pox / EndTheFUD

The best articles debunking Bitcoin FUD
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Update README.md #13

Closed swedishfrenchpress closed 2 years ago

swedishfrenchpress commented 3 years ago

Added Michael Chapiro's Bitcoin is the energy minimal system for a planetary civilization, ending the climate destruction the US dollar has imposed article: https://astigmatic.substack.com/p/bitcoin-is-the-energy-minimal-system

pox commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Will give it a read.

pox commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry to say I had a hard time with reading this piece. It articulates some very smart ideas, some of which I've already encountered in the other articles dealing with energy, but as the author says it might do with some editing. Honestly, it's hard to decide to dig into a long article when the first thing you read is a disclaimer about how the author couldn't be bothered to edit it more thoroughly. I did read it of course, and it did feel under-edited. I'm going to keep this issue open for now and I sincerely hope the author decides to edit it a bit, before it's added to the page. It has lots of potential in my humble opinion.

mchapiro1 commented 3 years ago

I have written a follow up piece that hopefully has a bit more clarity: Bitcoin mining wastes energy, but Bitcoin maximizes the power human civilization wields