ppc64le-cloud / pvsadm

Tool for managing the IBM Power Systems Virtual Servers
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Add create vm command to provision vm in workspace #622

Closed Karthik-K-N closed 3 months ago

Karthik-K-N commented 3 months ago

I would like to have a command to create a vm in user provided workspace with provided network attached to it. like

pvsadm create vm --name my-vm --workspace-name <name> --network-name <name>

In capi or IPI we often create a vm with dhcp network, for debugging anything on that vm we are not able to direclty login to that vm as its private DHCP ip, So we often create a VM with public network and attach the private network to it and use it as a jump host to debug.

Alternative: Explore using ibmcloud cli to achieve the same

What happened:

What you expected to happen:

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

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KeerthanaAP commented 3 months ago


mkumatag commented 3 months ago

@Karthik-K-N I already see following command which does create the vm, wondering any specific use case we are trying to solve part of this command?

ibmcloud pi ins create --help
Create a server instance.

  pi instance create INSTANCE_NAME --image IMAGE --subnets "SUBNET1 [IP1]"[,"SUBNETn [IPn]"]
        [--IBMiCSS-license=True|False] [--IBMiPHA-license=True|False] [--IBMiRDS-users NUMBER-USERS] [--deployment-type TYPE]
        [--key-name NAME] [--memory MEMORY] [--pin-policy POLICY] [--placement-group GROUP_ID] [--processor-type PROC_TYPE]
        [--processors PROCESSORS] [--replicant-affinity-policy AFFINITY_POLICY] [--replicant-scheme SCHEME] [--replicants NUMBER]
        [--shared-processor-pool SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL] [--storage-affinity STORAGE_AFFINITY_POLICY]
        [--storage-affinity-instance INSTANCE] [--storage-affinity-volume VOLUME] [--storage-anti-affinity-instances INSTANCE1[,INSTANCEn]]
        [--storage-anti-affinity-volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]] [--storage-pool STORAGE_POOL] [--storage-tier STORAGE_TIER] [--sys-type TYPE]
        [--user-data USER_DATA] [--virtual-cores ASSIGNED_CORES] [--volumes VOLUME1[,VOLUMEn]]

  INSTANCE_NAME: The name of the instance.

  create, cr

      --IBMiCSS-license                           IBMi CSS software license associated with the instance.
      --IBMiPHA-license                           IBMi PHA software license associated with the instance.
      --IBMiRDS-users int                         Number of IBMi RDS users software license associated with the instance, default IBMiRDSUsers=0 (no license).
  -d, --deployment-type string                    The custom deployment type ("EPIC" or "VMNoStorage").
  -i, --image string                              Operating system image identifier or name.
  -k, --key-name string                           Name of SSH key.
  -m, --memory float                              Amount of memory (in GB) to allocate to the instance. Default is 2GB.
      --pin-policy string                         Pin policy ("none", "soft", "hard"). Default is "none".
      --placement-group string                    The placement group ID of the group that the server will be added to.
  -r, --processor-type string                     Type of processors: "shared" or "dedicated" or "capped". Default is "dedicated".
  -p, --processors float                          Amount of processors to allocate to the instance. Default is 1 core.
      --replicant-affinity-policy string          Affinity policy to use when multicreate is used ("affinity", "anti-affinity")
      --replicant-scheme string                   Naming scheme to use for duplicate VMs ("suffix", "prefix").
      --replicants int                            Number of duplicate instances to create in this request.
      --shared-processor-pool string              The shared processor pool ID of the pool that the server will be in.
      --storage-affinity string                   Affinity policy for storage pool selection. Valid values are "affinity" and "anti-affinity". If --storage-pool is provided, then this it cannot be specified.
      --storage-affinity-instance string          PVM instance identifier or name to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity affinity" is specified and --storage-affinity-volume is not provided.
      --storage-affinity-volume string            Volume identifier or name to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity affinity" is specified and --storage-affinity-instance is not provided.
      --storage-anti-affinity-instances strings   Comma separated list of PVM instance identifiers or names to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity anti-affinity" is specified and --storage-anti-affinity-volumes is not provided.
      --storage-anti-affinity-volumes strings     Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to base storage affinity policy against; required if "--storage-affinity anti-affinity" is specified and --storage-anti-affinity-instances is not provided.
      --storage-pool string                       Storage pool for server deployment (use "ibmcloud pi storage-pools" to see available storage pools). Only valid when you deploy one of the IBM supplied stock images. Storage tier and pool for a custom image (an imported image or an image that is created from a PVMInstance capture) defaults to the storage tier and pool the image was created in.
  -t, --storage-tier string                       Storage tier for server deployment when deploying a stock or custom image (use "ibmcloud pi storage-tiers" to see available storage tiers in the targeted region). Default to tier3 if not provided.
  -n, --subnets strings                           Comma separated list of subnet identifiers or names and optional IP address to associate with the instance.
  -s, --sys-type string                           Name of System Type ('s922', 's1022', 'e980', 'e1080'). Default is "s922".
  -u, --user-data string                          The user data passed into the instance. Strings and file names are supported. File names must be prepended with "@".
      --virtual-cores int                         The number of virtual cores assigned.
  -v, --volumes strings                           Comma separated list of volume identifiers or names to associate with the instance.

Global Flags:
  -h, --help   Display help information for the command.
      --json   Format output in JSON
Karthik-K-N commented 3 months ago

I am more specifically looking into attaching the existing DHCP private network to VM while creating it. The newly created vm should have a public network along with that a private DHCP network attached to it.

mkumatag commented 3 months ago

I am more specifically looking into attaching the existing DHCP private network to VM while creating it. The newly created vm should have a public network along with that a private DHCP network attached to it.

don't we have that option in the above command line? I'm just playing a devil's advocate role here :)

Karthik-K-N commented 3 months ago

I am more specifically looking into attaching the existing DHCP private network to VM while creating it. The newly created vm should have a public network along with that a private DHCP network attached to it.

don't we have that option in the above command line? I'm just playing a devil's advocate role here :)

I am not completely sure whether we can achieve that using ibmcloud cli need to explore so I mentioned that as an alternative in issue description, If we can do the same we can close this issue. The requirement came during debug of somthing so before i forget it thought of creating this issue.

mkumatag commented 3 months ago

@KeerthanaAP lets gather the ibmcloud pi command to do what @Karthik-K-N is mentioning and assess the usability and see if there is scope for making it easier for the users, if yes - then we can implement or else close the issue.

Note: I'm just trying to avoid duplication

KeerthanaAP commented 3 months ago

In ibmcloud pi instance create cli we have an option --subnets to attach any number of existing subnets, using this option we can attach the existing DHCP private network to VM while creating it and if we need a public network along with it we can use the same option subnets to add the public network as well.

$ibmcloud pi instance create TESTVM2 --image testrhel88 --subnets DHCPSERVERcapi-powervs-keerthana-new_Private,publicnet1                        
Creating instance TESTVM2 under account PCLOUD Hypershift as user Keerthana.Arumugam1@ibm.com...
Instance TESTVM2 created.

ID                         74b33306-d983-455c-9ef7-ca67ffbe471a
Name                       TESTVM2
CPU Cores                  1
Memory                     2
Processor Type             dedicated
System Type                s922
Subnets                    4b35724b-7dd2-4c11-847a-e31149cf3855, 1f72c189-8c71-46e6-aa71-ed4c314e23eb
Boot Disk Size             120
Volumes                    -
Storage Tier               tier3
Pin Policy                 none
Image                      cb981149-6324-48fa-8ef2-eef989caae81
Created                    0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Last Updated               0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Status                     BUILDING
Progress                   0
Storage Pool               General-Flash-7
Storage Pool Affinity      -
Shared Processor Pool      -
Shared Processor Pool ID   -
Placement Group            -
Deployment Type            -
Address                    Internal Address: , Mac Address: 
                           Internal Address: , Mac Address: 

To create a Public network we can use the below command

 $ibmcloud pi subnet create publicnet1 --net-type public
Creating subnet publicnet1 under account PCLOUD Hypershift as user Keerthana.Arumugam1@ibm.com...

ID                1f72c189-8c71-46e6-aa71-ed4c314e23eb
Name              publicnet1
VLAN              2087
Type              pub-vlan
CIDR Block
IP Range          [] 
MTU               -
Jumbo             false
Public IP Range   [] 

with the above options we can achieve the mentioned usecase. If we want to make it simple we can implement create vm with an option --publicnetwork and check for public subnets in the workspace and attcah it. If no public subnets present in the workspace, create a public subnet and attach it. @mkumatag @Karthik-K-N could you provide your opinion in this

Karthik-K-N commented 3 months ago

I think this should be sufficient.

Just another quick question, On a newly created workspace do you see any centos images to create VM. Usually we dont see them under boot images but we get a option to select while creating a VM, So is there any command to list the images as well in workspace or global?

KeerthanaAP commented 3 months ago

Yes karthik, There is a command to list the images available in the regional image catalog,

$ibmcloud pi image  lc    
Listing catalog images under account PCLOUD Hypershift as user Keerthana.Arumugam1@ibm.com...
ID                                     Name                      Address
6d935671-233b-4c54-8f5f-a7dfcce90c8f   7200-05-07                /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/6d935671-233b-4c54-8f5f-a7dfcce90c8f
25f2a54a-fd7d-436c-aa61-2ab0b2158a94   7300-02-01                /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/25f2a54a-fd7d-436c-aa61-2ab0b2158a94
f2662e73-c868-4108-a024-92b981fd5331   CentOS-Stream-9           /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/f2662e73-c868-4108-a024-92b981fd5331
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4252c582-6eab-4cd7-be6c-9af58978095e   IBMi-72-09-2984-10        /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/4252c582-6eab-4cd7-be6c-9af58978095e
e1ae3f2a-4c4a-4c80-ad7f-6d06ff30db5d   IBMi-73-13-2924-3         /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/e1ae3f2a-4c4a-4c80-ad7f-6d06ff30db5d
e3a38238-545a-4c7e-97c1-da9f1d51e3ac   IBMi-73-13-2984-3         /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/e3a38238-545a-4c7e-97c1-da9f1d51e3ac
1a12b3ff-24e2-4314-b95e-319aa74685d1   IBMi-74-09-2924-1         /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/1a12b3ff-24e2-4314-b95e-319aa74685d1
8ed29bc9-b735-4418-a4d7-eca5d0fe1abc   IBMi-74-09-2984-1         /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/8ed29bc9-b735-4418-a4d7-eca5d0fe1abc
763e54cb-85a9-41cb-8991-0d9e9fffed51   IBMi-75-03-2924-2         /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/763e54cb-85a9-41cb-8991-0d9e9fffed51
27dad8a5-cd05-46f7-8203-5dc346057922   IBMi-75-03-2984-1         /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/27dad8a5-cd05-46f7-8203-5dc346057922
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658b91f9-a800-48d7-b3ce-2cc5ee302524   RHEL8-SP8                 /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/658b91f9-a800-48d7-b3ce-2cc5ee302524
2466d0c8-ad0f-47e2-9ad1-a9e9ca89d7e7   RHEL8-SP8-BYOL            /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/2466d0c8-ad0f-47e2-9ad1-a9e9ca89d7e7
c81d340e-44fa-42bb-91e3-6a0fc61b8b31   RHEL9-SP2                 /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/c81d340e-44fa-42bb-91e3-6a0fc61b8b31
318f68ee-3e9f-4cc1-8966-80fa31537f06   RHEL9-SP2-BYOL            /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/318f68ee-3e9f-4cc1-8966-80fa31537f06
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6f245bcf-f5f5-41ff-8bcf-12b960661c8a   SLES15-SP5-BYOL           /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/6f245bcf-f5f5-41ff-8bcf-12b960661c8a
57f40a73-1b17-43db-95a9-8a58a6ec6cee   Tier5k-General-Flash-74   /pcloud/v1/cloud-instances/c26da1db662c4b728e11e26a6d0eb414/stock-images/57f40a73-1b17-43db-95a9-8a58a6ec6cee
Karthik-K-N commented 3 months ago

Awesome thanks, then this issue can be closed as we have same requirement can be achieved using ibmcloud cli. Thank you for verifying


ppc64le-cloud-bot commented 3 months ago

@Karthik-K-N: Closing this issue.

In response to [this](https://github.com/ppc64le-cloud/pvsadm/issues/622#issuecomment-2154793055): >Awesome thanks, then this issue can be closed as we have same requirement can be achieved using ibmcloud cli. Thank you for verifying > >/close Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available [here](https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/guide/pull-requests.md). If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the [kubernetes/test-infra](https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/issues/new?title=Prow%20issue:) repository.