pox / EndTheFUD

The best articles debunking Bitcoin FUD
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Update README.md #14

Closed mchapiro1 closed 2 years ago

mchapiro1 commented 3 years ago

I'd like to add an article I wrote on energy with a perspective that is missing from the rest of the literature. https://astigmatic.substack.com/p/bitcoin-is-the-energy-minimal-system

In addition to it being free / openly available now, I will never be paywalling this newsletter (I'll probably never paywall anything as I'm largely averse to the concept).

pox commented 3 years ago

Thanks. It was already proposed in PR #13

pox commented 3 years ago

@mchapiro1 I've replied in issue #13.

My apologies for not adding your article to the page just yet.

mchapiro1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Sorry for double request. I'm not familiar with GitHub and it was only after I figured out how to do the pull request that I saw someone I had asked for help had already entered one.

On Mon, May 31, 2021, 2:16 AM pox @.***> wrote:

@mchapiro1 https://github.com/mchapiro1 I've replied in issue #13 https://github.com/pox/EndTheFUD/pull/13.

My apologies for not adding your article to the page just yet.

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pox commented 2 years ago

For the record, this is what top-quality content looks like: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/bitcoins-energy-usage-is-not-a-problem-heres-why-by-lyn-alden/

Not half-edited ramblings accompanied by trash talking on Twitter when your post does't get included.