ppau / PirateIRC

PirateIRC related configs and web documents
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Updates (or website in general) doesn't note upcoming IRCd migration or leaving operators / is behind InfoServ #35

Open Mikaela opened 3 years ago

Mikaela commented 3 years ago
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 1: [General Channels] by Mikaela at 13:59 on 11/04/2018: There is an international discussion channel at #globalpirates and we PirateIRC staff are available at #opers for support with using the network.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 2: [Tor gateway TLS] by Mikaela at 05:53 on 01/23/2020: In order to validate the Roubaix-fr Tor gateway certificate, please add `MapAddress roubaix-fr.pirateirc.net tll4bxf546kzf6iv4n2m4pbbjnifrfewe3kcritva2tuuuiowygx2cqd.onion` to your torrc and point your torified IRC-client to roubaix-fr.pirateirc.net.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 3: [Tor gateway TLS2] by Mikaela at 06:00 on 01/23/2020: For more information about configuring Tor, please see https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#torrc or your IRC client, https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorifyHOWTO#Clientapplications or documentation of your IRC client.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 4: [Oragono migration] by MikaelaSuomalainen at 15:28 on 05/18/2021: We are working on migrating our IRCd software from Charybdis to Oragono <https://oragono.io/>. This will simplify our network setup, bring modern features to IRC like integrated bouncer (offline messages, etc.) and improve our webchat. We are currently waiting for Debian 11 to be released before the schedule becomes clear.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 5: [Oragono testnet] by MikaelaSuomalainen at 15:31 on 05/18/2021: For a taste what is coming to PirateIRC in the future, you can connect to ircs://irc2.piraattipuolue.fi:6697/ or our greatly improved webchat at https://irc2.piraattipuolue.fi/, your current login details will work (assuming they are included in the database snapshot) where at least #globalpirates,#opers are matterbridged alongside a few PPFI channels.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 6: [Ergo is the new Oragono] by MikaelaSuomalainen at 11:05 on 06/02/2021: Oragono has rebranded into Ergo on v2.7.0-rc1, so whenever you see us talking about Oragono in older documentation or in general, we mean Ergo.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 7: [Nickname migration] by MikaelaSuomalainen at 21:36 on 06/22/2021: Please ensure your `/ns info` says "Information on nick (account YourPreferredNick)" or "/ns set accountname YourPreferredNick" so it will be your nickname on Ergo once the migration happens.
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 8: [Channel migration] by MikaelaSuomalainen at 21:38 on 06/22/2021: Your channel topics and modes will not migrate to Ergo automatically, unless they are stored to the services database. To ensure smooth migration, please "/cs set #yourchannel keeptopic on" and check your mode lock from "/cs info #yourchannel". For further instructions on modeslocks, see "/cs help set mlock"
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: 9: [We are updating our privacy policy] by MikaelaSuomalainen at 21:53 on 06/22/2021: or at least we have to while migrating to Ergo and we would be happy to receive your feedback at either https://github.com/ppau/PirateIRC/issues/34 or #opers
2021 19:19:52   --  InfoServ: End of list.

@Peitti departed the oper team in January.