pparedes1 / alexa-lgtv-remote

Control your webOS powered LG TV with amazon's alexa.
MIT License
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Turn Off/On #20

Open duartesaraiiva opened 6 years ago

duartesaraiiva commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm having troubles turning off and after turn on tv.

pparedes1 commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in the project. What errors do you see on the console when you ask to turn off tv (if any)? Can you share a little about your setup, such as if you are running the application locally or what endpoint are you using (Heroku, etc)?

duartesaraiiva commented 6 years ago

im running application locally using ngrok. and i didn't found any error

pparedes1 commented 6 years ago

so is your question that you are having trouble 1) turning on the device (after you have turned off) or are you 2) having trouble turning off the device?

If it's 1), this is a known issue because the TV loses it's IP address after a while. You can send a turn off command and immediately turn on device without much issue, but like I said it's going to be difficult to find the device on the network (all solutions are limited). Other users have raised and the team has advised that this program should be run with a TV that's already turned on - for example Amazon itself acknowledges as much when they created their fire tv cube, where it sends infrared commands to turn on the tv's that are sleeping.

If it's 2), can you share with me screen shots of your log after issuing a command like mute and then issuing turn off command. I'm not sure if you are issuing commands in the testing console in Amazon or on the device itself, but either way when a command is issued, ngrok receives and sends to your console that's running the application, I just want to confirm that the other commands are running to understand why turning off doesn't work.

duartesaraiiva commented 6 years ago

its 1 but is there any plans for any solution?