sharing

tsds_00 tsds_0 tsds_1 tsds_2 tsds_3 tsds_4

Wanted to be much more versatile and bigger, but it is what it is.

The newer package used for tests:

The testmachine will be (already acquired) the Toshiba laptop that I used to torture:

i5-2430m_1 i5-2430m_2

My wish was (has to wait) to buy a dedicated machine for heavy compression benchmarks with i3-8100 and 64GB DDR4: http://www.overclock.net/forum/158-laptops-netbooks/1619592-kaby-lake-intel-core-i5-7200u-how-fast.html#post26536756 The key thing inhere is the eventual running of any file (<1.5GB due to free RAM being ~14GB). It would be nice once and for all we to have one versatile roster. My preference towards textual data remains, so the files listed below will be run first.


02/13/2018  02:48 AM    <DIR>          .
02/13/2018  02:48 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/13/2018  03:40 AM    <DIR>          _Check_Integrity_Folder
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       193,367,552 Big_Soviet_Encyclopedia_in_30_volumes_(1239-HTMs).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       681,979,392 book_serie_SPETSNAZ_803_novels_(Russian).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,000,000,000 enwik9
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       648,260,096 gcc-6.3.0_(96398_Files_5502_Folders).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     2,037,880,832 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,640,759,296 Machine-Learning_amazon_review_full_csv_(35_million_reviews).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     4,680,140,800 Machine-Learning_British-National-Corpus_XML-edition.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       405,610,647 Machine-Learning_Douban_Movie_Short_Comments_(Chinese).csv
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       150,950,913 Machine-Learning_Global_Terrorism_Database_(more_than_170000_terrorist_attacks_worldwide_1970-2016).csv
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,917,822,288 Machine-Learning_Urban_Dictionary_Definitions_Corpus_(1999_-_May-2016).words.json
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       310,654,639 Machine-Learning_Wikipedia_Article_Titles_(September-20-2017).txt
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       133,901,432 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       630,339,584 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_every-song-you-have-heard-almost_(over_500000_song_lyrics).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       203,288,144 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_examine-the-examiner_(headlines_of_3_million_articles).csv
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       385,286,656 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_japaneseenglish-bilingual-corpus_(500000_pairs_of_manually-translated_sentences).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       282,218,054 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_opencorpora-russian_(A_Tagged_1.5_Million_Word_Corpus_of_Russian).txt
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       560,714,120 Oxford_English_Dictionary_2nd_Edition_Version_4_(En-En).dsl
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       325,071,872 Star_Trek_-_737_Ebooks.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       630,349,312 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,028,290,560 Stephan_Kaze_windows_nt_4_source_code.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,382,122,496 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,499,100,672 the-anarchist-library-2016-01-18-en.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM     1,036,155,727 Urban_Dictionary_2015_(Eng-Eng)_utf8.dsl
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       681,378,816 webdevdata.org_8000_home_pages_from_the_top_10000_most_popular_web_sites.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       686,991,360 www.kernel.org_linux-4.8.4.tar
02/13/2018  03:42 AM       975,021,056 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov_Dragonfly_(Ladona_fulva)_whole_genome_shotgun.tar

E:\Textual_Madness_quickoverview>type _Check_Integrity_Folder\_Check_Integrity.ORIGINAL
d32999b84d3a0c1395c4b5ed9200a248ce6f3d38  ..\Big_Soviet_Encyclopedia_in_30_volumes_(1239-HTMs).tar
ad49660290b680d759238ab0c5a8d15307080b68  ..\book_serie_SPETSNAZ_803_novels_(Russian).tar
2996e86fb978f93cca8f566cc56998923e7fe581  ..\enwik9
c103fbe221bfb384c2417e27fcb7c6420fd114f1  ..\gcc-6.3.0_(96398_Files_5502_Folders).tar
7c2e32a76716e184d302e5542b96c16e95047002  ..\INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
05a382d4d82a2b81f954f17a3cbe8950e36c3a55  ..\Machine-Learning_amazon_review_full_csv_(35_million_reviews).tar
e199cd3f606db268cdd0be5eef1c4932f37acd13  ..\Machine-Learning_British-National-Corpus_XML-edition.tar
c3a9a9116551646c04317abb1c1b4d612cdeb3e9  ..\Machine-Learning_Douban_Movie_Short_Comments_(Chinese).csv
7db6ec6256ac5346e8f98ca52076d12193ae84d7  ..\Machine-Learning_Global_Terrorism_Database_(more_than_170000_terrorist_attacks_worldwide_1970-2016).csv
fd0567e4a5d800f1880c6efa459125d4256646f4  ..\Machine-Learning_Urban_Dictionary_Definitions_Corpus_(1999_-_May-2016).words.json
89d5905943237c81ce0c6ff0c08a001e4f0b6355  ..\Machine-Learning_Wikipedia_Article_Titles_(September-20-2017).txt
56ffb512c8e055a5b3bb959c0210521dca13d178  ..\Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
b5e3ce3ec31d7088709fde1a6465088beeaf4c91  ..\Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_every-song-you-have-heard-almost_(over_500000_song_lyrics).tar
ab83ab51bb94b6ddeac80639fc83cbfe7ed35743  ..\Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_examine-the-examiner_(headlines_of_3_million_articles).csv
6014d55046c734a5be1c006c136432203bab0c3a  ..\Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_japaneseenglish-bilingual-corpus_(500000_pairs_of_manually-translated_sentences).tar
6a4dfc9b77af3c15ba58c1032f549448e4da2dcb  ..\Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_opencorpora-russian_(A_Tagged_1.5_Million_Word_Corpus_of_Russian).txt
31ae7c9ecdbfbf79221bab5db963268acec3f77a  ..\Oxford_English_Dictionary_2nd_Edition_Version_4_(En-En).dsl
b8e5c4b1932300dee41c1e9655951599d4f7a036  ..\Star_Trek_-_737_Ebooks.tar
199769ffd4c11c8d01fa0bac00b65edf830455bd  ..\Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
4b42a93f4cb3952dc878f1c3ee600bf9162b4f8b  ..\Stephan_Kaze_windows_nt_4_source_code.tar
f8cd4ad35c75f3f40df1658cd54bdc14eb8d952e  ..\TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
76287ba461260fb11bfd6d4f6acc44a1d5857bee  ..\the-anarchist-library-2016-01-18-en.tar
d7827d7458bcd5457aa1499a8479fd05a574a591  ..\Urban_Dictionary_2015_(Eng-Eng)_utf8.dsl
ef845f6b1a57d69228999664e000e2e678fe501a  ..\webdevdata.org_8000_home_pages_from_the_top_10000_most_popular_web_sites.tar
b569d3709706ff240ade45b276f5ed78b931a417  ..\www.kernel.org_linux-4.8.4.tar
25cc7d3b4f18e63f5452127f2b915adc834f1f67  ..\www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov_Dragonfly_(Ladona_fulva)_whole_genome_shotgun.tar

E:\Textual_Madness_quickoverview>type Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
2;0;Drama|Crime;tt0094675;fi;Ariel;Taisto Kasurinen is a Finnish coal miner whose father has just committed suicide and who is framed for a crime he did not commit. In jail, he starts to dream about leaving the country and starting a new life. He escapes from prison but things don't go as planned...;0.823904;Villealfa Filmproduction Oy;Finland;21/10/1988;0;69;suomi;Released;;Ariel;7.1;40;2;1;2
3;0;Drama|Comedy;tt0092149;fi;Varjoja paratiisissa;An episode in the life of Nikander, a garbage man, involving the death of a co-worker, an affair and much more.;0.47445;Villealfa Filmproduction Oy;Finland;16/10/1986;0;76;English;Released;;Shadows in Paradise;7.0;32;1;1;3
5;4000000;Crime|Comedy;tt0113101;en;Four Rooms;It's Ted the Bellhop's first night on the job...and the hotel's very unusual guests are about to place him in some outrageous predicaments. It seems that this evening's room service is serving up one unbelievable happening after another.;1.698;Miramax Films;United States of America;25/12/1995;4300000;98;English;Released;Twelve outrageous guests. Four scandalous requests. And one lone bellhop, in his first day on the job, who's in for the wildest New year's Eve of his life.;Four Rooms;6.5;485;2;1;1
6;0;Action|Thriller|Crime;tt0107286;en;Judgment Night;"While racing to a boxing match, Frank, Mike, John and Rey get more than they bargained for. A wrong turn lands them directly in the path of Fallon, a vicious, wise-cracking drug lord. After accidentally witnessing Fallon murder a disloyal henchman, the four become his unwilling prey in a savage game of cat &amp; mouse as they are mercilessly stalked through the urban jungle in this taut suspense drama";1.32287;Universal Pictures;Japan;15/10/1993;12136938;110;English;Released;Don't move. Don't whisper. Don't even breathe.;Judgment Night;6.5;69;3;2;1
8;42000;Documentary;tt0825671;en;Life in Loops (A Megacities RMX);"Timo Novotny labels his new project an experimental music documentary film, in a remix of the celebrated film Megacities (1997), a visually refined essay on the hidden faces of several world ""megacities"" by leading Austrian documentarist Michael Glawogger. Novotny complements 30 % of material taken straight from the film (and re-edited) with 70 % as yet unseen footage in which he blends original shots unused by Glawogger with his own sequences (shot by Megacities cameraman Wolfgang Thaler) from Tokyo. Alongside the Japanese metropolis, Life in Loops takes us right into the atmosphere of Mexico City, New York, Moscow and Bombay. This electrifying combination of fascinating film images and an equally compelling soundtrack from Sofa Surfers sets us off on a stunning audiovisual adventure across the continents. The film also makes an original contribution to the discussion on new trends in documentary filmmaking. Written by KARLOVY VARY IFF 2006";0.054716;inLoops;Austria;01/01/2006;0;80;English;Released;A Megacities remix.;Life in Loops (A Megacities RMX);6.4;4;1;1;5
9;0;Drama;tt0425473;de;Sonntag im August;;0.001647;none;Germany;02/09/2004;0;15;Deutsch;Released;;Sunday in August;5.3;2;0;1;1
11;11000000;Adventure|Action|Science Fiction;tt0076759;en;Star Wars;Princess Leia is captured and held hostage by the evil Imperial forces in their effort to take over the galactic Empire. Venturesome Luke Skywalker and dashing captain Han Solo team together with the loveable robot duo R2-D2 and C-3PO to rescue the beautiful princess and restore peace and justice in the Empire.;10.492614;Lucasfilm;United States of America;25/05/1977;775398007;121;English;Released;A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...;Star Wars;8.0;6168;2;1;1
12;94000000;Animation|Family;tt0266543;en;Finding Nemo;Nemo, an adventurous young clownfish, is unexpectedly taken from his Great Barrier Reef home to a dentist's office aquarium. It's up to his worrisome father Marlin and a friendly but forgetful fish Dory to bring Nemo home -- meeting vegetarian sharks, surfer dude turtles, hypnotic jellyfish, hungry seagulls, and more along the way.;9.915573;Pixar Animation Studios;United States of America;30/05/2003;940335536;100;English;Released;There are 3.7 trillion fish in the ocean, they're looking for one.;Finding Nemo;7.6;5531;1;1;1
13;55000000;Comedy|Drama|Romance;tt0109830;en;Forrest Gump;A man with a low IQ has accomplished great things in his life and been present during significant historic events - in each case, far exceeding what anyone imagined he could do. Yet, despite all the things he has attained, his one true love eludes him. 'Forrest Gump' is the story of a man who rose above his challenges, and who proved that determination, courage, and love are more important than ability.;10.351236;Paramount Pictures;United States of America;06/07/1994;677945399;142;English;Released;The world will never be the same, once you've seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.;Forrest Gump;8.2;7204;1;1;1
14;15000000;Drama;tt0169547;en;American Beauty;Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father in a mid-life crisis, decides to turn his hectic life around after developing an infatuation with his daughter's attractive friend.;8.191009;DreamWorks SKG;United States of America;15/09/1999;356296601;122;English;Released;Look closer.;American Beauty;7.9;2994;2;1;1
15;839727;Mystery|Drama;tt0033467;en;Citizen Kane;Newspaper magnate, Charles Foster Kane is taken from his mother as a boy and made the ward of a rich industrialist. As a result, every well-meaning, tyrannical or self-destructive move he makes for the rest of his life appears in some way to be a reaction to that deeply wounding event.;3.82689;RKO Radio Pictures;United States of America;30/04/1941;23217674;119;English;Released;It's Terrific!;Citizen Kane;7.9;1110;2;1;1
16;12800000;Drama|Crime|Music;tt0168629;en;Dancer in the Dark;Selma, a Czech immigrant on the verge of blindness, struggles to make ends meet for herself and her son, who has inherited the same genetic disorder and will suffer the same fate without an expensive operation. When life gets too difficult, Selma learns to cope through her love of musicals, escaping life's troubles - even if just for a moment - by dreaming up little numbers to the rhythmic beats of her surroundings.;2.106217;Fine Line Features;Argentina;17/05/2000;40031879;140;English;Released;You don't need eyes to see.;Dancer in the Dark;7.6;348;26;12;1
17;0;Horror|Thriller|Mystery;tt0411267;en;The Dark;Adèle and her daughter Sarah are traveling on the Welsh coastline to see her husband James when Sarah disappears. A different but similar looking girl appears who says she died in a past time. Adèle tries to discover what happened to her daughter as she is tormented by Celtic mythology from the past.;1.253999;Constantin Film;Germany;26/01/2006;0;87;English;Released;One of the living for one of the dead.;The Dark;5.6;69;4;2;2
18;90000000;Adventure|Fantasy|Action|Thriller|Science Fiction;tt0119116;en;The Fifth Element;In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.;9.233786;Columbia Pictures;France;07/05/1997;263920180;126;English;Released;There is no future without it.;The Fifth Element;7.2;3629;2;1;3
19;92620000;Drama|Science Fiction;tt0017136;de;Metropolis;In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences.;3.669986;Paramount Pictures;Germany;10/01/1927;650422;153;No Language;Released;There can be no understanding between the hands and the brain unless the heart acts as mediator.;Metropolis;8.0;614;2;1;1
20;0;Drama|Romance;tt0314412;en;My Life Without Me;A Pedro Almodovar production in which a fatally ill mother with only two months to live creates a list of things she wants to do before she dies with out telling her family of her illness.;0.911462;El Deseo;Canada;07/03/2003;9726954;106;English;Released;;My Life Without Me;7.2;75;2;2;1
21;0;Documentary;tt0060371;en;The Endless Summer;The Endless Summer, by Bruce Brown, is one of the first and most influential surf movies of all times. The film documents American surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August as they travel the world during California’s winter (which back in 1965 was off-season for surfing) in search of the perfect wave and an endless summer.;0.144179;Bruce Brown Films;United States of America;15/06/1966;0;95;English;Released;;The Endless Summer;7.8;20;1;1;1
22;140000000;Adventure|Fantasy|Action;tt0325980;en;Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl;Jack Sparrow, a freewheeling 17th-century pirate who roams the Caribbean Sea, butts heads with a rival pirate bent on pillaging the village of Port Royal. When the governor's daughter is kidnapped, Sparrow decides to help the girl's love save her. But their seafaring mission is hardly simple.;28.769026;Walt Disney Pictures;United States of America;09/07/2003;655011224;143;English;Released;Prepare to be blown out of the water.;Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl;7.4;6368;2;1;1
24;30000000;Action|Crime;tt0266697;en;Kill Bill: Vol. 1;An assassin is shot at the altar by her ruthless employer, Bill and other members of their assassination circle – but 'The Bride' lives to plot her vengeance. Setting out for some payback, she makes a death list and hunts down those who wronged her, saving Bill for last.;7.891837;Miramax Films;United States of America;10/10/2003;180949000;111;English;Released;Go for the kill.;Kill Bill: Vol. 1;7.7;4486;3;1;3
25;72000000;Drama|War;tt0418763;en;Jarhead;Jarhead is a film about a US Marine Anthony Swofford’s experience in the Gulf War. After putting up with an arduous boot camp, Swafford and his unit are sent to the Persian Gulf where they are earger to fight but are forced to stay back from the action. Meanwhile Swofford gets news of his girlfriend is cheating on him. Desperately he wants to kill someone and finally put his training to use.;2.41718;Universal Pictures;Germany;04/11/2005;96889998;125;English;Released;Welcome to the suck.;Jarhead;6.5;722;4;2;4
26;1400000;Drama;tt0352994;en;LaLehet Al HaMayim;Eyal, an Israeli Mossad agent, is given the mission to track down and kill the very old Alfred Himmelman, an ex-Nazi officer, who might still be alive. Pretending to be a tourist guide, he befriends his grandson Axel, in Israel to visit his sister Pia. The two men set out on a tour of the country during which, Axel challenges Eyal's values.;0.455665;Lama Films;Israel;05/02/2004;0;103;العربية;Released;He was trained to hate until he met the enemy.;Walk on Water;6.4;18;2;2;6
27;1000000;Drama|Music|Romance;tt0411705;en;9 Songs;Matt, a young glaciologist, soars across the vast, silent, icebound immensities of the South Pole as he recalls his love affair with Lisa. They meet at a mobbed rock concert in a vast music hall - London's Brixton Academy. They are in bed at night's end. Together, over a period of several months, they pursue a mutual sexual passion whose inevitable stages unfold in counterpoint to nine live-concert songs.;2.939728;Revolution Films;United Kingdom;16/07/2004;1574623;66;English;Released;2 lovers, one summer, and the 9 songs that defined them.;9 Songs;5.1;95;1;1;1
28;31500000;Drama|War;tt0078788;en;Apocalypse Now;"At the height of the Vietnam war, Captain Benjamin Willard is sent on a dangerous mission that, officially, ""does not exist, nor will it ever exist."" His goal is to locate - and eliminate - a mysterious Green Beret Colonel named Walter Kurtz, who has been leading his personal army on illegal guerrilla missions into enemy territory.";7.620077;United Artists;United States of America;15/08/1979;89460381;153;;Released;This is the end...;Apocalypse Now;8.0;1869;2;1;4
30;0;Animation|Science Fiction;tt1530535;ja;彼女の想いで;Koji Morimato’s animated science fiction short story about how the boarder between reality and illusion on a space station become blurry.;0.811221;Studio 4°C;Japan;23/12/1995;0;44;日本語;Released;;Magnetic Rose;7.7;10;1;1;1
31;0;Action|Animation|Comedy;tt6266826;ja;最臭兵器;Tensai Okamura’s animated action packed short story with lots of humorous elements in which a person transforms into a weapon of mass destruction without themselves being aware.;1.281042;Studio 4°C;Japan;23/12/1995;0;40;日本語;Released;;Stink Bomb;5.3;3;1;1;1
32;0;Animation|History;tt6264824;ja;大砲の街;Otomo Katsuhiro’s short anime story;0.838219;Studio 4°C;Japan;23/12/1995;0;21;日本語;Released;;Cannon Fodder;5.3;3;1;1;1

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>_BENCH_a_file.BAT Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>lzbench173 -c4 -i1,15 -o3 -ebrotli24,1,5,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd24,12,22/zstd24LDM,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,1,12/lz4fast,1,99/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/zlib,1,5,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzbench 1.7.3 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   6365 MB/s  6365 MB/s   133901432    133901432 100.00 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
The results sorted by column number 4:
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
csc 2016-10-13 -5        1.65 MB/s    45 MB/s   133901432     34749865  25.95 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzma 16.04 -9            0.78 MB/s    60 MB/s   133901432     34816931  26.00 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
xz 5.2.3 -9              0.82 MB/s    55 MB/s   133901432     34817747  26.00 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzham 1.0 -d26 -4        0.58 MB/s   122 MB/s   133901432     35117612  26.23 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzlib 1.8 -9             0.74 MB/s    40 MB/s   133901432     35346969  26.40 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
tornado 0.6a -16         0.87 MB/s   119 MB/s   133901432     36088796  26.95 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
brotli24 2017-12-12 -11  0.33 MB/s   172 MB/s   133901432     36237727  27.06 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzham24 1.0 -4           0.71 MB/s   122 MB/s   133901432     36536959  27.29 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
zstd24 1.3.3 -22         0.89 MB/s   335 MB/s   133901432     36966062  27.61 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -22      0.91 MB/s   337 MB/s   133901432     37129453  27.73 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
zling 2016-01-10 -4        18 MB/s   103 MB/s   133901432     41708378  31.15 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzham 1.0 -d26 -1        1.43 MB/s   125 MB/s   133901432     42404312  31.67 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
zstd24 1.3.3 -12         5.02 MB/s   344 MB/s   133901432     44018384  32.87 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
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brotli24 2017-12-12 -1     91 MB/s   200 MB/s   133901432     56499193  42.19 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -9        0.94 MB/s   188 MB/s   133901432     56995941  42.57 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
libdeflate 0.7 -1          88 MB/s   349 MB/s   133901432     58406821  43.62 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzo1b 2.09 -999            10 MB/s   393 MB/s   133901432     60063312  44.86 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lz4hc 1.8.0 -12          8.74 MB/s  1610 MB/s   133901432     60256681  45.00 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
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lz4hc 1.8.0 -10            15 MB/s  1627 MB/s   133901432     60525615  45.20 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lizard 1.0 -39           5.43 MB/s  1626 MB/s   133901432     61587571  45.99 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzg 1.0.8 -9             0.62 MB/s   403 MB/s   133901432     61803020  46.16 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
zlib 1.2.11 -1             51 MB/s   190 MB/s   133901432     62234317  46.48 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzmat 1.01                 22 MB/s   193 MB/s   133901432     62428884  46.62 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
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brieflz 1.1.0              70 MB/s   108 MB/s   133901432     63919589  47.74 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
density 0.12.5 beta -3    104 MB/s   196 MB/s   133901432     63987540  47.79 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
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lzvn 2017-03-08            30 MB/s   546 MB/s   133901432     66786297  49.88 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
gipfeli 2016-07-13        102 MB/s   208 MB/s   133901432     68309192  51.01 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -5        83 MB/s   279 MB/s   133901432     70927828  52.97 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
pithy 2011-12-24 -9       162 MB/s   815 MB/s   133901432     73138033  54.62 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
shrinker 0.1              193 MB/s   577 MB/s   133901432     75857895  56.65 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzf 3.6 -1                167 MB/s   346 MB/s   133901432     78638419  58.73 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
fastlz 0.1 -2             164 MB/s   302 MB/s   133901432     80024724  59.76 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -3         126 MB/s   167 MB/s   133901432     80345979  60.00 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
yappy 2014-03-22 -99       61 MB/s  1431 MB/s   133901432     81157014  60.61 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
blosclz 2015-11-10 -9     140 MB/s   470 MB/s   133901432     81334487  60.74 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
snappy 1.1.4              192 MB/s   652 MB/s   133901432     84587804  63.17 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
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lz4 1.8.0                 273 MB/s  1773 MB/s   133901432     86683715  64.74 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
wflz 2015-09-16           123 MB/s   508 MB/s   133901432     90616277  67.67 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lzjb 2010                 155 MB/s   300 MB/s   133901432    101511464  75.81 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
lz4fast 1.8.0 -99        3442 MB/s  5355 MB/s   133901432    133073240  99.38 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>"turbobenchs_Official_v17.04_-_build_07_Apr_2017.exe" Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv -elibdeflate,12/oodle,19,49,89,112,114,116,118,129/lzsse2,17/lzturbo,19,12,29,22,39,32,49,59/zstd,12,22/lizard,19,29,39,49/brotli,11/lzma,9/bzip2/xpack,9/chameleon,2/density,3/lzham,4/trle/bsc,3,6/zpaq,2,5 -g -I1 -J31 -k1 -B2G
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    36219098    27.0       0.34     342.69   oodle 129                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    36219098    27.0       0.39     342.40   oodle 89                         Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    37551395    28.0       0.20     206.53   oodle 19                         Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    38197262    28.5       0.35     212.81   brotli 11                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    38824278    29.0      15.90      10.57   bsc 3                            Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    39475083    29.5       9.44      18.91   bzip2                            Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    39775117    29.7       0.73     516.82   lzturbo 29                       Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    41317955    30.9      16.96     351.28   lzturbo 32                       Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    42616730    31.8       0.40     224.70   xpack 9                          Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    44018388    32.9       4.99     381.61   zstd 12                          Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    44786082    33.4       2.71      51.32   zpaq 2                           Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    52052057    38.9       0.85     680.56   lizard 49                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    52203900    39.0       5.74     360.87   libdeflate 12                    Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    52980232    39.6       0.87     795.93   lizard 29                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    53378419    39.9      16.99     603.31   lzturbo 22                       Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    54676451    40.8       5.62    1800.68   lzsse2 17                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    56151529    41.9       0.34    1621.35   oodle 116                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    56763285    42.4       0.45    1607.96   oodle 118                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    60271701    45.0       0.84    2400.20   lzturbo 19                       Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    60290973    45.0       2.73    1716.35   oodle 49                         Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    60301682    45.0       5.30    1850.90   lizard 19                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    61519812    45.9       8.27    1765.82   oodle 114                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    61587575    46.0       5.38    1738.74   lizard 39                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    63905083    47.7      29.59    2402.07   lzturbo 12                       Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    63987386    47.8     114.56     205.91   density 3                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    67517585    50.4      29.13    2244.17   oodle 112                        Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
    82491467    61.6    1043.42    1581.51   chameleon 2                      Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb
   133625257    99.8     104.70    1420.42   trle                             Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.tbb

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o6 -m256 -fMachine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.O6.PPMd_varI Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016

Kernel  Time =     0.156 =    0%
User    Time =    28.797 =   97%
Process Time =    28.953 =   97%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =    29.555 =  100%    Physical Memory =    203 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o16 -m256 -fMachine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.O16.PPMd_varI Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016

Kernel  Time =     0.234 =    0%
User    Time =    48.719 =   98%
Process Time =    48.953 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =    49.416 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -tgzip -mx9 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MX9.zip Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 133901432 bytes (128 MiB)

Creating archive: Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MX9.zip

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 52319186 bytes (50 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     0.093 =    0%
User    Time =   143.130 =   99%
Process Time =   143.224 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =      6 MB
Global  Time =   143.710 =  100%    Physical Memory =      7 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -t7z -mx9 -md=29 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MX9Dict512.7z Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 133901432 bytes (128 MiB)

Creating archive: Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MX9Dict512.7z

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 34610398 bytes (34 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     1.372 =    1%
User    Time =   180.368 =  136%
Process Time =   181.741 =  137%    Virtual  Memory =   1356 MB
Global  Time =   132.258 =  100%    Physical Memory =   1293 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "xz_v5.2.3_x64.exe" -z -k -f -9 -e -v -v --lzma2=dict=512MiB --threads=1 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Filter chain: --lzma2=dict=512MiB,lc=3,lp=0,pb=2,mode=normal,nice=64,mf=bt4,depth=0
xz_v5.2.3_x64: 5,378 MiB of memory is required. The limiter is disabled.
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Decompression will need 513 MiB of memory.
Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv (1/1)
  100 %        33.0 MiB / 127.7 MiB = 0.258   750 KiB/s       2:54

Kernel  Time =     0.811 =    0%
User    Time =   171.975 =   98%
Process Time =   172.786 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   5389 MB
Global  Time =   174.423 =  100%    Physical Memory =   1525 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "bsc_v3.1.0_x64.exe" e Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.ST6Block512.bsc -b512 -m6 -cp -Tt
This is bsc, Block Sorting Compressor. Version 3.1.0. 8 July 2012.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ilya Grebnov <Ilya.Grebnov@gmail.com>.

Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-them compressed 133901432 into 28865952 in 11.420 seconds.

Kernel  Time =     0.374 =    3%
User    Time =    10.623 =   87%
Process Time =    10.998 =   90%    Virtual  Memory =    715 MB
Global  Time =    12.197 =  100%    Physical Memory =    709 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.method29.zpaq Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv -method 29 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 133.901432 MB in 1 files -method 29 -threads 1 at 2017-12-02 08:53:06.
100.00% 0:00:00 + Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv 133901432
100.00% 0:00:00 [1..1898] 133909032 -method 29,121,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (133.901432 -> 133.901432 -> 41.293302) = 41.293302 MB
62.728 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     0.234 =    0%
User    Time =    60.559 =   96%
Process Time =    60.793 =   96%    Virtual  Memory =   1190 MB
Global  Time =    62.769 =  100%    Physical Memory =    774 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.method59.zpaq Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv -method 59 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 133.901432 MB in 1 files -method 59 -threads 1 at 2017-12-02 08:54:09.
100.00% 0:00:00 + Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv 133901432
100.00% 0:00:00 [1..1898] 133909032 -method 59,121,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (133.901432 -> 133.901432 -> 26.153739) = 26.153739 MB
547.049 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     0.483 =    0%
User    Time =   544.100 =   99%
Process Time =   544.583 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   2064 MB
Global  Time =   547.053 =  100%    Physical Memory =   1656 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 lz5 -49 -B7 --no-frame-crc Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
using blocks of size 262144 KB
Compressed filename will be : Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.lz5
Compressed 133901432 bytes into 45174349 bytes ==> 33.74%

Kernel  Time =     0.202 =    0%
User    Time =   161.554 =   98%
Process Time =   161.757 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =    676 MB
Global  Time =   163.938 =  100%    Physical Memory =    463 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -cc Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.cc.nz Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|35487 MHz|#2+HT|14832/16332 MB
Archive: Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.cc.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_cm [524 MB]
Compressed 133 901 432 into 26 762 899 in 3m 16.03s, 667 KB/s
IO-in: 0.08s, 1502 MB/s. IO-out: 0.01s, 1702 MB/s

Kernel  Time =     0.390 =    0%
User    Time =   200.008 =   99%
Process Time =   200.398 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    539 MB
Global  Time =   200.953 =  100%    Physical Memory =    474 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -co Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.co.nz Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|49756 MHz|#2+HT|14843/16332 MB
Archive: Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.co.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_optimum1 [540 MB]
Compressed 133 901 432 into 27 087 613 in 16.23s, 8055 KB/s
IO-in: 0.10s, 1228 MB/s. IO-out: 0.13s, 187 MB/s

Kernel  Time =     0.858 =    4%
User    Time =    15.927 =   89%
Process Time =    16.785 =   94%    Virtual  Memory =    559 MB
Global  Time =    17.731 =  100%    Physical Memory =    407 MB

CABARC, Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0, Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m LZX:21 N Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.LZX21.cab Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.LZX21.cab' with compression 'LZX:21':
  -- adding Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     0.436 =    0%
User    Time =   135.206 =   98%
Process Time =   135.642 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =     20 MB
Global  Time =   137.652 =  100%    Physical Memory =     21 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m MSZIP N Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MSZIP.cab Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MSZIP.cab' with compression 'MSZIP':
  -- adding Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     0.280 =    1%
User    Time =    15.007 =   86%
Process Time =    15.288 =   88%    Virtual  Memory =      1 MB
Global  Time =    17.293 =  100%    Physical Memory =      3 MB

Compress, version: (N)compress, compiled: Fri, Aug 23, 2013 11:56:09. Authors: Peter Jannesen, Dave Mack, Spencer W. Thomas, Jim McKie, Steve Davies, Ken Turkowski, James A. Woods, Joe Orost.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 compress.exe -c Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv  1>Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.Z

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 zstd-v1.3.3-win64.exe --ultra -22 --zstd=wlog=29,clog=30,hlog=30,slog=26 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv : 26.40%   (133901432 => 35354048 bytes, Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.zst)

Kernel  Time =     1.965 =    0%
User    Time =  1353.917 =   99%
Process Time =  1355.882 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   8339 MB
Global  Time =  1359.043 =  100%    Physical Memory =   8340 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-12_Judaica>timer64 rz_1.01.exe a -d 512M Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.512M.rz Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

 *** RAZOR Archiver 1.01 (2017-09-14) - DEMO/TEST version ***
 *** (c) Christian Martelock (christian.martelock@web.de) ***

 Scanning h:\smashshop_2018-feb-12_judaica\machine-learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv
 Found 0 dirs, 1 files, 133901432 bytes.

 Creating archive Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.512M.rz
 Window : 130764K (512M..128G)
 Header : 98
 Size   : 29922927

 Archive ok. Added 0 dirs, 1 files, 133901432 bytes.
 CPU time = 639.230s / wall time = 477.908s

Kernel  Time =     2.620 =    0%
User    Time =   639.229 =  133%
Process Time =   641.850 =  134%    Virtual  Memory =   1600 MB
Global  Time =   478.017 =  100%    Physical Memory =   1494 MB

12/02/2017  01:03 AM        26,153,739 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.method59.zpaq
12/02/2017  01:09 AM        26,762,899 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.cc.nz
12/02/2017  01:09 AM        27,087,613 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.co.nz
12/02/2017  12:53 AM        28,865,952 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.ST6Block512.bsc
12/02/2017  12:44 AM        29,087,569 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.O6.PPMd_varI
12/02/2017  01:42 AM        29,922,927 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.512M.rz
12/02/2017  12:45 AM        30,120,412 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.O16.PPMd_varI
12/02/2017  12:49 AM        34,610,398 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MX9Dict512.7z
11/13/2017  12:08 AM        34,610,800 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.L9Dict512.xz
11/13/2017  12:08 AM        35,354,048 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.zst
12/02/2017  01:11 AM        40,245,342 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.LZX21.cab
12/02/2017  12:54 AM        41,293,302 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.method29.zpaq
11/13/2017  12:08 AM        45,174,349 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.M49Block256.lz5
12/02/2017  12:47 AM        52,319,186 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MX9.zip
12/02/2017  01:12 AM        54,300,130 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.MSZIP.cab
12/02/2017  01:12 AM        58,780,239 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv.Z
11/13/2017  12:08 AM       133,901,432 Machine-Learning_www.kaggle.com_350000-movies-from-themoviedb.org.csv

Above dump is only a candidate, I am open for suggestions as to what additional compressors/options to be added. The package used is this: smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica.zip 226 MB (237,723,608 bytes)

Sanmayce commented 6 years ago

The second testdatafile under scrutiny is 'TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar' - one excellent representative of Textual_Madness series, his maintainer Jason is kinda keeper of Pre-Internet i.e. BBS times text documents - a hardcore textkeeper, almost crazy as me/I.

textfiles com

After downloading all the directories, decompressing them, and tarring them into a single file, the resultant corpus became 1.3GB strong - suitable to steadily measure "cruise speed" i.e. uncached decompression rate across a chubby chunk of RAM.

textfiles com_ 58096_files tar

Matt Mahoney's fv tool and my Leprechaun Building-Blocks ripper come into play. Seeing that 64-bytes-chunk have entropy around 0.8 (suggests deduplicativeness is good) it would be interesting to give Zstd/7zip/BSC a go, with 31bit window, that is, all hands on deck in order to capture wind as fully as possible.

Entropy of Alphabetical Orders Table, in short, Decomposition Table, or, B.B.s Table:
| #1 Filesize     | #2  | #3 Granularity | #4 N.U.B.B.s    | #5 U.B.B.s      | #6 U.B.B.s_Alphabet | #7 Entropy    | #8 Filename 
| 001,382,122,496 | 001 | 008bit         | 001,382,122,496 | 000,000,000,256 | NewOrder = 008bit   | 0.000,000,185 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 002 | 016bit         | 001,382,122,495 | 000,000,065,536 | NewOrder = 016bit   | 0.000,047,416 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 004 | 032bit         | 001,382,122,493 | 000,018,815,000 | NewOrder = 025bit   | 0.013,613,121 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 008 | 064bit         | 001,382,122,489 | 000,142,060,792 | NewOrder = 028bit   | 0.102,784,520 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 064 | 512bit         | 001,382,122,433 | 001,115,907,301 | NewOrder = 031bit   | 0.807,386,688 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
Table Legend: 
#1: Filesize (in bytes) 
#2: Building-Blocks_Order = B.B.s_Order (in bytes) 
#3: Granularity = Alphabet_Order = "Letters"_size = B.B.s_Order x 8bit 
#4: N.U.B.B.s = Non-Unique-Building-Blocks = (Filesize - B.B.s_Order + 1)
#5: U.B.B.s = Unique-Building-Blocks 
#6: Shrunk_Alphabet (to house U.B.B.s) = NewOrder, for (NewOrder=1; UBBs > ((1LL)<<NewOrder); NewOrder++); 
#7: Entropy_Alphabetical = U.B.B.s / N.U.B.B.s; LOWER -> MORE COMPRESSIBLE; The bigger the number the higher the "diffusion" i.e.
    richness of combinations, when 1 then full coverage of Entropy spectrum is present, lower values suggest "textuality",
    higher Alphabetical Orders could "warn" for duplicative fragments 
#8: Filename
H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>lzbench173 -c4 -i1,15 -o3 -ebrotli24,1,5,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd24,12,22/zstd24LDM,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,1,12/lz4fast,1,99/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/zlib,1,5,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
lzbench 1.7.3 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   6332 MB/s  6327 MB/s  1382122496   1382122496 100.00 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
The results sorted by column number 4:
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
lzma 16.04 -9            1.01 MB/s    74 MB/s  1382122496    294365747  21.30 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
xz 5.2.3 -9              1.06 MB/s    67 MB/s  1382122496    294368247  21.30 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.23 MB/s    55 MB/s  1382122496    297190237  21.50 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzlib 1.8 -9             0.95 MB/s    49 MB/s  1382122496    298304742  21.58 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -4        0.72 MB/s   156 MB/s  1382122496    300823143  21.77 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
tornado 0.6a -16         1.00 MB/s   149 MB/s  1382122496    302743656  21.90 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -11  0.35 MB/s   230 MB/s  1382122496    305731677  22.12 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzham24 1.0 -4           0.86 MB/s   157 MB/s  1382122496    313141233  22.66 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -22         1.30 MB/s   431 MB/s  1382122496    313416488  22.68 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -22      1.45 MB/s   435 MB/s  1382122496    319352192  23.11 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -1        1.78 MB/s   159 MB/s  1382122496    344399202  24.92 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zling 2016-01-10 -4        26 MB/s   135 MB/s  1382122496    362251309  26.21 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -12         7.24 MB/s   452 MB/s  1382122496    369501905  26.73 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -12      7.03 MB/s   453 MB/s  1382122496    369768475  26.75 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -5     16 MB/s   290 MB/s  1382122496    376186414  27.22 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
crush 1.0 -2             0.27 MB/s   263 MB/s  1382122496    385559339  27.90 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
xpack 2016-06-02 -9      9.93 MB/s   509 MB/s  1382122496    416966890  30.17 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -49           1.00 MB/s  1043 MB/s  1382122496    434488576  31.44 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -29           1.01 MB/s  1206 MB/s  1382122496    438313614  31.71 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
libdeflate 0.7 -12       4.67 MB/s   439 MB/s  1382122496    440842196  31.90 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzfse 2017-03-08           40 MB/s   422 MB/s  1382122496    443281031  32.07 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zlib 1.2.11 -9           9.54 MB/s   226 MB/s  1382122496    459948910  33.28 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -9        1.11 MB/s   222 MB/s  1382122496    466328760  33.74 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zlib 1.2.11 -5             24 MB/s   222 MB/s  1382122496    468695334  33.91 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -9        1.12 MB/s   223 MB/s  1382122496    470973152  34.08 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -1    122 MB/s   243 MB/s  1382122496    474946245  34.36 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzsse2 2016-05-14 -17    0.80 MB/s  2089 MB/s  1382122496    478090440  34.59 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -9        1.18 MB/s   225 MB/s  1382122496    479484131  34.69 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzsse4 2016-05-14 -17    0.53 MB/s  2170 MB/s  1382122496    480734209  34.78 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzsse8 2016-05-14 -17    0.48 MB/s  2135 MB/s  1382122496    483097517  34.95 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
libdeflate 0.7 -1          99 MB/s   402 MB/s  1382122496    502340533  36.35 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzo1b 2.09 -999          9.65 MB/s   479 MB/s  1382122496    506062307  36.61 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzmat 1.01                 19 MB/s   225 MB/s  1382122496    511241291  36.99 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
brieflz 1.1.0              88 MB/s   131 MB/s  1382122496    514506377  37.23 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lz4hc 1.8.0 -12          4.00 MB/s  1834 MB/s  1382122496    518609982  37.52 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -19           2.60 MB/s  2023 MB/s  1382122496    520937114  37.69 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lz4hc 1.8.0 -10            15 MB/s  1836 MB/s  1382122496    522394279  37.80 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
yalz77 2015-09-19 -12      13 MB/s   226 MB/s  1382122496    524148698  37.92 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -39           2.58 MB/s  1869 MB/s  1382122496    531515792  38.46 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzg 1.0.8 -9             0.49 MB/s   447 MB/s  1382122496    534692404  38.69 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
zlib 1.2.11 -1             58 MB/s   211 MB/s  1382122496    539734064  39.05 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzvn 2017-03-08            32 MB/s   607 MB/s  1382122496    564298861  40.83 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
quicklz 1.5.0 -3           35 MB/s   606 MB/s  1382122496    566710303  41.00 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
gipfeli 2016-07-13        165 MB/s   283 MB/s  1382122496    580927128  42.03 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
pithy 2011-12-24 -9       196 MB/s   983 MB/s  1382122496    596838772  43.18 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
density 0.12.5 beta -3    200 MB/s   212 MB/s  1382122496    600009694  43.41 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -5        89 MB/s   336 MB/s  1382122496    616934562  44.64 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
fastlz 0.1 -2             190 MB/s   344 MB/s  1382122496    685175128  49.57 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -3         136 MB/s   181 MB/s  1382122496    692113550  50.08 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
yappy 2014-03-22 -99       52 MB/s  1485 MB/s  1382122496    694938661  50.28 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzf 3.6 -1                189 MB/s   385 MB/s  1382122496    697137558  50.44 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
blosclz 2015-11-10 -9     163 MB/s   541 MB/s  1382122496    705699590  51.06 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lz4fast 1.8.0 -1          301 MB/s  1874 MB/s  1382122496    722299465  52.26 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lz4 1.8.0                 306 MB/s  1881 MB/s  1382122496    722299465  52.26 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
snappy 1.1.4              181 MB/s   729 MB/s  1382122496    724378872  52.41 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
wflz 2015-09-16           154 MB/s   539 MB/s  1382122496    811018853  58.68 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lzjb 2010                 162 MB/s   306 MB/s  1382122496    899327706  65.07 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
lz4fast 1.8.0 -99        2493 MB/s  4551 MB/s  1382122496   1246929570  90.22 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
shrinker 0.1              102 MB/s  4924 MB/s  1382122496   1361132906  98.48 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>"turbobenchs_Official_v17.04_-_build_07_Apr_2017.exe" "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar" -elibdeflate,12/oodle,19,49,89,112,114,116,118,129/lzsse2,17/lzturbo,19,12,29,22,39,32,49,59/zstd,12,22/lizard,19,29,39,49/brotli,11/lzma,9/bzip2/xpack,9/chameleon,2/density,3/lzham,4/trle/bsc,3,6/zpaq,2,5 -g -I1 -J31 -k1 -B2G
   356885471    25.8      10.60      23.13   bzip2                            TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
**ERROR at 731148480:3c, 20**
   353383914    25.6       0.43     428.70   ?xpack 9                         TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
TurboBench:  - Sat Dec 02 15:49:06 2017

      C Size  ratio%     C MB/s     D MB/s   Name            File
   250105557    18.1       0.31       0.30   zpaq 5                           TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   270967780    19.6       0.51      83.00   lzturbo 49                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   273561108    19.8       5.69      12.60   lzturbo 59                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   277187778    20.1      13.64       6.34   bsc 6                            TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   283683525    20.5       0.59     404.32   lzturbo 39                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   286204548    20.7       0.64     155.45   lzham 4                          TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   292753766    21.2       0.25     437.20   oodle 89                         TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   292754261    21.2       0.23     437.19   oodle 129                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   294785080    21.3       1.01      74.55   lzma 9                           TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   297798812    21.5       0.93     421.50   zstd 22                          TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   300158804    21.7       0.17     299.12   oodle 19                         TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   322566854    23.3       0.37     266.17   brotli 11                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   326268013    23.6       0.62     631.53   lzturbo 29                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   327812776    23.7      19.09      12.63   bsc 3                            TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   337774878    24.4      21.63     441.86   lzturbo 32                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   353383914    25.6       0.43     428.70   ?xpack 9                         TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   356885471    25.8      10.60      23.13   bzip2                            TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   369533604    26.7       7.13     508.55   zstd 12                          TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   385423296    27.9       3.20      60.41   zpaq 2                           TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   429378865    31.1       0.25    2236.73   oodle 116                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   433949943    31.4       0.26    2862.57   oodle 118                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   434695243    31.5       1.00    1047.15   lizard 49                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   438494294    31.7       1.01    1211.03   lizard 29                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   440842503    31.9       4.70     419.04   libdeflate 12                    TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   450558126    32.6      20.70     773.98   lzturbo 22                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   478092864    34.6       0.79    2086.46   lzsse2 17                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   490930678    35.5      11.47    2408.14   oodle 114                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   518918583    37.5       2.95    1893.05   oodle 49                         TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   520236948    37.6       0.63    2702.05   lzturbo 19                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   520939095    37.7       2.61    2021.26   lizard 19                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   531426412    38.5       2.60    1872.04   lizard 39                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   551896961    39.9      39.03    2601.60   oodle 112                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   557133874    40.3      35.49    2649.89   lzturbo 12                       TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   599413372    43.4     218.64     219.32   density 3                        TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
   825708086    59.7    1084.83    1782.72   chameleon 2                      TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb
  1221989897    88.4     186.11    4710.79   trle                             TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.tbb

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>call _bunchIFY.BAT "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>sha1sum "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
f8cd4ad35c75f3f40df1658cd54bdc14eb8d952e  TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o6 -m256 -f"TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".O6.PPMd_varI "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016
TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar:1382122496 >300826015, 1.00 bpb, used:112.9MB,

Kernel  Time =     1.107 =    0%
User    Time =   279.725 =   98%
Process Time =   280.833 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =   282.774 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o16 -m256 -f"TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".O16.PPMd_varI "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016
TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar:1382122496 >284113628, 1.02 bpb, used:188.8MB,

Kernel  Time =     1.154 =    0%
User    Time =   436.350 =   99%
Process Time =   437.504 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =   439.258 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -tgzip -mx9 "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".MX9.zip "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 1382122496 bytes (1319 MiB)

Creating archive: TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.MX9.zip

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 440531838 bytes (421 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     0.686 =    0%
User    Time =  1563.910 =   99%
Process Time =  1564.596 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =      6 MB
Global  Time =  1567.239 =  100%    Physical Memory =      8 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -t7z -mx9 -md=29 "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".MX9Dict512.7z "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 1382122496 bytes (1319 MiB)

Creating archive: TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.MX9Dict512.7z

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 284072432 bytes (271 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =    10.077 =    1%
User    Time =  1993.630 =  237%
Process Time =  2003.708 =  239%    Virtual  Memory =  11299 MB
Global  Time =   837.665 =  100%    Physical Memory =  10483 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "xz_v5.2.3_x64.exe" -z -k -f -9 -e -v -v --lzma2=dict=512MiB --threads=1 "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Filter chain: --lzma2=dict=512MiB,lc=3,lp=0,pb=2,mode=normal,nice=64,mf=bt4,depth=0
xz_v5.2.3_x64: 5,378 MiB of memory is required. The limiter is disabled.
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Decompression will need 513 MiB of memory.
TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar (1/1)
  100 %     264.8 MiB / 1,318.1 MiB = 0.201   792 KiB/s      28:24

Kernel  Time =     5.522 =    0%
User    Time =  1681.534 =   98%
Process Time =  1687.057 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =   5389 MB
Global  Time =  1704.657 =  100%    Physical Memory =   5390 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "bsc_v3.1.0_x64.exe" e "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar" "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".ST6Block512.bsc -b512 -m6 -cp -Tt
This is bsc, Block Sorting Compressor. Version 3.1.0. 8 July 2012.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ilya Grebnov <Ilya.Grebnov@gmail.com>.

TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar compressed 1382122496 into 277656610 in 108.982 seconds.

Kernel  Time =     2.870 =    2%
User    Time =    98.109 =   89%
Process Time =   100.979 =   92%    Virtual  Memory =   2407 MB
Global  Time =   109.744 =  100%    Physical Memory =   2401 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".method29.zpaq "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar" -method 29 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 1382.122496 MB in 1 files -method 29 -threads 1 at 2017-12-03 01:25:31.
39.06% 0:00:11 [1..7637] 536740679 -method 29,171,1
78.38% 0:00:04 [7638..15443] 536851892 -method 29,176,1
100.00% 0:00:00 + TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar 1382122496 -> 1370358887
100.00% 0:00:00 [15444..19576] 296844644 -method 29,183,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (1382.122496 -> 1370.358887 -> 347.125309) = 347.125309 MB
608.950 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     2.683 =    0%
User    Time =   614.565 =  100%
Process Time =   617.249 =  101%    Virtual  Memory =   3724 MB
Global  Time =   608.975 =  100%    Physical Memory =   3597 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".method59.zpaq "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar" -method 59 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 1382.122496 MB in 1 files -method 59 -threads 1 at 2017-12-03 01:35:41.
39.06% 0:00:11 [1..7637] 536740679 -method 59,171,1
78.38% 0:00:04 [7638..15443] 536851892 -method 59,176,1
100.00% 0:00:00 + TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar 1382122496 -> 1370358887
100.00% 0:00:00 [15444..19576] 296844644 -method 59,183,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (1382.122496 -> 1370.358887 -> 220.271375) = 220.271375 MB
5427.540 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     6.130 =    0%
User    Time =  5427.337 =   99%
Process Time =  5433.468 =  100%    Virtual  Memory =   6569 MB
Global  Time =  5427.899 =  100%    Physical Memory =   6416 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 lz5 -49 -B7 --no-frame-crc "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
using blocks of size 262144 KB
Compressed filename will be : TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.lz5
Compressed 1382122496 bytes into 375169989 bytes ==> 27.14%

Kernel  Time =     0.951 =    0%
User    Time =  1353.324 =   98%
Process Time =  1354.275 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    676 MB
Global  Time =  1366.995 =  100%    Physical Memory =    497 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -cc "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".cc.nz "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|35496 MHz|#2+HT|15764/16332 MB
Archive: TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.cc.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_cm [524 MB]
Compressed 1 382 122 496 into 227 637 734 in 27m 8.58s, 829 KB/s
IO-in: 0.83s, 1575 MB/s. IO-out: 0.14s, 1497 MB/s

Kernel  Time =     3.525 =    0%
User    Time =  1663.501 =   99%
Process Time =  1667.026 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    539 MB
Global  Time =  1668.830 =  100%    Physical Memory =    525 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -co "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".co.nz "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|53644 MHz|#2+HT|15759/16332 MB
Archive: TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.co.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_optimum1 [506 MB]
Compressed 1 382 122 496 into 280 316 190 in 5m 27.46s, 4122 KB/s
IO-in: 0.83s, 1586 MB/s. IO-out: 0.09s, 2700 MB/s

Kernel  Time =     8.283 =    2%
User    Time =   327.180 =   97%
Process Time =   335.464 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    524 MB
Global  Time =   336.925 =  100%    Physical Memory =    516 MB

CABARC, Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0, Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m LZX:21 N "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".LZX21.cab "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.LZX21.cab' with compression 'LZX:21':
  -- adding TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     3.026 =    0%
User    Time =  1015.862 =   98%
Process Time =  1018.889 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =     20 MB
Global  Time =  1034.099 =  100%    Physical Memory =     22 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m MSZIP N "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".MSZIP.cab "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.MSZIP.cab' with compression 'MSZIP':
  -- adding TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     2.308 =    0%
User    Time =   218.635 =   92%
Process Time =   220.944 =   93%    Virtual  Memory =      1 MB
Global  Time =   237.385 =  100%    Physical Memory =      3 MB

Compress, version: (N)compress, compiled: Fri, Aug 23, 2013 11:56:09. Authors: Peter Jannesen, Dave Mack, Spencer W. Thomas, Jim McKie, Steve Davies, Ken Turkowski, James A. Woods, Joe Orost.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 compress.exe -c "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"  1>"TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".Z

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 zstd-v1.3.3-win64.exe --ultra -22 --zstd=wlog=29,clog=30,hlog=30,slog=26 "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"
TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar : 20.61%   (1382122496 => 284848217 bytes, TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.zst)

Kernel  Time =     3.010 =    0%
User    Time =  1671.675 =   98%
Process Time =  1674.686 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =   8724 MB
Global  Time =  1698.245 =  100%    Physical Memory =   8726 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 rz_1.01.exe a -d 512M "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".512M.rz "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar"

 *** RAZOR Archiver 1.01 (2017-09-14) - DEMO/TEST version ***
 *** (c) Christian Martelock (christian.martelock@web.de) ***

 Scanning h:\smashshop_2018-feb-13_judaica\textfiles.com_(58096_files).tar
 Found 0 dirs, 1 files, 1382122496 bytes.

 Creating archive TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.512M.rz
 Window : 524288K (4096M..1024G)
 Header : 64
 Size   : 243608643

 Archive ok. Added 0 dirs, 1 files, 1382122496 bytes.
 CPU time = 6756.294s / wall time = 5211.298s

Kernel  Time =    22.339 =    0%
User    Time =  6756.294 =  129%
Process Time =  6778.633 =  130%    Virtual  Memory =   6491 MB
Global  Time =  5211.397 =  100%    Physical Memory =   6075 MB

12/02/2017  07:06 PM       220,271,375 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.method59.zpaq
12/02/2017  07:56 PM       227,637,734 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.cc.nz
12/02/2017  10:19 PM       243,608,643 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.512M.rz
12/02/2017  05:25 PM       277,656,610 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.ST6Block512.bsc
02/12/2018  05:42 PM       277,691,252 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.L9Dict512.xz
12/02/2017  08:02 PM       280,316,190 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.co.nz
12/02/2017  04:55 PM       284,072,432 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.MX9Dict512.7z
12/02/2017  04:15 PM       284,113,675 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.O16.PPMd_varI
02/12/2018  05:42 PM       284,848,217 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.zst
12/02/2017  04:07 PM       300,826,062 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.O6.PPMd_varI
12/02/2017  08:19 PM       342,191,276 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.LZX21.cab
12/02/2017  05:35 PM       347,125,309 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.method29.zpaq
02/12/2018  05:42 PM       375,169,989 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.M49Block256.lz5
12/02/2017  04:41 PM       440,531,838 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.MX9.zip
12/02/2017  08:23 PM       460,971,224 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.MSZIP.cab
12/02/2017  08:24 PM       616,008,949 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar.Z
02/12/2018  05:42 PM     1,382,122,496 TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 lz4_v1_8_1_win64 -12 "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar" "TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar".12.lz4
Compressed 1382122496 bytes into 519780435 bytes ==> 37.61%

Kernel  Time =     0.748 =    0%
User    Time =   366.305 =   99%
Process Time =   367.054 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =     10 MB
Global  Time =   369.120 =  100%    Physical Memory =     10 MB

Next run, under way already, is 'Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar' - a collection of all (20+ languages) Bibles that I downloaded - excellent test for parsing prowess within 4MB windows, mainly. Also, seeing how LzTurbo 59 overpowers BSC, I am eager to see it also full-throttle, especially with the superindicative for textual [de]compression power corpus: INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM9(English_140479_htm_files).tar (2,037,880,832 bytes) http://www.sacred-texts.com/cdshop/dvd90/titl90.htm

Another textkeeper of highest caliber: brunopage000 His corpus deserves being heavily benchmarked...

John Bruno Hare (JBH or Bruno), the founder and architect of ISTA (Internet Sacred Text Archive) passed away on April 27, 2010 after a four-year battle with Melanoma. JBH’s life mission was to keep the archive free and available worldwide, forever, and ISTA is his legacy. Bruno’s efforts placed this website, sacred-texts.com, among the top 10,000 read websites in the United States, and among the top 20,000 read websites of the entire Internet. He dedicated ISTA to religious tolerance and scholarship, calling it a “quiet place in cyberspace."


"THE INTERNET SACRED TEXT ARCHIVE DVD-ROM 9.0 has electronic texts of over 1700 of the most important books ever written, most of which were transcribed especially for sacred-texts. Years of research and scholarship went into this product: all the core texts of religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on one disk. For centuries these texts were stashed in dusty libraries. Now you can finally unlock the secrets of the ages on your home computer. Scholars have only dreamed of this kind of access, ..."

Supernifty corpus, indeed.

powturbo commented 6 years ago

Hi Georgi, thanks for publishing your interesting results on the Turbobench repositery and for all your efforts and contributions to the data compression field.

Sanmayce commented 6 years ago

Always, Hamid. Very glad that you as host see it useful. Really feel that having thread as this will allow people to propose files of any kind for test, thus eliminating the resentment and unhappiness. Hopefully, one day all mainstream/major performers will be benchmarked exhaustively - without any compromises, SmashShop package is a strong start/baseline. Maybe someone else will present better, richer and more refined package.

Also, in future runs will add as notes next:

Fabian Giesen @rygorous took time to point out my mistakes, here his remarks come as notes:
Note1: ... 12=Hydra (Hydra blends Kraken/Mermaid/Selkie per block as controlled by space/speed trade-off).
Note2: (Similarly you can get higher-speed decompression at lower ratio by increasing it.)
Note3: If you want higher compression, you need to lower the decode-speed target. (Controlled via spaceSpeedTradeoffBytes in the extended compressor config.)
Note4: FWIW, if you're benchmarking Oodle, compression level is _not_ the sole parameter to change to get min size. Different levels control encoder effort but they still target the same rough level of decode speed.
Note5: Compression level only goes up to 8. (0=none 1=SuperFast 2=VeryFast 3=Fast 4=Normal 5=Optimal1 .. 8=Optimal4) I think it clamps higher values but they don't do anything.
Note6: http://cbloomrants.blogspot.bg/2017/09/oodle-tuneability-with-space-speed.html
Sanmayce commented 6 years ago

The logs for amalgam of 103 Bibles (in 40+ languages) and the ISTA come below.

The fv generated 'Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.bmp':

stephan_kaze_http_unbound biola edu_103-bibles tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>lzbench173 -c4 -i1,15 -o3 -ebrotli24,1,5,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd24,12,22/zstd24LDM,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,1,12/lz4fast,1,99/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/zlib,1,5,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzbench 1.7.3 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   6415 MB/s  6416 MB/s   630349312    630349312 100.00 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
The results sorted by column number 4:
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
lzlib 1.8 -9             0.97 MB/s    82 MB/s   630349312     73233416  11.62 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
xz 5.2.3 -9              1.42 MB/s   119 MB/s   630349312     73694019  11.69 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzma 16.04 -9            1.31 MB/s   134 MB/s   630349312     73714979  11.69 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -11  0.42 MB/s   506 MB/s   630349312     74375172  11.80 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.10 MB/s   105 MB/s   630349312     76509932  12.14 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -22         1.05 MB/s   701 MB/s   630349312     77176177  12.24 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
tornado 0.6a -16         1.11 MB/s   291 MB/s   630349312     77524331  12.30 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -4        0.88 MB/s   287 MB/s   630349312     77755762  12.34 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzham24 1.0 -4           0.92 MB/s   286 MB/s   630349312     78373249  12.43 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -22      1.63 MB/s   702 MB/s   630349312     79586664  12.63 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -1        2.09 MB/s   219 MB/s   630349312    100498198  15.94 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lizard 1.0 -49           0.85 MB/s  1719 MB/s   630349312    103619668  16.44 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lizard 1.0 -29           0.86 MB/s  1880 MB/s   630349312    104883924  16.64 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -5     21 MB/s   384 MB/s   630349312    125296296  19.88 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zling 2016-01-10 -4        30 MB/s   172 MB/s   630349312    131710233  20.89 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -12      7.62 MB/s   519 MB/s   630349312    137616216  21.83 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -12         7.83 MB/s   515 MB/s   630349312    138508620  21.97 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
crush 1.0 -2             0.14 MB/s   298 MB/s   630349312    146570478  23.25 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
xpack 2016-06-02 -9      6.92 MB/s   567 MB/s   630349312    157110327  24.92 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
libdeflate 0.7 -12       3.86 MB/s   577 MB/s   630349312    160509275  25.46 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zlib 1.2.11 -9           6.32 MB/s   261 MB/s   630349312    171632959  27.23 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzsse2 2016-05-14 -17    4.14 MB/s  2569 MB/s   630349312    172562119  27.38 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzsse4 2016-05-14 -17    4.72 MB/s  2559 MB/s   630349312    173433363  27.51 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzsse8 2016-05-14 -17    4.61 MB/s  2338 MB/s   630349312    177193498  28.11 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zlib 1.2.11 -5             24 MB/s   249 MB/s   630349312    180387584  28.62 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzfse 2017-03-08           41 MB/s   410 MB/s   630349312    180395667  28.62 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -9        0.63 MB/s   245 MB/s   630349312    181304131  28.76 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -9        0.62 MB/s   252 MB/s   630349312    183386226  29.09 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
yalz77 2015-09-19 -12      21 MB/s   282 MB/s   630349312    185068425  29.36 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -9        0.64 MB/s   254 MB/s   630349312    186443368  29.58 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzo1b 2.09 -999          6.60 MB/s   560 MB/s   630349312    190437814  30.21 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lz4hc 1.8.0 -12          4.70 MB/s  1838 MB/s   630349312    195135857  30.96 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lizard 1.0 -19           3.84 MB/s  1960 MB/s   630349312    195334252  30.99 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -1    135 MB/s   257 MB/s   630349312    196259442  31.14 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lz4hc 1.8.0 -10            11 MB/s  1822 MB/s   630349312    198009731  31.41 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzmat 1.01                 15 MB/s   247 MB/s   630349312    198808150  31.54 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lizard 1.0 -39           3.85 MB/s  1847 MB/s   630349312    199874259  31.71 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
libdeflate 0.7 -1         110 MB/s   477 MB/s   630349312    200916411  31.87 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzg 1.0.8 -9             0.29 MB/s   545 MB/s   630349312    206970320  32.83 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
brieflz 1.1.0              97 MB/s   132 MB/s   630349312    221596487  35.15 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zlib 1.2.11 -1             63 MB/s   223 MB/s   630349312    224186115  35.57 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzvn 2017-03-08            33 MB/s   603 MB/s   630349312    228871658  36.31 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
quicklz 1.5.0 -3           37 MB/s   603 MB/s   630349312    232561738  36.89 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -5        96 MB/s   406 MB/s   630349312    239712319  38.03 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
gipfeli 2016-07-13        195 MB/s   350 MB/s   630349312    240187191  38.10 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
yappy 2014-03-22 -99       54 MB/s  1582 MB/s   630349312    250628425  39.76 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
pithy 2011-12-24 -9       191 MB/s  1070 MB/s   630349312    254728440  40.41 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
density 0.12.5 beta -3    274 MB/s   243 MB/s   630349312    255431862  40.52 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lz4 1.8.0                 296 MB/s  1698 MB/s   630349312    291940785  46.31 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lz4fast 1.8.0 -1          292 MB/s  1698 MB/s   630349312    291940785  46.31 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -3         136 MB/s   180 MB/s   630349312    296302604  47.01 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzf 3.6 -1                205 MB/s   393 MB/s   630349312    297405282  47.18 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
snappy 1.1.4              152 MB/s   748 MB/s   630349312    297988578  47.27 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
fastlz 0.1 -2             210 MB/s   339 MB/s   630349312    300420716  47.66 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
blosclz 2015-11-10 -9     170 MB/s   523 MB/s   630349312    305105501  48.40 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
wflz 2015-09-16           182 MB/s   483 MB/s   630349312    367481710  58.30 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzjb 2010                 159 MB/s   291 MB/s   630349312    376145859  59.67 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lz4fast 1.8.0 -99        1210 MB/s  3384 MB/s   630349312    549307244  87.14 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
shrinker 0.1              178 MB/s  2471 MB/s   630349312    580903247  92.16 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>"turbobenchs_Official_v17.04_-_build_07_Apr_2017.exe" Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar -elibdeflate,12/oodle,19,49,89,112,114,116,118,129/lzsse2,17/lzturbo,19,12,29,22,39,32,49,59/zstd,12,22/lizard,19,29,39,49/brotli,11/lzma,9/bzip2/xpack,9/chameleon,2/density,3/lzham,4/trle/bsc,3,6/zpaq,2,5 -g -I1 -J31 -k1 -B2G
    93978494    14.9       1.03     808.37   xpack 9          Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
ERROR at 555847118:27, 6f
      C Size  ratio%     C MB/s     D MB/s   Name            File
    65769435    10.4       0.51     160.51   lzturbo 49                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    68333375    10.8       0.32       0.32   zpaq 5                           Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    69936980    11.1       7.49      16.77   lzturbo 59                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    71556756    11.4       0.69    1092.81   lzturbo 39                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    73714983    11.7       1.31     134.87   lzma 9                           Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    74215638    11.8       0.88     303.07   lzham 4                          Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    74303904    11.8       0.31    1002.78   oodle 129                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    74304046    11.8       0.34    1001.22   oodle 89                         Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    76030170    12.1       0.94     693.12   zstd 22                          Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    76061255    12.1       0.20     679.63   oodle 19                         Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    87128650    13.8       0.73    1523.11   lzturbo 29                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    93978494    14.9       1.03     808.37   ?xpack 9                         Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    96487507    15.3      36.20     959.44   lzturbo 32                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   101468960    16.1       0.36    2522.43   oodle 118                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   102570170    16.3       0.33    2543.44   oodle 116                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   103339598    16.4      18.18       9.18   bsc 6                            Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   103619672    16.4       0.85    1721.37   lizard 49                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   104883928    16.6       0.86    1882.69   lizard 29                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   112593260    17.9       0.38     366.35   brotli 11                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   117557372    18.6       4.51      77.73   zpaq 2                           Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   120309827    19.1       9.72      25.28   bzip2                            Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   127030698    20.2      21.54      14.80   bsc 3                            Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   132294051    21.0      36.72    1354.83   lzturbo 22                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   138508624    22.0       7.67     574.53   zstd 12                          Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   142662359    22.6      22.33    2519.30   oodle 114                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   160509285    25.5       3.92     548.26   libdeflate 12                    Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   172562123    27.4       4.46    2572.05   lzsse2 17                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   195218661    31.0       0.91    2582.04   lzturbo 19                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   195334256    31.0       3.83    1968.91   lizard 19                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   195356086    31.0       2.81    1643.25   oodle 49                         Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   199874263    31.7       3.88    1853.17   lizard 39                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   215186827    34.1      41.28    2589.61   lzturbo 12                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   238259362    37.8      50.56    3119.61   oodle 112                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   255429524    40.5     229.04     245.98   density 3                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   348012680    55.2    1120.84    2265.59   chameleon 2                      Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
   629643831    99.9     134.69    1448.73   trle                             Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o6 -m256 -fStephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.O6.PPMd_varI Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016
Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar:630349312 >111654445, 1.01 b

Kernel  Time =     0.592 =    0%
User    Time =    93.865 =   98%
Process Time =    94.458 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =    95.109 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o16 -m256 -fStephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.O16.PPMd_varI Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016
Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar:630349312 >88490946, 1.05 bp

Kernel  Time =     0.624 =    0%
User    Time =   161.523 =   99%
Process Time =   162.147 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =   163.148 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -tgzip -mx9 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MX9.zip Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 630349312 bytes (602 MiB)

Creating archive: Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MX9.zip

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 160721209 bytes (154 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     0.374 =    0%
User    Time =   876.990 =   99%
Process Time =   877.365 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =      6 MB
Global  Time =   879.580 =  100%    Physical Memory =      7 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -t7z -mx9 -md=29 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MX9Dict512.7z Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 630349312 bytes (602 MiB)

Creating archive: Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MX9Dict512.7z

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 72467053 bytes (70 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     4.352 =    1%
User    Time =   565.441 =  156%
Process Time =   569.793 =  157%    Virtual  Memory =  11299 MB
Global  Time =   361.608 =  100%    Physical Memory =   4710 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "xz_v5.2.3_x64.exe" -z -k -f -9 -e -v -v --lzma2=dict=512MiB --threads=1 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Filter chain: --lzma2=dict=512MiB,lc=3,lp=0,pb=2,mode=normal,nice=64,mf=bt4,depth=0
xz_v5.2.3_x64: 5,378 MiB of memory is required. The limiter is disabled.
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Decompression will need 513 MiB of memory.
Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar (1/1)
  100 %        67.3 MiB / 601.1 MiB = 0.112   1.2 MiB/s       8:06

Kernel  Time =     3.276 =    0%
User    Time =   479.032 =   98%
Process Time =   482.308 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   5389 MB
Global  Time =   487.063 =  100%    Physical Memory =   4674 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "bsc_v3.1.0_x64.exe" e Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.ST6Block512.bsc -b512 -m6 -cp -Tt
This is bsc, Block Sorting Compressor. Version 3.1.0. 8 July 2012.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ilya Grebnov <Ilya.Grebnov@gmail.com>.

Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar compressed 630349312 into 100258206 in 38.189 seconds.

Kernel  Time =     1.326 =    3%
User    Time =    34.367 =   86%
Process Time =    35.693 =   90%    Virtual  Memory =   2604 MB
Global  Time =    39.632 =  100%    Physical Memory =   2599 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.method29.zpaq Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar -method 29 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 630.349312 MB in 1 files -method 29 -threads 1 at 2017-12-02 13:28:35.
85.30% 0:00:01 [1..7696] 536743069 -method 29,209,1
100.00% 0:00:00 + Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar 630349312 -> 629301380
100.00% 0:00:00 [7697..9011] 92594371 -method 29,211,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (630.349312 -> 629.301380 -> 93.022200) = 93.022200 MB
167.467 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     1.232 =    0%
User    Time =   166.172 =   99%
Process Time =   167.404 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   3531 MB
Global  Time =   167.521 =  100%    Physical Memory =   3044 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.method59.zpaq Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar -method 59 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 630.349312 MB in 1 files -method 59 -threads 1 at 2017-12-02 13:31:22.
85.30% 0:00:01 [1..7696] 536743069 -method 59,209,1
100.00% 0:00:00 + Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar 630349312 -> 629301380
100.00% 0:00:00 [7697..9011] 92594371 -method 59,211,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (630.349312 -> 629.301380 -> 54.815778) = 54.815778 MB
2414.443 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     4.820 =    0%
User    Time =  2408.951 =   99%
Process Time =  2413.772 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   6473 MB
Global  Time =  2414.448 =  100%    Physical Memory =   4707 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 lz5 -49 -B7 --no-frame-crc Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
using blocks of size 262144 KB
Compressed filename will be : Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.lz5
Compressed 630349312 bytes into 90740613 bytes ==> 14.40%

Kernel  Time =     0.624 =    0%
User    Time =   727.432 =   99%
Process Time =   728.056 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    676 MB
Global  Time =   731.968 =  100%    Physical Memory =    459 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -cc Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.cc.nz Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|32939 MHz|#2+HT|15758/16332 MB
Archive: Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.cc.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_cm [524 MB]
Compressed 630 349 312 into 60 933 816 in 15m 56.48s, 644 KB/s
IO-in: 0.37s, 1612 MB/s. IO-out: 0.02s, 2075 MB/s

Kernel  Time =     1.419 =    0%
User    Time =   977.517 =   99%
Process Time =   978.937 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    539 MB
Global  Time =   980.324 =  100%    Physical Memory =    511 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -co Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.co.nz Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|29616 MHz|#2+HT|15753/16332 MB
Archive: Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.co.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_optimum1 [506 MB]
Compressed 630 349 312 into 71 362 322 in 2m 15.55s, 4541 KB/s
IO-in: 0.37s, 1625 MB/s. IO-out: 0.02s, 2959 MB/s

Kernel  Time =    14.055 =   10%
User    Time =   124.941 =   89%
Process Time =   138.996 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    524 MB
Global  Time =   139.514 =  100%    Physical Memory =    516 MB

CABARC, Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0, Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m LZX:21 N Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.LZX21.cab Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.LZX21.cab' with compression 'LZX:21':
  -- adding Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     1.263 =    0%
User    Time =   628.028 =   98%
Process Time =   629.292 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =     20 MB
Global  Time =   634.587 =  100%    Physical Memory =     21 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m MSZIP N Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MSZIP.cab Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MSZIP.cab' with compression 'MSZIP':
  -- adding Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     0.826 =    0%
User    Time =   145.346 =   95%
Process Time =   146.172 =   95%    Virtual  Memory =      1 MB
Global  Time =   152.982 =  100%    Physical Memory =      3 MB

Compress, version: (N)compress, compiled: Fri, Aug 23, 2013 11:56:09. Authors: Peter Jannesen, Dave Mack, Spencer W. Thomas, Jim McKie, Steve Davies, Ken Turkowski, James A. Woods, Joe Orost.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 compress.exe -c Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar  1>Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.Z

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 zstd-v1.3.3-win64.exe --ultra -22 --zstd=wlog=29,clog=30,hlog=30,slog=26 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar : 11.51%   (630349312 => 72525795 bytes, Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.zst)

Kernel  Time =     3.728 =    0%
User    Time =   715.794 =   97%
Process Time =   719.523 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =   8724 MB
Global  Time =   730.412 =  100%    Physical Memory =   8330 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 rz_1.01.exe a -d 512M Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.512M.rz Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

 *** RAZOR Archiver 1.01 (2017-09-14) - DEMO/TEST version ***
 *** (c) Christian Martelock (christian.martelock@web.de) ***

 Scanning h:\smashshop_2018-feb-13_judaica\stephan_kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
 Found 0 dirs, 1 files, 630349312 bytes.

 Creating archive Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.512M.rz
 Window : 524288K (4096M..1024G)
 Header : 82
 Size   : 58022323

 Archive ok. Added 0 dirs, 1 files, 630349312 bytes.
 CPU time = 2364.304s / wall time = 1871.536s

Kernel  Time =    11.372 =    0%
User    Time =  2364.304 =  126%
Process Time =  2375.676 =  126%    Virtual  Memory =   6486 MB
Global  Time =  1871.602 =  100%    Physical Memory =   5458 MB

 54,815,778 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.method59.zpaq
 58,022,323 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.512M.rz
 60,933,816 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.cc.nz
 70,592,460 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.L9Dict512.xz
 71,362,322 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.co.nz
 72,467,053 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MX9Dict512.7z
 72,525,795 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.zst
 88,491,012 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.O16.PPMd_varI
 90,740,613 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.M49Block256.lz5
 93,022,200 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.method29.zpaq
100,258,206 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.ST6Block512.bsc
111,654,511 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.O6.PPMd_varI
122,224,313 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.LZX21.cab
160,721,209 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MX9.zip
172,450,102 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.MSZIP.cab
224,907,813 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.Z
630,349,312 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 lz4_v1_8_1_win64 -12 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.12.lz4
Compressed 630349312 bytes into 195589287 bytes ==> 31.03%

Kernel  Time =     0.265 =    0%
User    Time =   139.137 =   98%
Process Time =   139.402 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =     10 MB
Global  Time =   141.151 =  100%    Physical Memory =      8 MB

One highlighted fragment:

Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
lzma 16.04 -9            1.31 MB/s   134 MB/s   630349312     73714979  11.69 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -11  0.42 MB/s   506 MB/s   630349312     74375172  11.80 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.10 MB/s   105 MB/s   630349312     76509932  12.14 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -22         1.05 MB/s   701 MB/s   630349312     77176177  12.24 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
tornado 0.6a -16         1.11 MB/s   291 MB/s   630349312     77524331  12.30 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -4        0.88 MB/s   287 MB/s   630349312     77755762  12.34 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
lzham24 1.0 -4           0.92 MB/s   286 MB/s   630349312     78373249  12.43 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -22      1.63 MB/s   702 MB/s   630349312     79586664  12.63 Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
      C Size  ratio%     C MB/s     D MB/s   Name            File
    71556756    11.4       0.69    1092.81   lzturbo 39                       Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    73714983    11.7       1.31     134.87   lzma 9                           Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    74215638    11.8       0.88     303.07   lzham 4                          Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb
    74303904    11.8       0.31    1002.78   oodle 129                        Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar.tbb

Brotli and Zstd with their 16MB windows are so strong and fast, however, Oodle 'Hydra' is amazing, LzTurbo 39 even more so.

Entropy of Alphabetical Orders Table, in short, Decomposition Table, or, B.B.s Table:
| #1 Filesize     | #2  | #3 Granularity | #4 N.U.B.B.s    | #5 U.B.B.s      | #6 U.B.B.s_Alphabet | #7 Entropy    | #8 Filename 
| 000,630,349,312 | 001 | 008bit         | 000,630,349,312 | 000,000,000,198 | NewOrder = 008bit   | 0.000,000,314 | Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
| 000,630,349,312 | 002 | 016bit         | 000,630,349,311 | 000,000,014,354 | NewOrder = 014bit   | 0.000,022,771 | Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
| 000,630,349,312 | 004 | 032bit         | 000,630,349,309 | 000,000,988,802 | NewOrder = 020bit   | 0.001,568,657 | Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
| 000,630,349,312 | 008 | 064bit         | 000,630,349,305 | 000,044,530,095 | NewOrder = 026bit   | 0.070,643,520 | Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
| 000,630,349,312 | 064 | 512bit         | 000,630,349,249 | 000,427,775,627 | NewOrder = 029bit   | 0.678,632,704 | Stephan_Kaze_http_unbound.biola.edu_103-bibles.tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 001 | 008bit         | 001,382,122,496 | 000,000,000,256 | NewOrder = 008bit   | 0.000,000,185 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 002 | 016bit         | 001,382,122,495 | 000,000,065,536 | NewOrder = 016bit   | 0.000,047,416 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 004 | 032bit         | 001,382,122,493 | 000,018,815,000 | NewOrder = 025bit   | 0.013,613,121 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 008 | 064bit         | 001,382,122,489 | 000,142,060,792 | NewOrder = 028bit   | 0.102,784,520 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 001,382,122,496 | 064 | 512bit         | 001,382,122,433 | 001,115,907,301 | NewOrder = 031bit   | 0.807,386,688 | TEXTFILES.COM_(58096_files).tar
| 002,037,880,832 | 001 | 008bit         | 002,037,880,832 | 000,000,000,222 | NewOrder = 008bit   | 0.000,000,108 | INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
| 002,037,880,832 | 002 | 016bit         | 002,037,880,831 | 000,000,010,866 | NewOrder = 014bit   | 0.000,005,332 | INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
| 002,037,880,832 | 004 | 032bit         | 002,037,880,829 | 000,001,318,754 | NewOrder = 021bit   | 0.000,647,120 | INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
| 002,037,880,832 | 008 | 064bit         | 002,037,880,825 | 000,084,505,728 | NewOrder = 027bit   | 0.041,467,456 | INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
| 002,037,880,832 | 064 | 512bit         | 002,037,880,769 | 001,682,274,615 | NewOrder = 031bit   | 0.825,501,888 | INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar

Table Legend: 
#1: Filesize (in bytes) 
#2: Building-Blocks_Order = B.B.s_Order (in bytes) 
#3: Granularity = Alphabet_Order = "Letters"_size = B.B.s_Order x 8bit 
#4: N.U.B.B.s = Non-Unique-Building-Blocks = (Filesize - B.B.s_Order + 1)
#5: U.B.B.s = Unique-Building-Blocks 
#6: Shrunk_Alphabet (to house U.B.B.s) = NewOrder, for (NewOrder=1; UBBs > ((1LL)<<NewOrder); NewOrder++); 
#7: Entropy_Alphabetical = U.B.B.s / N.U.B.B.s; LOWER -> MORE COMPRESSIBLE; The bigger the number the higher the "diffusion" i.e.
    richness of combinations, when 1 then full coverage of Entropy spectrum is present, lower values suggest "textuality",
    higher Alphabetical Orders could "warn" for duplicative fragments 
#8: Filename

And the ISTA:

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>lzbench173 -c4 -i1,15 -o3 -ebrotli24,1,5,11/tornado,16/blosclz,9/brieflz/crush,2/csc,5/density,3/fastlz,2/gipfeli/zstd24,12,22/zstd24LDM,12,22/lzo1b,999/lzham,4/lzham24,4/libdeflate,1,12/lz4fast,1,99/lz4/lz4hc,10,12/lizard,19,29,39,49/lzf,1/lzfse/lzg,9/lzham,1/lzjb/lzlib,9/lzma,9/lzrw,5/lzsse2,17/lzsse4,17/lzsse8,17/lzvn/pithy,9/quicklz,3/snappy/slz_zlib,3/ucl_nrv2b,9/ucl_nrv2d,9/ucl_nrv2e,9/xpack,9/xz,9/yalz77,12/yappy,99/zlib,1,5,9/zling,4/shrinker/wflz/lzmat "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
lzbench 1.7.3 (64-bit Windows)   Assembled by P.Skibinski
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
memcpy                   4980 MB/s  6266 MB/s  2037880832   2037880832 100.00 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.07 MB/s      ERROR  2037880832    340223046  16.69 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
The results sorted by column number 4:
Compressor name         Compress. Decompress.  Orig. size  Compr. size  Ratio Filename
xz 5.2.3 -9              1.16 MB/s    89 MB/s  2037880832    333183152  16.35 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzma 16.04 -9            1.08 MB/s    98 MB/s  2037880832    333185669  16.35 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzlib 1.8 -9             0.85 MB/s    63 MB/s  2037880832    334244294  16.40 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -4        0.72 MB/s   200 MB/s  2037880832    338656530  16.62 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
csc 2016-10-13 -5        2.07 MB/s      ERROR  2037880832    340223046  16.69 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
tornado 0.6a -16         0.96 MB/s   194 MB/s  2037880832    340988334  16.73 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -11  0.36 MB/s   312 MB/s  2037880832    344308436  16.90 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzham24 1.0 -4           0.83 MB/s   203 MB/s  2037880832    349705856  17.16 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -22         1.00 MB/s   504 MB/s  2037880832    350072648  17.18 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -22      1.24 MB/s   505 MB/s  2037880832    364809558  17.90 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zling 2016-01-10 -4        33 MB/s   178 MB/s  2037880832    407797091  20.01 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzham 1.0 -d26 -1        1.91 MB/s   188 MB/s  2037880832    409579714  20.10 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zstd24LDM 1.3.3 -12      8.27 MB/s   543 MB/s  2037880832    424043476  20.81 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zstd24 1.3.3 -12         8.57 MB/s   538 MB/s  2037880832    424231365  20.82 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
crush 1.0 -2             1.65 MB/s   325 MB/s  2037880832    436392632  21.41 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -5     20 MB/s   360 MB/s  2037880832    437980071  21.49 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
xpack 2016-06-02 -9        10 MB/s   621 MB/s  2037880832    464249082  22.78 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -49           0.57 MB/s  1093 MB/s  2037880832    475168369  23.32 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -29           0.57 MB/s  1244 MB/s  2037880832    482552346  23.68 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
libdeflate 0.7 -12       4.15 MB/s   575 MB/s  2037880832    488688423  23.98 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zlib 1.2.11 -9           9.90 MB/s   274 MB/s  2037880832    514394996  25.24 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzfse 2017-03-08           43 MB/s   484 MB/s  2037880832    517205091  25.38 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzsse2 2016-05-14 -17    1.01 MB/s  2604 MB/s  2037880832    521548673  25.59 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzsse4 2016-05-14 -17    1.04 MB/s  2620 MB/s  2037880832    525368252  25.78 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
ucl_nrv2e 1.03 -9        1.06 MB/s   266 MB/s  2037880832    528302475  25.92 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zlib 1.2.11 -5             30 MB/s   267 MB/s  2037880832    532930185  26.15 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzsse8 2016-05-14 -17    1.02 MB/s  2474 MB/s  2037880832    533668053  26.19 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
ucl_nrv2d 1.03 -9        1.07 MB/s   276 MB/s  2037880832    533919837  26.20 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
ucl_nrv2b 1.03 -9        1.10 MB/s   275 MB/s  2037880832    544922667  26.74 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
brotli24 2017-12-12 -1    147 MB/s   286 MB/s  2037880832    557707702  27.37 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzo1b 2.09 -999            10 MB/s   599 MB/s  2037880832    564565204  27.70 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lz4hc 1.8.0 -12          5.11 MB/s  1992 MB/s  2037880832    575897244  28.26 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -19           1.75 MB/s  2204 MB/s  2037880832    576729202  28.30 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lz4hc 1.8.0 -10            15 MB/s  1968 MB/s  2037880832    584647498  28.69 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzmat 1.01                 21 MB/s   262 MB/s  2037880832    588123531  28.86 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lizard 1.0 -39           1.74 MB/s  2065 MB/s  2037880832    588867589  28.90 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
libdeflate 0.7 -1         115 MB/s   512 MB/s  2037880832    590079525  28.96 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzg 1.0.8 -9             0.51 MB/s   565 MB/s  2037880832    601868196  29.53 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
yalz77 2015-09-19 -12      18 MB/s   248 MB/s  2037880832    638511955  31.33 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
zlib 1.2.11 -1             71 MB/s   246 MB/s  2037880832    641418204  31.47 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
brieflz 1.1.0             102 MB/s   142 MB/s  2037880832    643812920  31.59 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
quicklz 1.5.0 -3           39 MB/s   706 MB/s  2037880832    657657202  32.27 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzvn 2017-03-08            35 MB/s   704 MB/s  2037880832    660682678  32.42 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
gipfeli 2016-07-13        211 MB/s   362 MB/s  2037880832    693739855  34.04 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
density 0.12.5 beta -3    234 MB/s   239 MB/s  2037880832    694222204  34.07 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzrw 15-Jul-1991 -5       104 MB/s   424 MB/s  2037880832    718189499  35.24 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
pithy 2011-12-24 -9       228 MB/s  1169 MB/s  2037880832    719981430  35.33 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
slz_zlib 1.0.0 -3         154 MB/s   199 MB/s  2037880832    830975176  40.78 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
yappy 2014-03-22 -99       56 MB/s  1644 MB/s  2037880832    831056776  40.78 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
fastlz 0.1 -2             229 MB/s   387 MB/s  2037880832    833368341  40.89 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lz4fast 1.8.0 -1          329 MB/s  1912 MB/s  2037880832    850293388  41.72 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lz4 1.8.0                 334 MB/s  1915 MB/s  2037880832    850293388  41.72 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
blosclz 2015-11-10 -9     184 MB/s   628 MB/s  2037880832    860245709  42.21 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzf 3.6 -1                222 MB/s   427 MB/s  2037880832    860781071  42.24 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
snappy 1.1.4              174 MB/s   845 MB/s  2037880832    868293407  42.61 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
wflz 2015-09-16           201 MB/s   582 MB/s  2037880832    997147394  48.93 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lzjb 2010                 175 MB/s   327 MB/s  2037880832   1181870649  58.00 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
lz4fast 1.8.0 -99        1443 MB/s  3805 MB/s  2037880832   1632484887  80.11 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
shrinker 0.1              115 MB/s  5666 MB/s  2037880832   2023752814  99.31 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>"turbobenchs_Official_v17.04_-_build_07_Apr_2017.exe" "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar" -elibdeflate,12/oodle,19,49,89,112,114,116,118,129/lzsse2,17/lzturbo,19,12,29,22,39,32,49,59/zstd,12,22/lizard,19,29,39,49/brotli,11/lzma,9/bzip2/xpack,9/chameleon,2/density,3/lzham,4/trle/bsc,3,6/zpaq,2,5 -g -I1 -J31 -k1 -B2G
VirtualAlloc failed                          lzturbo 29
VirtualAlloc failed                          lzturbo 49
ERROR at 539935432:68, 74
ERROR at 544902976:44, 6f
   416961699    20.5       0.65     761.34   ?xpack 9                         INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
      C Size  ratio%     C MB/s     D MB/s   Name            File
   260338832    12.8       0.30       0.30   zpaq 5                           INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   273237972    13.4       6.20      14.20   lzturbo 59                       INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   291401772    14.3      18.19       7.86   bsc 6                            INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   324042669    15.9       0.55     498.78   lzturbo 39                       INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   328703215    16.1       0.66     198.06   lzham 4                          INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   333215641    16.4       1.06      98.76   lzma 9                           INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   336460596    16.5       0.76     483.39   zstd 22                          INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   341176401    16.7       0.25     504.27   oodle 89                         INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   341185735    16.7       0.23     505.42   oodle 129                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   350504364    17.2       0.16     366.37   oodle 19                         INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   354038918    17.4       9.23      26.80   bzip2                            INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   357203236    17.5       0.37     361.44   brotli 11                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   359485284    17.6      23.65      15.24   bsc 3                            INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   416961699    20.5       0.65     761.34   ?xpack 9                         INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   419171865    20.6      26.35     563.13   lzturbo 32                       INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   424236354    20.8       8.40     611.39   zstd 12                          INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   435380248    21.4       3.95      69.74   zpaq 2                           INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   475213911    23.3       0.57    1094.42   lizard 49                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   482598265    23.7       0.57    1247.65   lizard 29                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   488687894    24.0       4.17     542.31   libdeflate 12                    INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   495266014    24.3       0.24    1845.62   oodle 116                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   500268429    24.5       0.26    1834.90   oodle 118                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   521547896    25.6       0.87    2607.54   lzsse2 17                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   568510761    27.9      26.07     945.30   lzturbo 22                       INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   576725033    28.3       3.02    1904.77   oodle 49                         INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   576726425    28.3       1.77    2587.60   lizard 19                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   576751789    28.3       0.66    2916.07   lzturbo 19                       INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   588826444    28.9       1.77    2071.96   lizard 39                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   596321123    29.3      14.46    2191.59   oodle 114                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   633867923    31.1      44.85    3350.90   lzturbo 12                       INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   694234382    34.1     266.36     247.94   density 3                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
   698032694    34.3      50.56    2684.29   oodle 112                        INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
  1135395872    55.7    1113.69    2519.89   chameleon 2                      INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar
  1944549874    95.4     147.69    1489.27   trle                             INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o6 -m256 -f"INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".O6.PPMd_varI "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016

Kernel  Time =     1.591 =    0%
User    Time =   279.428 =   98%
Process Time =   281.020 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =   282.283 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 PPMd_varI_rev2_Intel15_32bit.exe e -o16 -m256 -f"INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".O16.PPMd_varI "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant I, Apr  3 2016

Kernel  Time =     1.575 =    0%
User    Time =   503.430 =   99%
Process Time =   505.006 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    258 MB
Global  Time =   507.741 =  100%    Physical Memory =    259 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -tgzip -mx9 "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".MX9.zip "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 2037880832 bytes (1944 MiB)

Creating archive: INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.MX9.zip

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 488604001 bytes (466 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =     0.951 =    0%
User    Time =  2547.808 =   99%
Process Time =  2548.759 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =      6 MB
Global  Time =  2550.813 =  100%    Physical Memory =      7 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "7za_v16.04_x64.exe" a -t7z -mx9 -md=29 "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".MX9Dict512.7z "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"

7-Zip (a) [64] 16.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-10-04

Scanning the drive:
1 file, 2037880832 bytes (1944 MiB)

Creating archive: INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.MX9Dict512.7z

Items to compress: 1

Files read from disk: 1
Archive size: 326955812 bytes (312 MiB)
Everything is Ok

Kernel  Time =    14.664 =    1%
User    Time =  2772.012 =  270%
Process Time =  2786.677 =  271%    Virtual  Memory =  11299 MB
Global  Time =  1025.780 =  100%    Physical Memory =   9419 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "xz_v5.2.3_x64.exe" -z -k -f -9 -e -v -v --lzma2=dict=512MiB --threads=1 "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Filter chain: --lzma2=dict=512MiB,lc=3,lp=0,pb=2,mode=normal,nice=64,mf=bt4,depth=0
xz_v5.2.3_x64: 5,378 MiB of memory is required. The limiter is disabled.
xz_v5.2.3_x64: Decompression will need 513 MiB of memory.
INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar (1/1)
  100 %     307.3 MiB / 1,943.5 MiB = 0.158   895 KiB/s      37:03

Kernel  Time =     9.360 =    0%
User    Time =  2188.787 =   98%
Process Time =  2198.147 =   98%    Virtual  Memory =   5389 MB
Global  Time =  2224.158 =  100%    Physical Memory =   4991 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "bsc_v3.1.0_x64.exe" e "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar" "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".ST6Block512.bsc -b512 -m6 -cp -Tt
This is bsc, Block Sorting Compressor. Version 3.1.0. 8 July 2012.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ilya Grebnov <Ilya.Grebnov@gmail.com>.

INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_ compressed 2037880832 into 286458738 in 121.229 seconds.

Kernel  Time =     3.931 =    3%
User    Time =   109.294 =   89%
Process Time =   113.225 =   92%    Virtual  Memory =   2497 MB
Global  Time =   122.292 =  100%    Physical Memory =   2492 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".method29.zpaq "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar" -method 29 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 2037.880832 MB in 1 files -method 29 -threads 1 at 2017-12-03 23:12:25.
26.35% 0:00:19 [1..6825] 536820051 -method 29,202,1
52.69% 0:00:13 [6826..15672] 536802912 -method 29,205,1
79.03% 0:00:50 [15673..22943] 536678139 -method 29,198,1
100.00% 0:00:00 + INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar 2037880832 -> 2037699891
100.00% 0:00:00 [22944..28815] 427514081 -method 29,195,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (2037.880832 -> 2037.699891 -> 402.995397) = 402.995397 MB
719.742 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =     3.650 =    0%
User    Time =   732.377 =  101%
Process Time =   736.028 =  102%    Virtual  Memory =   3532 MB
Global  Time =   720.187 =  100%    Physical Memory =   3469 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "zpaq_v7.05_x64.exe" add "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".method59.zpaq "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar" -method 59 -threads 1
zpaq v7.05 journaling archiver, compiled Apr 17 2015
Adding 2037.880832 MB in 1 files -method 59 -threads 1 at 2017-12-03 23:24:24.
26.35% 0:00:19 [1..6825] 536820051 -method 59,202,1
52.69% 0:00:13 [6826..15672] 536802912 -method 59,205,1
79.03% 0:09:09 [15673..22943] 536678139 -method 59,198,1
100.00% 0:00:00 + INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar 2037880832 -> 2037699891
100.00% 0:00:00 [22944..28815] 427514081 -method 59,195,1
1 +added, 0 -removed.

0.000000 + (2037.880832 -> 2037.699891 -> 242.738948) = 242.738948 MB
8032.694 seconds (all OK)

Kernel  Time =    12.511 =    0%
User    Time =  8026.064 =   99%
Process Time =  8038.575 =  100%    Virtual  Memory =   6473 MB
Global  Time =  8032.713 =  100%    Physical Memory =   5286 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 lz5 -49 -B7 --no-frame-crc "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
using blocks of size 262144 KB
Compressed filename will be : INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.lz5
Compressed 2037880832 bytes into 410539971 bytes ==> 20.15%

Kernel  Time =     2.137 =    0%
User    Time =  3470.538 =   99%
Process Time =  3472.675 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    676 MB
Global  Time =  3488.992 =  100%    Physical Memory =    482 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -cc "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".cc.nz "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|47377 MHz|#2+HT|15673/16332 MB
Archive: INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.cc.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_cm [524 MB]
Compressed 2 037 880 832 into 242 424 164 in 41m 42.41s, 795 KB/s
IO-in: 1.15s, 1687 MB/s. IO-out: 0.17s, 1306 MB/s

Kernel  Time =     5.600 =    0%
User    Time =  2556.013 =   99%
Process Time =  2561.614 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    539 MB
Global  Time =  2564.954 =  100%    Physical Memory =    514 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 "nanozip-0.09a.win64.exe" a -t1 -co "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".co.nz "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
NanoZip 0.09 alpha/Win64  (C) 2008-2011 Sami Runsas  www.nanozip.net
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz|3351 MHz|#2+HT|15662/16332 MB
Archive: INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.co.nz
Threads: 1, memory: 512 MB
Compressor #0: nz_optimum1 [506 MB]
Compressed 2 037 880 832 into 271 454 594 in 5m 13.77s, 6342 KB/s
IO-in: 1.17s, 1650 MB/s. IO-out: 0.15s, 1638 MB/s

Kernel  Time =    13.228 =    4%
User    Time =   309.100 =   95%
Process Time =   322.329 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =    527 MB
Global  Time =   323.384 =  100%    Physical Memory =    516 MB

CABARC, Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0, Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m LZX:21 N "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".LZX21.cab "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.LZX21.cab' with compression 'LZX:21':
  -- adding INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     3.338 =    0%
User    Time =  1582.505 =   98%
Process Time =  1585.843 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =     20 MB
Global  Time =  1600.515 =  100%    Physical Memory =     21 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 cabarc.exe -m MSZIP N "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".MSZIP.cab "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"

Microsoft (R) Cabinet Tool - Version 5.1.2600.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..

Creating new cabinet 'INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.MSZIP.cab' with compression 'MSZIP':
  -- adding INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar

Completed successfully

Kernel  Time =     3.073 =    0%
User    Time =   288.196 =   92%
Process Time =   291.269 =   93%    Virtual  Memory =      1 MB
Global  Time =   310.206 =  100%    Physical Memory =      3 MB

Compress, version: (N)compress, compiled: Fri, Aug 23, 2013 11:56:09. Authors: Peter Jannesen, Dave Mack, Spencer W. Thomas, Jim McKie, Steve Davies, Ken Turkowski, James A. Woods, Joe Orost.

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 compress.exe -c "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"  1>"INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".Z

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 zstd-v1.3.3-win64.exe --ultra -22 --zstd=wlog=29,clog=30,hlog=30,slog=26 "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"
INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar : 16.10%   (2037880832 => 328025870 bytes, INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.zst)

Kernel  Time =    12.292 =    0%
User    Time =  5364.437 =   99%
Process Time =  5376.730 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =   8724 MB
Global  Time =  5418.360 =  100%    Physical Memory =   8324 MB

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 rz_1.01.exe a -d 512M "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".512M.rz "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar"

 *** RAZOR Archiver 1.01 (2017-09-14) - DEMO/TEST version ***
 *** (c) Christian Martelock (christian.martelock@web.de) ***

 Scanning h:\smashshop_2018-feb-13_judaica\internet_sacred_text_archive_dvd-rom_9_(english_140479_htm_files).tar
 Found 0 dirs, 1 files, 2037880832 bytes.

 Creating archive INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.512M.rz
 Window : 524288K (4096M..1024G)
 Header : 98
 Size   : 273746635

 Archive ok. Added 0 dirs, 1 files, 2037880832 bytes.
 CPU time = 10106.057s / wall time = 8022.831s

Kernel  Time =    37.362 =    0%
User    Time = 10106.056 =  125%
Process Time = 10143.419 =  126%    Virtual  Memory =   6500 MB
Global  Time =  8023.054 =  100%    Physical Memory =   6063 MB

  242,424,164 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.cc.nz
  242,738,948 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.method59.zpaq
  271,454,594 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.co.nz
  273,746,635 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.512M.rz
  281,540,748 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.O16.PPMd_varI
  286,458,738 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.ST6Block512.bsc
  303,601,274 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.O6.PPMd_varI
  322,263,828 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.L9Dict512.xz
  326,955,812 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.MX9Dict512.7z
  328,025,870 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.zst
  375,626,108 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.LZX21.cab
  402,995,397 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.method29.zpaq
  410,539,971 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.M49Block256.lz5
  488,604,001 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.MX9.zip
  516,953,204 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.MSZIP.cab
  698,388,413 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar.Z
2,037,880,832 INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar

H:\smashshop_2018-Feb-13_Judaica>timer64 lz4_v1_8_1_win64 -12 "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar" "INTERNET_SACRED_TEXT_ARCHIVE_DVD-ROM_9_(English_140479_htm_files).tar".12.lz4
Compressed 2037880832 bytes into 577475691 bytes ==> 28.34%

Kernel  Time =     0.920 =    0%
User    Time =   411.468 =   99%
Process Time =   412.388 =   99%    Virtual  Memory =     10 MB
Global  Time =   415.403 =  100%    Physical Memory =      8 MB

Not happy with the test, RAM is insufficient for my favorite mode - LzTurbo 29 - also this old 2nd gen Intel paired with such slow RAM is not showing the modern picture, kinda retroism instead of modernism. Or, like the F1 bolids forced to race in streets of Monte Carlo - never got the idea, crash at Monaco:


Next one will be the 900MB DNA sequence of the Dragonfly... Hopefully, at the end of this week, BROTLI with 1GB window will be released, will wait until it comes, interesting to see it brotlifying (in all modes) the genome of a species 350,000,000 years old. The showdown will be intensified by Oodle 'Hydra' and LzTurbo 39.