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Should links open in new tabs? #12

Closed pox closed 2 years ago

pox commented 3 years ago

Please vote with emojis 👍 or 👎 .

Hopefully enough people vote.

pox commented 2 years ago

bad news: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42156438

pox commented 2 years ago

Closing this. I get that lots of desktop users would prefer this, but for mobile users I think it would be a suboptimal experience, and most visitors are on mobile devices. Desktop users can do Ctrl+Click or middle-click. And everyone can always navigate back or just long-press on mobile to open in a new tab. For these reasons and the fact that as long as I'm using github to host the site there doesn't seem to be a good technical way to make all links open in new tabs anyway, this probably isn't going to happen. Apologies.