ppinard / matplotlib-colorbar

Provides a new artist for matplotlib to display a colorbar
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
7 stars 3 forks source link

Initial Update #8

Closed pyup-bot closed 7 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

This is my first visit to this fine repo so I have bundled all updates in a single pull request to make things easier for you to merge.

Close this pull request and delete the branch if you want me to start with single pull requests right away

Here's the executive summary:


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

matplotlib 2.0.2 » 2.0.2 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage


matplotlib -> 2.0.2


2009-09-20 Fix usetex spacing errors in pdf backend. - JKS

2009-09-20 Add Sphinx extension to highlight IPython console sessions, originally authored (I think) by Michael Droetboom. - FP

2009-09-20 Fix off-by-one error in dviread.Tfm, and additionally protect against exceptions in case a dvi font is missing some metrics. - JKS

2009-09-15 Implement draw_text and draw_tex method of backend_base using the textpath module. Implement draw_tex method of the svg backend. - JJL

2009-09-15 Don't fail on AFM files containing floating-point bounding boxes - JKS

2009-09-13 AxesGrid : add modified version of colorbar. Add colorbar location howto. - JJL

2009-09-07 AxesGrid : implemented axisline style. Added a demo examples/axes_grid/demo_axisline_style.py- JJL

2009-09-04 Make the textpath class as a separate moduel (textpath.py). Add support for mathtext and tex.- JJL

2009-09-01 Added support for Gouraud interpolated triangles. pcolormesh now accepts shading='gouraud' as an option. - MGD

2009-08-29 Added matplotlib.testing package, which contains a Nose plugin and a decorator that lets tests be marked as KnownFailures - ADS

2009-08-20 Added scaled dict to AutoDateFormatter for customized scales - JDH

2009-08-15 Pyplot interface: the current image is now tracked at the figure and axes level, addressing tracker item 1656374. - EF

2009-08-15 Docstrings are now manipulated with decorators defined in a new module, docstring.py, thanks to Jason Coombs. - EF

2009-08-14 Add support for image filtering for agg back end. See the example demo_agg_filter.py. -JJL

2009-08-09 AnnotationBbox added. Similar to Annotation, but works with OffsetBox instead of Text. See the example demo_annotation_box.py. -JJL

2009-08-07 BboxImage implemented. Two examples, demo_bboximage.py and demo_ribbon_box.py added. - JJL

2009-08-07 In an effort to simplify the backend API, all clipping rectangles and paths are now passed in using GraphicsContext objects, even on collections and images. Therefore:

        draw_path_collection(self, master_transform, cliprect, clippath,
                             clippath_trans, paths, all_transforms, offsets,
                             offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors, linewidths,
                             linestyles, antialiaseds, urls)


        draw_path_collection(self, gc, master_transform, paths, all_transforms,
                             offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, edgecolors,
                             linewidths, linestyles, antialiaseds, urls)

        draw_quad_mesh(self, master_transform, cliprect, clippath,
                       clippath_trans, meshWidth, meshHeight, coordinates,
                       offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors, antialiased,


        draw_quad_mesh(self, gc, master_transform, meshWidth, meshHeight,
                       coordinates, offsets, offsetTrans, facecolors,
                       antialiased, showedges)

        draw_image(self, x, y, im, bbox, clippath=None, clippath_trans=None)


        draw_image(self, gc, x, y, im)

      - MGD

2009-08-06 Tagging the 0.99.0 release at svn r7397 - JDH

      * fixed an alpha colormapping bug posted on sf 2832575

      * fix typo in axes_divider.py. use nanmin, nanmax in angle_helper.py
        (patch by Christoph Gohlke)

      * remove dup gui event in enter/leave events in gtk

      * lots of fixes for os x binaries (Thanks Russell Owen)

      * attach gtk events to mpl events -- fixes sf bug 2816580

      * applied sf patch 2815064 (middle button events for wx) and
        patch  2818092 (resize events for wx)

      * fixed boilerplate.py so it doesn't break the ReST docs.

      * removed a couple of cases of mlab.load

      * fixed rec2csv win32 file handle bug from sf patch 2831018

      * added two examples from Josh Hemann: examples/pylab_examples/barchart_demo2.py
        and examples/pylab_examples/boxplot_demo2.py

      * handled sf bugs 2831556 and 2830525; better bar error messages and
        backend driver configs

      * added miktex win32 patch from sf patch 2820194

      * apply sf patches 2830233 and 2823885 for osx setup and 64 bit;  thanks Michiel

2009-08-04 Made cbook.get_sample_data make use of the ETag and Last-Modified headers of mod_dav_svn. - JKS

2009-08-03 Add PathCollection; modify contourf to use complex paths instead of simple paths with cuts. - EF

2009-08-03 Fixed boilerplate.py so it doesn't break the ReST docs. - JKS

2009-08-03 pylab no longer provides a load and save function. These are available in matplotlib.mlab, or you can use numpy.loadtxt and numpy.savetxt for text files, or np.save and np.load for binary numpy arrays. - JDH

2009-07-31 Added cbook.get_sample_data for urllib enabled fetching and cacheing of data needed for examples. See examples/misc/sample_data_demo.py - JDH

2009-07-31 Tagging 0.99.0.rc1 at 7314 - MGD

2009-07-30 Add set_cmap and register_cmap, and improve get_cmap, to provide convenient handling of user-generated colormaps. Reorganized _cm and cm modules. - EF

2009-07-28 Quiver speed improved, thanks to tip by Ray Speth. -EF

2009-07-27 Simplify argument handling code for plot method. -EF

2009-07-25 Allow "plot(1, 2, 'r*')" to work. - EF

2009-07-22 Added an 'interp' keyword to griddata so the faster linear interpolation method can be chosen. Default is 'nn', so default behavior (using natural neighbor method) is unchanged (JSW)

2009-07-22 Improved boilerplate.py so that it generates the correct signatures for pyplot functions. - JKS

2009-07-19 Fixed the docstring of Axes.step to reflect the correct meaning of the kwargs "pre" and "post" - See SF bug https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2823304&group_id=80706&atid=560720

  • JDH

2009-07-18 Fix support for hatches without color fills to pdf and svg backends. Add an example of that to hatch_demo.py. - JKS

2009-07-17 Removed fossils from swig version of agg backend. - EF

2009-07-14 initial submission of the annotation guide. -JJL

2009-07-14 axes_grid : minor improvements in anchored_artists and inset_locator. -JJL

2009-07-14 Fix a few bugs in ConnectionStyle algorithms. Add ConnectionPatch class. -JJL

2009-07-11 Added a fillstyle Line2D property for half filled markers -- see examples/pylab_examples/fillstyle_demo.py JDH

2009-07-08 Attempt to improve performance of qt4 backend, do not call qApp.processEvents while processing an event. Thanks Ole Streicher for tracking this down - DSD

2009-06-24 Add withheader option to mlab.rec2csv and changed use_mrecords default to False in mlab.csv2rec since this is partially broken - JDH

2009-06-24 backend_agg.draw_marker quantizes the main path (as in the draw_path). - JJL

2009-06-24 axes_grid: floating axis support added. - JJL

2009-06-14 Add new command line options to backend_driver.py to support running only some directories of tests - JKS

2009-06-13 partial cleanup of mlab and its importation in pylab - EF

2009-06-13 Introduce a rotation_mode property for the Text artist. See examples/pylab_examples/demo_text_rotation_mode.py -JJL

2009-06-07 add support for bz2 files per sf support request 2794556 - JDH

2009-06-06 added a properties method to the artist and inspector to return a dict mapping property name -> value; see sf feature request 2792183 - JDH

2009-06-06 added Neil's auto minor tick patch; sf patch 2789713 - JDH

2009-06-06 do not apply alpha to rgba color conversion if input is already rgba - JDH

2009-06-03 axes_grid : Initial check-in of curvelinear grid support. See examples/axes_grid/demo_curvelinear_grid.py - JJL

2009-06-01 Add set_color method to Patch - EF

2009-06-01 Spine is now derived from Patch - ADS

2009-06-01 use cbook.is_string_like() instead of isinstance() for spines - ADS

2009-06-01 cla() support for spines - ADS

2009-06-01 Removed support for gtk < 2.4. - EF

2009-05-29 Improved the animation_blit_qt4 example, which was a mix of the object-oriented and pylab interfaces. It is now strictly object-oriented - DSD

2009-05-28 Fix axes_grid toolkit to work with spine patch by ADS. - JJL

2009-05-28 Applied fbianco's patch to handle scroll wheel events in the qt4 backend - DSD

2009-05-26 Add support for "axis spines" to have arbitrary location. -ADS

2009-05-20 Add an empty matplotlibrc to the tests/ directory so that running tests will use the default set of rcparams rather than the user's config. - RMM

2009-05-19 Axis.grid(): allow use of which='major,minor' to have grid on major and minor ticks. -ADS

2009-05-18 Make psd(), csd(), and cohere() wrap properly for complex/two-sided versions, like specgram() (SF 2791686) - RMM

2009-05-18 Fix the linespacing bug of multiline text (1239682). See examples/pylab_examples/multiline.py -JJL

2009-05-18 Add annotation_clip attr. for text.Annotation class. If True, annotation is only drawn when the annotated point is inside the axes area. -JJL

2009-05-17 Fix bug(2749174) that some properties of minor ticks are not conserved -JJL

2009-05-17 applied Michiel's sf patch 2790638 to turn off gtk event loop in setupext for pygtk>=2.15.10 - JDH

2009-05-17 applied Michiel's sf patch 2792742 to speed up Cairo and macosx collections; speedups can be 20x. Also fixes some bugs in which gc got into inconsistent state


2008-05-17 Release at r7107 from the branch - JDH

2009-05-13 An optional offset and bbox support in restore_bbox. Add animation_blit_gtk2.py. -JJL

2009-05-13 psfrag in backend_ps now uses baseline-alignment when preview.sty is used ((default is bottom-alignment). Also, a small api imporvement in OffsetBox-JJL

2009-05-13 When the x-coordinate of a line is monotonically increasing, it is now automatically clipped at the stage of generating the transformed path in the draw method; this greatly speeds up zooming and panning when one is looking at a short segment of a long time series, for example. - EF

2009-05-11 aspect=1 in log-log plot gives square decades. -JJL

2009-05-08 clabel takes new kwarg, rightside_up; if False, labels will not be flipped to keep them rightside-up. This allows the use of clabel to make streamfunction arrows, as requested by Evan Mason. - EF

2009-05-07 'labelpad' can now be passed when setting x/y labels. This allows controlling the spacing between the label and its axis. - RMM

2009-05-06 print_ps now uses mixed-mode renderer. Axes.draw rasterize artists whose zorder smaller than rasterization_zorder. -JJL

2009-05-06 Per-artist Rasterization, originally by Eric Bruning. -JJ

2009-05-05 Add an example that shows how to make a plot that updates using data from another process. Thanks to Robert Cimrman - RMM

2009-05-05 Add Axes.get_legend_handles_labels method. - JJL

2009-05-04 Fix bug that Text.Annotation is still drawn while set to not visible. - JJL

2009-05-04 Added TJ's fill_betweenx patch - JDH

2009-05-02 Added options to plotfile based on question from Joseph Smidt and patch by Matthias Michler. - EF

2009-05-01 Changed add_artist and similar Axes methods to return their argument. - EF

2009-04-30 Incorrect eps bbox for landscape mode fixed - JJL

2009-04-28 Fixed incorrect bbox of eps output when usetex=True. - JJL

2009-04-24 Changed use of os.open to instead use subprocess.Popen. os.popen are deprecated in 2.6 and are removed in 3.0. - RMM

2009-04-20 Worked on axes_grid documentation. Added axes_grid.inset_locator. - JJL

2009-04-17 Initial check-in of the axes_grid toolkit. - JJL

2009-04-17 Added a support for bbox_to_anchor in offsetbox.AnchoredOffsetbox. Improved a documentation.

  • JJL

2009-04-16 Fixed a offsetbox bug that multiline texts are not correctly aligned. - JJL

2009-04-16 Fixed a bug in mixed mode renderer that images produced by an rasterizing backend are placed with incorrect size.

  • JJL

2009-04-14 Added Jonathan Taylor's Reinier Heeres' port of John Porters' mplot3d to svn trunk. Package in mpl_toolkits.mplot3d and demo is examples/mplot3d/demo.py. Thanks Reiner

2009-04-06 The pdf backend now escapes newlines and linefeeds in strings. Fixes sf bug 2708559; thanks to Tiago Pereira for the report.

2009-04-06 texmanager.make_dvi now raises an error if LaTeX failed to create an output file. Thanks to Joao Luis Silva for reporting this. - JKS

2009-04-05 _png.read_png() reads 12 bit PNGs (patch from Tobias Wood) - ADS

2009-04-04 Allow log axis scale to clip non-positive values to small positive value; this is useful for errorbars. - EF

2009-03-28 Make images handle nan in their array argument. A helper, cbook.safe_masked_invalid() was added. - EF

2009-03-25 Make contour and contourf handle nan in their Z argument. - EF

2009-03-20 Add AuxTransformBox in offsetbox.py to support some transformation. anchored_text.py example is enhanced and renamed (anchored_artists.py). - JJL

2009-03-20 Add "bar" connection style for annotation - JJL

2009-03-17 Fix bugs in edge color handling by contourf, found by Jae-Joon Lee. - EF

2009-03-14 Added 'LightSource' class to colors module for creating shaded relief maps. shading_example.py added to illustrate usage. - JSW

2009-03-11 Ensure wx version >= 2.8; thanks to Sandro Tosi and Chris Barker. - EF

2009-03-10 Fix join style bug in pdf. - JKS

2009-03-07 Add pyplot access to figure number list - EF

2009-02-28 hashing of FontProperties accounts current rcParams - JJL

2009-02-28 Prevent double-rendering of shared axis in twinx, twiny - EF

2009-02-26 Add optional bbox_to_anchor argument for legend class - JJL

2009-02-26 Support image clipping in pdf backend. - JKS

2009-02-25 Improve tick location subset choice in FixedLocator. - EF

2009-02-24 Deprecate numerix, and strip out all but the numpy part of the code. - EF

2009-02-21 Improve scatter argument handling; add an early error message, allow inputs to have more than one dimension. - EF

2009-02-16 Move plot_directive.py to the installed source tree. Add support for inline code content - MGD

2009-02-16 Move mathmpl.py to the installed source tree so it is available to other projects. - MGD

2009-02-14 Added the legend title support - JJL

2009-02-10 Fixed a bug in backend_pdf so it doesn't break when the setting pdf.use14corefonts=True is used. Added test case in unit/test_pdf_use14corefonts.py. - NGR

2009-02-08 Added a new imsave function to image.py and exposed it in the pyplot interface - GR

2009-02-04 Some reorgnization of the legend code. anchored_text.py added as an example. - JJL

2009-02-04 Add extent keyword arg to hexbin - ADS

2009-02-04 Fix bug in mathtext related to \dots and \ldots - MGD

2009-02-03 Change default joinstyle to round - MGD

2009-02-02 Reduce number of marker XObjects in pdf output - JKS

2009-02-02 Change default resolution on polar plot to 1 - MGD

2009-02-02 Avoid malloc errors in ttconv for fonts that don't have e.g., PostName (a version of Tahoma triggered this) - JKS

2009-01-30 Remove support for pyExcelerator in exceltools -- use xlwt instead - JDH

2009-01-29 Document 'resolution' kwarg for polar plots. Support it when using pyplot.polar, not just Figure.add_axes. - MGD

2009-01-29 Rework the nan-handling/clipping/quantizing/simplification framework so each is an independent part of a pipeline. Expose the C++-implementation of all of this so it can be used from all Python backends. Add rcParam "path.simplify_threshold" to control the threshold of similarity below which vertices will be removed.

2009-01-26 Improved tight bbox option of the savefig. - JJL

2009-01-26 Make curves and NaNs play nice together - MGD

2009-01-21 Changed the defaults of acorr and xcorr to use usevlines=True, maxlags=10 and normed=True since these are the best defaults

2009-01-19 Fix bug in quiver argument handling. - EF

2009-01-19 Fix bug in backend_gtk: don't delete nonexistent toolbar. - EF

2009-01-16 Implement bbox_inches option for savefig. If bbox_inches is "tight", try to determine the tight bounding box. - JJL

2009-01-16 Fix bug in is_string_like so it doesn't raise an unnecessary exception. - EF

2009-01-16 Fix an infinite recursion in the unit registry when searching for a converter for a sequence of strings. Add a corresponding test. - RM

2009-01-16 Bugfix of C typedef of MPL_Int64 that was failing on Windows XP 64 bit, as reported by George Goussard on numpy mailing list. - ADS

2009-01-16 Added helper function LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list to facilitate building simple custom colomaps. See examples/pylab_examples/custom_cmap_fromlist.py - JDH

2009-01-16 Applied Michiel's patch for macosx backend to fix rounding bug. Closed sf bug 2508440 - JSW

2009-01-10 Applied Michiel's hatch patch for macosx backend and draw_idle patch for qt. Closes sf patched 2497785 and 2468809 - JDH

2009-01-10 Fix bug in pan/zoom with log coordinates. - EF

2009-01-06 Fix bug in setting of dashed negative contours. - EF

2009-01-06 Be fault tolerant when len(linestyles)>NLev in contour. - MM

2009-01-06 Added marginals kwarg to hexbin to plot marginal densities JDH

2009-01-06 Change user-visible multipage pdf object to PdfPages to avoid accidents with the file-like PdfFile. - JKS

2009-01-05 Fix a bug in pdf usetex: allow using non-embedded fonts. - JKS

2009-01-05 optional use of preview.sty in usetex mode. - JJL

2009-01-02 Allow multipage pdf files. - JKS

2008-12-31 Improve pdf usetex by adding support for font effects (slanting and extending). - JKS

2008-12-29 Fix a bug in pdf usetex support, which occurred if the same Type-1 font was used with different encodings, e.g., with Minion Pro and MnSymbol. - JKS

2008-12-20 fix the dpi-dependent offset of Shadow. - JJL

2008-12-20 fix the hatch bug in the pdf backend. minor update in docs and example - JJL

2008-12-19 Add axes_locator attribute in Axes. Two examples are added.

  • JJL

2008-12-19 Update Axes.legend documnetation. /api/api_changes.rst is also updated to describe chages in keyword parameters. Issue a warning if old keyword parameters are used. - JJL

2008-12-18 add new arrow style, a line + filled triangles. -JJL

================================================================== 2008-12-18 Re-Released from v0_98_5_maint at r6679 Released from v0_98_5_maint at r6667

2008-12-18 Removed configobj, experimental traits and doc/mpl_data link - JDH

2008-12-18 Fix bug where a line with NULL data limits prevents subsequent data limits from calculating correctly - MGD

2008-12-17 Major documentation generator changes - MGD

2008-12-17 Applied macosx backend patch with support for path collections, quadmesh, etc... - JDH

2008-12-17 fix dpi-dependent behavior of text bbox and arrow in annotate -JJL

2008-12-17 Add group id support in artist. Two examples which demostrate svg filter are added. -JJL

2008-12-16 Another attempt to fix dpi-dependent behavior of Legend. -JJL

2008-12-16 Fixed dpi-dependent behavior of Legend and fancybox in Text.

2008-12-16 Added markevery property to Line2D to support subsampling of markers - JDH 2008-12-15 Removed mpl_data symlink in docs. On platforms that do not support symlinks, these become copies, and the font files are large, so the distro becomes unneccessarily bloaded. Keeping the mpl_examples dir because relative links are harder for the plot directive and the *.py files are not so large. - JDH

2008-12-15 Fix \$ in non-math text with usetex off. Document differences between usetex on/off - MGD

2008-12-15 Fix anti-aliasing when auto-snapping - MGD

2008-12-15 Fix grid lines not moving correctly during pan and zoom - MGD

2008-12-12 Preparations to eliminate maskedarray rcParams key: its use will now generate a warning. Similarly, importing the obsolote numerix.npyma will generate a warning. - EF

2008-12-12 Added support for the numpy.histogram() weights parameter to the axes hist() method. Docs taken from numpy - MM

2008-12-12 Fixed warning in hist() with numpy 1.2 - MM

2008-12-12 Removed external packages: configobj and enthought.traits which are only required by the experimental traited config and are somewhat out of date. If needed, install them independently, see:




2008-12-12 Added support to asign labels to histograms of multiple data. - MM

================================================================= 2008-12-11 Released 0.98.5 at svn r6573

2008-12-11 Use subprocess.Popen instead of os.popen in dviread (Windows problem reported by Jorgen Stenarson) - JKS

2008-12-10 Added Michael's font_manager fix and Jae-Joon's figure/subplot fix. Bumped version number to 0.98.5 - JDH

================================================================= 2008-12-09 Released 0.98.4 at svn r6536

2008-12-08 Added mdehoon's native macosx backend from sf patch 2179017 - JDH

2008-12-08 Removed the prints in the set_*style commands. Return the list of pprinted strings instead - JDH

2008-12-08 Some of the changes Michael made to improve the output of the property tables in the rest docs broke of made difficult to use some of the interactive doc helpers, e.g., setp and getp. Having all the rest markup in the ipython shell also confused the docstrings. I added a new rc param docstring.harcopy, to format the docstrings differently for hardcopy and other use. Ther ArtistInspector could use a little refactoring now since there is duplication of effort between the rest out put and the non-rest output - JDH

2008-12-08 Updated spectral methods (psd, csd, etc.) to scale one-sided densities by a factor of 2 and, optionally, scale all densities by the sampling frequency. This gives better MatLab compatibility. -RM

2008-12-08 Fixed alignment of ticks in colorbars. -MGD

2008-12-07 drop the deprecated "new" keyword of np.histogram() for numpy 1.2 or later. -JJL

2008-12-06 Fixed a bug in svg backend that new_figure_manager() ignores keywords arguments such as figsize, etc. -JJL

2008-12-05 Fixed a bug that the handlelength of the new legend class set too short when numpoints=1 -JJL

2008-12-04 Added support for data with units (e.g., dates) to Axes.fill_between. -RM

2008-12-04 Added fancybox keyword to legend. Also applied some changes for better look, including baseline adjustment of the multiline texts so that it is center aligned. -JJL

2008-12-02 The transmuter classes in the patches.py are reorganized as subclasses of the Style classes. A few more box and arrow styles are added. -JJL

2008-12-02 Fixed a bug in the new legend class that didn't allowed a tuple of coordinate vlaues as loc. -JJL

2008-12-02 Improve checks for external dependencies, using subprocess (instead of deprecated popen*) and distutils (for version checking) - DSD

2008-11-30 Reimplementaion of the legend which supports baseline alignement, multi-column, and expand mode. - JJL

2008-12-01 Fixed histogram autoscaling bug when bins or range are given explicitly (fixes Debian bug 503148) - MM

2008-11-25 Added rcParam axes.unicode_minus which allows plain hypen for minus when False - JDH

2008-11-25 Added scatterpoints support in Legend. patch by Erik Tollerud - JJL

2008-11-24 Fix crash in log ticking. - MGD

2008-11-20 Added static helper method BrokenHBarCollection.span_where and Axes/pyplot method fill_between. See examples/pylab/fill_between.py - JDH

2008-11-12 Add x_isdata and y_isdata attributes to Artist instances, and use them to determine whether either or both coordinates are used when updating dataLim. This is used to fix autoscaling problems that had been triggered by axhline, axhspan, axvline, axvspan. - EF

2008-11-11 Update the psd(), csd(), cohere(), and specgram() methods of Axes and the csd() cohere(), and specgram() functions in mlab to be in sync with the changes to psd(). In fact, under the hood, these all call the same core to do computations. - RM

2008-11-11 Add 'pad_to' and 'sides' parameters to mlab.psd() to allow controlling of zero padding and returning of negative frequency components, respecitively. These are added in a way that does not change the API. - RM

2008-11-10 Fix handling of c kwarg by scatter; generalize is_string_like to accept numpy and numpy.ma string array scalars. - RM and EF

2008-11-09 Fix a possible EINTR problem in dviread, which might help when saving pdf files from the qt backend. - JKS

2008-11-05 Fix bug with zoom to rectangle and twin axes - MGD

2008-10-24 Added Jae Joon's fancy arrow, box and annotation enhancements -- see examples/pylab_examples/annotation_demo2.py

2008-10-23 Autoscaling is now supported with shared axes - EF

2008-10-23 Fixed exception in dviread that happened with Minion - JKS

2008-10-21 set_xlim, ylim now return a copy of the viewlim array to avoid modify inplace surprises

2008-10-20 Added image thumbnail generating function matplotlib.image.thumbnail. See examples/misc/image_thumbnail.py - JDH

2008-10-20 Applied scatleg patch based on ideas and work by Erik Tollerud and Jae-Joon Lee. - MM

2008-10-11 Fixed bug in pdf backend: if you pass a file object for output instead of a filename, e.g., in a wep app, we now flush the object at the end. - JKS

2008-10-08 Add path simplification support to paths with gaps. - EF

2008-10-05 Fix problem with AFM files that don't specify the font's full name or family name. - JKS

2008-10-04 Added 'scilimits' kwarg to Axes.ticklabel_format() method, for easy access to the set_powerlimits method of the major ScalarFormatter. - EF

2008-10-04 Experimental new kwarg borderpad to replace pad in legend, based on suggestion by Jae-Joon Lee. - EF

2008-09-27 Allow spy to ignore zero values in sparse arrays, based on patch by Tony Yu. Also fixed plot to handle empty data arrays, and fixed handling of markers in figlegend. - EF

2008-09-24 Introduce drawstyles for lines. Transparently split linestyles like 'steps--' into drawstyle 'steps' and linestyle '--'. Legends always use drawstyle 'default'. - MM

2008-09-18 Fixed quiver and quiverkey bugs (failure to scale properly when resizing) and added additional methods for determining the arrow angles - EF

2008-09-18 Fix polar interpolation to handle negative values of theta - MGD

2008-09-14 Reorganized cbook and mlab methods related to numerical calculations that have little to do with the goals of those two modules into a separate module numerical_methods.py Also, added ability to select points and stop point selection with keyboard in ginput and manual contour labeling code. Finally, fixed contour labeling bug. - DMK

2008-09-11 Fix backtick in Postscript output. - MGD

2008-09-10 [ 2089958 ] Path simplification for vector output backends Leverage the simplification code exposed through path_to_polygons to simplify certain well-behaved paths in the vector backends (PDF, PS and SVG). "path.simplify" must be set to True in matplotlibrc for this to work. - MGD

2008-09-10 Add "filled" kwarg to Path.intersects_path and Path.intersects_bbox. - MGD

2008-09-07 Changed full arrows slightly to avoid an xpdf rendering problem reported by Friedrich Hagedorn. - JKS

2008-09-07 Fix conversion of quadratic to cubic Bezier curves in PDF and PS backends. Patch by Jae-Joon Lee. - JKS

2008-09-06 Added 5-point star marker to plot command - EF

2008-09-05 Fix hatching in PS backend - MGD

2008-09-03 Fix log with base 2 - MGD

2008-09-01 Added support for bilinear interpolation in NonUniformImage; patch by Gregory Lielens. - EF

2008-08-28 Added support for multiple histograms with data of different length - MM

2008-08-28 Fix step plots with log scale - MGD

2008-08-28 Fix masked arrays with markers in non-Agg backends - MGD

2008-08-28 Fix clip_on kwarg so it actually works correctly - MGD

2008-08-25 Fix locale problems in SVG backend - MGD

2008-08-22 fix quiver so masked values are not plotted - JSW

2008-08-18 improve interactive pan/zoom in qt4 backend on windows - DSD

2008-08-11 Fix more bugs in NaN/inf handling. In particular, path simplification (which does not handle NaNs or infs) will be turned off automatically when infs or NaNs are present. Also masked arrays are now converted to arrays with NaNs for consistent handling of masks and NaNs

  • MGD and EF

================================================================= 2008-08-03 Released 0.98.3 at svn r5947

2008-08-01 Backported memory leak fixes in _ttconv.cpp - MGD

2008-07-31 Added masked array support to griddata. - JSW

2008-07-26 Added optional C and reduce_C_function arguments to axes.hexbin(). This allows hexbin to accumulate the values of C based on the x,y coordinates and display in hexagonal bins. - ADS

2008-07-24 Deprecated (raise NotImplementedError) all the mlab2 functions from matplotlib.mlab out of concern that some of them were not clean room implementations. JDH

2008-07-24 Rewrite of a significant portion of the clabel code (class ContourLabeler) to improve inlining. - DMK

2008-07-22 Added Barbs polygon collection (similar to Quiver) for plotting wind barbs. Added corresponding helpers to Axes and pyplot as well. (examples/pylab_examples/barb_demo.py shows it off.) - RMM

2008-07-21 Added scikits.delaunay as matplotlib.delaunay. Added griddata function in matplotlib.mlab, with example (griddata_demo.py) in pylab_examples. griddata function will use mpl_toolkits._natgrid if installed. - JSW

2008-07-21 Re-introduced offset_copy that works in the context of the new transforms. - MGD

2008-07-21 Committed patch by Ryan May to add get_offsets and set_offsets to Collections base class - EF

2008-07-21 Changed the "asarray" strategy in image.py so that colormapping of masked input should work for all image types (thanks Klaus Zimmerman) - EF

2008-07-20 Rewrote cbook.delete_masked_points and corresponding unit test to support rgb color array inputs, datetime inputs, etc. - EF

2008-07-20 Renamed unit/axes_unit.py to cbook_unit.py and modified in accord with Ryan's move of delete_masked_points from axes to cbook. - EF

2008-07-18 Check for nan and inf in axes.delete_masked_points(). This should help hexbin and scatter deal with nans. - ADS

2008-07-17 Added ability to manually select contour label locations. Also added a waitforbuttonpress function. - DMK

2008-07-17 Fix bug with NaNs at end of path (thanks, Andrew Straw for the report) - MGD

2008-07-16 Improve error handling in texmanager, thanks to Ian Henry for reporting - DSD

2008-07-12 Added support for external backends with the "module://my_backend" syntax - JDH

2008-07-11 Fix memory leak related to shared axes. Grouper should store weak references. - MGD

2008-07-10 Bugfix: crash displaying fontconfig pattern - MGD

2008-07-10 Bugfix: [ 2013963 ] update_datalim_bounds in Axes not works - MGD

2008-07-10 Bugfix: [ 2014183 ] multiple imshow() causes gray edges - MGD

2008-07-09 Fix rectangular axes patch on polar plots bug - MGD

2008-07-09 Improve mathtext radical rendering - MGD

2008-07-08 Improve mathtext superscript placement - MGD

2008-07-07 Fix custom scales in pcolormesh (thanks Matthew Turk) - MGD

2008-07-03 Implemented findobj method for artist and pyplot - see examples/pylab_examples/findobj_demo.py - JDH

2008-06-30 Another attempt to fix TextWithDash - DSD

2008-06-30 Removed Qt4 NavigationToolbar2.destroy -- it appears to have been unnecessary and caused a bug reported by P. Raybaut - DSD

2008-06-27 Fixed tick positioning bug - MM

2008-06-27 Fix dashed text bug where text was at the wrong end of the dash - MGD

2008-06-26 Fix mathtext bug for expressions like $x_{\leftarrow}$ - MGD

2008-06-26 Fix direction of horizontal/vertical hatches - MGD

2008-06-25 Figure.figurePatch renamed Figure.patch, Axes.axesPatch renamed Axes.patch, Axes.axesFrame renamed Axes.frame, Axes.get_frame, which returns Axes.patch, is deprecated. Examples and users guide updated - JDH

2008-06-25 Fix rendering quality of pcolor - MGD

================================================================= 2008-06-24 Released 0.98.2 at svn r5667 - (source only for debian) JDH

2008-06-24 Added "transparent" kwarg to savefig. - MGD

2008-06-24 Applied Stefan's patch to draw a single centered marker over a line with numpoints==1 - JDH

2008-06-23 Use splines to render circles in scatter plots - MGD

=============================================================== 2008-06-22 Released 0.98.1 at revision 5637

2008-06-22 Removed axes3d support and replaced it with a NotImplementedError for one release cycle

2008-06-21 fix marker placement bug in backend_ps - DSD

2008-06-20 [ 1978629 ] scale documentation missing/incorrect for log - MGD

2008-06-20 Added closed kwarg to PolyCollection. Fixes bug [ 1994535 ] still missing lines on graph with svn (r 5548). - MGD

2008-06-20 Added set/get_closed method to Polygon; fixes error in hist - MM

2008-06-19 Use relative font sizes (e.g., 'medium' and 'large') in rcsetup.py and matplotlibrc.template so that text will be scaled by default when changing rcParams['font.size'] - EF

2008-06-17 Add a generic PatchCollection class that can contain any kind of patch. - MGD

2008-06-13 Change pie chart label alignment to avoid having labels overwrite the pie - MGD

2008-06-12 Added some helper functions to the mathtext parser to return bitmap arrays or write pngs to make it easier to use mathtext outside the context of an mpl figure. modified the mathpng sphinxext to use the mathtext png save functionality - see examples/api/mathtext_asarray.py - JDH

2008-06-11 Use matplotlib.mathtext to render math expressions in online docs - MGD

2008-06-11 Move PNG loading/saving to its own extension module, and remove duplicate code in _backend_agg.cpp and _image.cpp that does the same thing - MGD

2008-06-11 Numerous mathtext bugfixes, primarily related to dpi-independence - MGD

2008-06-10 Bar now applies the label only to the first patch only, and sets 'nolegend' for the other patch labels. This lets autolegend work as expected for hist and bar - see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1986597&amp;group_id=80706&amp;atid=560720 JDH

2008-06-10 Fix text baseline alignment bug. [ 1985420 ] Repair of baseline alignment in Text._get_layout. Thanks Stan West - MGD

2008-06-09 Committed Gregor's image resample patch to downsampling images with new rcparam image.resample - JDH

2008-06-09 Don't install Enthought.Traits along with matplotlib. For matplotlib developers convenience, it can still be installed by setting an option in setup.cfg while we figure decide if there is a future for the traited config - DSD

2008-06-09 Added range keyword arg to hist() - MM

2008-06-07 Moved list of backends to rcsetup.py; made use of lower case for backend names consistent; use validate_backend when importing backends subpackage - EF

2008-06-06 hist() revision, applied ideas proposed by Erik Tollerud and Olle Engdegard: make histtype='step' unfilled by default and introduce histtype='stepfilled'; use default color cycle; introduce reverse cumulative histogram; new align keyword - MM

2008-06-06 Fix closed polygon patch and also provide the option to not close the polygon - MGD

2008-06-05 Fix some dpi-changing-related problems with PolyCollection, as called by Axes.scatter() - MGD

2008-06-05 Fix image drawing so there is no extra space to the right or bottom - MGD

2006-06-04 Added a figure title command suptitle as a Figure method and pyplot command -- see examples/figure_title.py - JDH

2008-06-02 Added support for log to hist with histtype='step' and fixed a bug for log-scale stacked histograms - MM

=============================================================== 2008-05-29 Released 0.98.0 at revision 5314

2008-05-29 matplotlib.image.imread now no longer always returns RGBA -- if the image is luminance or RGB, it will return a MxN or MxNx3 array if possible. Also uint8 is no longer always forced to float.

2008-05-29 Implement path clipping in PS backend - JDH

2008-05-29 Fixed two bugs in texmanager.py: improved comparison of dvipng versions fixed a bug introduced when get_grey method was added

  • DSD

2008-05-28 Fix crashing of PDFs in xpdf and ghostscript when two-byte characters are used with Type 3 fonts - MGD

2008-05-28 Allow keyword args to configure widget properties as requested in http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1866207&amp;group_id=80706&amp;atid=560722

  • JDH

2008-05-28 Replaced '-' with u'\u2212' for minus sign as requested in http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&amp;aid=1962574&amp;group_id=80706&amp;atid=560720

2008-05-28 zero width/height Rectangles no longer influence the autoscaler. Useful for log histograms with empty bins - JDH

2008-05-28 Fix rendering of composite glyphs in Type 3 conversion (particularly as evidenced in the Eunjin.ttf Korean font) Thanks Jae-Joon Lee for finding this!

2008-05-27 Rewrote the cm.ScalarMappable callback infrastructure to use cbook.CallbackRegistry rather than custom callback handling. Amy users of add_observer/notify of the cm.ScalarMappable should uae the cm.ScalarMappable.callbacksSM CallbackRegistry instead. JDH

2008-05-27 Fix TkAgg build on Ubuntu 8.04 (and hopefully a more general solution for other platforms, too.)

2008-05-24 Added PIL support for loading images to imread (if PIL is available) - JDH

2008-05-23 Provided a function and a method for controlling the plot color cycle. - EF

2008-05-23 Major revision of hist(). Can handle 2D arrays and create stacked histogram plots; keyword 'width' deprecated and rwidth (relative width) introduced; align='edge' changed to center of bin - MM

2008-05-22 Added support for ReST-based doumentation using Sphinx. Documents are located in doc/, and are broken up into a users guide and an API reference. To build, run the make.py files. Sphinx-0.4 is needed to build generate xml, which will be useful for rendering equations with mathml, use sphinx from svn until 0.4 is released - DSD

2008-05-21 Fix segfault in TkAgg backend - MGD

2008-05-21 Fix a "local variable unreferenced" bug in plotfile - MM

2008-05-19 Fix crash when Windows can not access the registry to determine font path [Bug 1966974, thanks Patrik Simons] - MGD

2008-05-16 removed some unneeded code w/ the python 2.4 requirement. cbook no longer provides compatibility for reversed, enumerate, set or izip. removed lib/subprocess, mpl1, sandbox/units, and the swig code. This stuff should remain on the maintenance branch for archival purposes. JDH

2008-05-16 Reorganized examples dir - JDH

2008-05-16 Added 'elinewidth' keyword arg to errorbar, based on patch by Christopher Brown - MM

2008-05-16 Added 'cumulative' keyword arg to hist to plot cumulative histograms. For normed hists, this is normalized to one - MM

2008-05-15 Fix Tk backend segfault on some machines - MGD

2008-05-14 Don't use stat on Windows (fixes font embedding problem) - MGD

2008-05-09 Fix /singlequote (') in Postscript backend - MGD

2008-05-08 Fix kerning in SVG when embedding character outlines - MGD

2008-05-07 Switched to future numpy histogram semantic in hist - MM

2008-05-06 Fix strange colors when blitting in QtAgg and Qt4Agg - MGD

2008-05-05 pass notify_axes_change to the figure's add_axobserver in the qt backends, like we do for the other backends. Thanks Glenn Jones for the report - DSD

2008-05-02 Added step histograms, based on patch by Erik Tollerud. - MM

2008-05-02 On PyQt <= 3.14 there is no way to determine the underlying Qt version. [1851364] - MGD

2008-05-02 Don't call sys.exit() when pyemf is not found [1924199] - MGD

2008-05-02 Update _subprocess.c from upstream Python 2.5.2 to get a few memory and reference-counting-related bugfixes. See bug 1949978. - MGD

2008-04-30 Added some record array editing widgets for gtk -- see examples/rec_edit*.py - JDH

2008-04-29 Fix bug in mlab.sqrtm - MM

2008-04-28 Fix bug in SVG text with Mozilla-based viewers (the symbol tag is not supported) - MGD

2008-04-27 Applied patch by Michiel de Hoon to add hexbin axes method and pyplot function - EF

2008-04-25 Enforce python >= 2.4; remove subprocess build - EF

2008-04-25 Enforce the numpy requirement at build time - JDH

2008-04-24 Make numpy 1.1 and python 2.3 required when importing matplotlib - EF

2008-04-24 Fix compilation issues on VS2003 (Thanks Martin Spacek for all the help) - MGD

2008-04-24 Fix sub/superscripts when the size of the font has been changed - MGD

2008-04-22 Use "svg.embed_char_paths" consistently everywhere - MGD

2008-04-20 Add support to MaxNLocator for symmetric axis autoscaling. - EF

2008-04-20 Fix double-zoom bug. - MM

2008-04-15 Speed up color mapping. - EF

2008-04-12 Speed up zooming and panning of dense images. - EF

2008-04-11 Fix global font rcParam setting after initialization time. - MGD

2008-04-11 Revert commits 5002 and 5031, which were intended to avoid an unnecessary call to draw(). 5002 broke saving figures before show(). 5031 fixed the problem created in 5002, but broke interactive plotting. Unnecessary call to draw still needs resolution - DSD

2008-04-07 Improve color validation in rc handling, suggested by Lev Givon - EF

2008-04-02 Allow to use both linestyle definition arguments, '-' and 'solid' etc. in plots/collections - MM

2008-03-27 Fix saving to Unicode filenames with Agg backend (other backends appear to already work...) (Thanks, Christopher Barker) - MGD

2008-03-26 Fix SVG backend bug that prevents copying and pasting in Inkscape (thanks Kaushik Ghose) - MGD

2008-03-24 Removed an unnecessary call to draw() in the backend_qt* mouseReleaseEvent. Thanks to Ted Drain - DSD

2008-03-23 Fix a pdf backend bug which sometimes caused the outermost gsave to not be balanced with a grestore. - JKS

2008-03-20 Fixed a minor bug in ContourSet._process_linestyles when len(linestyles)==Nlev - MM

2008-03-19 Changed ma import statements to "from numpy import ma"; this should work with past and future versions of numpy, whereas "import numpy.ma as ma" will work only with numpy >= 1.05, and "import numerix.npyma as ma" is obsolete now that maskedarray is replacing the earlier implementation, as of numpy 1.05.

2008-03-14 Removed an apparently unnecessary call to FigureCanvasAgg.draw in backend_qt*agg. Thanks to Ted Drain - DSD

2008-03-10 Workaround a bug in backend_qt4agg's blitting due to a buffer width/bbox width mismatch in _backend_agg's copy_from_bbox - DSD

2008-02-29 Fix class Wx toolbar pan and zoom functions (Thanks Jeff Peery) - MGD

2008-02-16 Added some new rec array functionality to mlab (rec_summarize, rec2txt and rec_groupby). See examples/rec_groupby_demo.py. Thanks to Tim M for rec2txt.

2008-02-12 Applied Erik Tollerud's span selector patch - JDH

2008-02-11 Update plotting() doc string to refer to getp/setp. - JKS

2008-02-10 Fixed a problem with square roots in the pdf backend with usetex. - JKS

2008-02-08 Fixed minor str bugs so getp(gca()) works. - JKS

2008-02-05 Added getters for title, xlabel, ylabel, as requested by Brandon Kieth - EF

2008-02-05 Applied Gael's ginput patch and created examples/ginput_demo.py - JDH

2008-02-03 Expose interpnames, a list of valid interpolation methods, as an AxesImage class attribute. - EF

2008-02-03 Added BoundaryNorm, with examples in colorbar_only.py and image_masked.py. - EF

2008-02-03 Force dpi=72 in pdf backend to fix picture size bug. - JKS

2008-02-01 Fix doubly-included font problem in Postscript backend - MGD

2008-02-01 Fix reference leak in ft2font Glyph objects. - MGD

2008-01-31 Don't use unicode strings with usetex by default - DSD

2008-01-31 Fix text spacing problems in PDF backend with some fonts, such as STIXGeneral.

2008-01-31 Fix \sqrt with radical number (broken by making [ and ] work below) - MGD

2008-01-27 Applied Martin Teichmann's patch to improve the Qt4 backend. Uses Qt's builtin toolbars and statusbars. See bug 1828848 - DSD

2008-01-10 Moved toolkits to mpl_toolkits, made mpl_toolkits a namespace package - JSWHIT

2008-01-10 Use setup.cfg to set the default parameters (tkagg, numpy) when building windows installers - DSD

2008-01-10 Fix bug displaying [ and ] in mathtext - MGD

2008-01-10 Fix bug when displaying a tick value offset with scientific notation. (Manifests itself as a warning that the \times symbol can not be found). - MGD

2008-01-10 Use setup.cfg to set the default parameters (tkagg, numpy) when building windows installers - DSD

=============================================================== 2008-01-06 Released 0.91.2 at revision 4802

2007-12-26 Reduce too-late use of matplotlib.use() to a warning instead of an exception, for backwards compatibility - EF

2007-12-25 Fix bug in errorbar, identified by Noriko Minakawa - EF

2007-12-25 Changed masked array importing to work with the upcoming numpy 1.05 (now the maskedarray branch) as well as with earlier versions. - EF

2007-12-16 rec2csv saves doubles without losing precision. Also, it does not close filehandles passed in open. - JDH,ADS

2007-12-13 Moved rec2gtk to matplotlib.toolkits.gtktools and rec2excel to matplotlib.toolkits.exceltools - JDH

2007-12-12 Support alpha-blended text in the Agg and Svg backends - MGD

2007-12-10 Fix SVG text rendering bug. - MGD

2007-12-10 Increase accuracy of circle and ellipse drawing by using an 8-piece bezier approximation, rather than a 4-piece one. Fix PDF, SVG and Cairo backends so they can draw paths (meaning ellipses as well). - MGD

2007-12-07 Issue a warning when drawing an image on a non-linear axis. - MGD

2007-12-06 let widgets.Cursor initialize to the lower x and y bounds rather than 0,0, which can cause havoc for dates and other transforms - DSD

2007-12-06 updated references to mpl data directories for py2exe - DSD

2007-12-06 fixed a bug in rcsetup, see bug 1845057 - DSD

2007-12-05 Fix how fonts are cached to avoid loading the same one multiple times. (This was a regression since 0.90 caused by the refactoring of font_manager.py) - MGD

2007-12-05 Support arbitrary rotation of usetex text in Agg backend. - MGD

2007-12-04 Support '|' as a character in mathtext - MGD

=============================================================== 2007-11-27 Released 0.91.1 at revision 4517

=============================================================== 2007-11-27 Released 0.91.0 at revision 4478

2007-11-13 All backends now support writing to a file-like object, not just a regular file. savefig() can be passed a file-like object in place of a file path. - MGD

2007-11-13 Improved the default backend selection at build time: SVG -> Agg -> TkAgg -> WXAgg -> GTK -> GTKAgg. The last usable backend in this progression will be chosen in the default config file. If a backend is defined in setup.cfg, that will be the default backend - DSD

2007-11-13 Improved creation of default config files at build time for traited config package - DSD

2007-11-12 Exposed all the build options in setup.cfg. These options are read into a dict called "options" by setupext.py. Also, added "-mpl" tags to the version strings for packages provided by matplotlib. Versions provided by mpl will be identified and updated on subsequent installs - DSD

2007-11-12 Added support for STIX fonts. A new rcParam, mathtext.fontset, can be used to choose between:

        The TeX/LaTeX Computer Modern fonts

        The STIX fonts (see stixfonts.org)

        The STIX fonts, using sans-serif glyphs by default

        A generic Unicode font, in which case the mathtext font
        must be specified using mathtext.bf, mathtext.it,
        mathtext.sf etc.

      Added a new example, stix_fonts_demo.py to show how to access
      different fonts and unusual symbols.

      - MGD

2007-11-12 Options to disable building backend extension modules moved from setup.py to setup.cfg - DSD

2007-11-09 Applied Martin Teichmann's patch 1828813: a QPainter is used in paintEvent, which has to be destroyed using the method end(). If matplotlib raises an exception before the call to end - and it does if you feed it with bad data - this method end() is never called and Qt4 will start spitting error messages

2007-11-09 Moved pyparsing back into matplotlib namespace. Don't use system pyparsing, API is too variable from one release to the next - DSD

2007-11-08 Made pylab use straight numpy instead of oldnumeric by default - EF

2007-11-08 Added additional record array utilites to mlab (rec2excel, rec2gtk, rec_join, rec_append_field, rec_drop_field) - JDH

2007-11-08 Updated pytz to version 2007g - DSD

2007-11-08 Updated pyparsing to version 1.4.8 - DSD

2007-11-08 Moved csv2rec to recutils and added other record array utilities - JDH

2007-11-08 If available, use existing pyparsing installation - DSD

2007-11-07 Removed old enthought.traits from lib/matplotlib, added Gael Varoquaux's enthought.traits-2.6b1, which is stripped of setuptools. The package is installed to site-packages if not already available - DSD

2007-11-05 Added easy access to minor tick properties; slight mod of patch by Pierre G-M - EF

2007-11-02 Commited Phil Thompson's patch 1599876, fixes to Qt4Agg backend and qt4 blitting demo - DSD

2007-11-02 Commited Phil Thompson's patch 1599876, fixes to Qt4Agg backend and qt4 blitting demo - DSD

2007-10-31 Made log color scale easier to use with contourf; automatic level generation now works. - EF


      The primary goal of this refactoring was to make it easier
      to extend matplotlib to support new kinds of projections.
      This is primarily an internal improvement, and the possible
      user-visible changes it allows are yet to come.

      The transformation framework was completely rewritten in
      Python (with Numpy).  This will make it easier to add news
      kinds of transformations without writing C/C++ code.

      Transforms are composed into a &#39;transform tree&#39;, made of
      transforms whose value depends on other transforms (their
      children).  When the contents of children change, their
      parents are automatically updated to reflect those changes.
      To do this an &quot;invalidation&quot; method is used: when children
      change, all of their ancestors are marked as &quot;invalid&quot;.
      When the value of a transform is accessed at a later time,
      its value is recomputed only if it is invalid, otherwise a
      cached value may be used.  This prevents unnecessary
      recomputations of transforms, and contributes to better
      interactive performance.

      The framework can be used for both affine and non-affine
      transformations.  However, for speed, we want use the
      backend renderers to perform affine transformations
      whenever possible.  Therefore, it is possible to perform
      just the affine or non-affine part of a transformation on a
      set of data.  The affine is always assumed to occur after
      the non-affine.  For any transform:

           full transform == non-affine + affine

      Much of the drawing has been refactored in terms of
      compound paths.  Therefore, many methods have been removed
      from the backend interface and replaced with a a handful to
      draw compound paths.  This will make updating the backends
      easier, since there is less to update.  It also should make
      the backends more consistent in terms of functionality.

      User visible changes:

      - POLAR PLOTS: Polar plots are now interactively zoomable,
        and the r-axis labels can be interactively rotated.
        Straight line segments are now interpolated to follow the
        curve of the r-axis.

      - Non-rectangular clipping works in more backends and with
        more types of objects.

      - Sharing an axis across figures is now done in exactly
        the same way as sharing an axis between two axes in the
        same figure:

                 fig1 = figure()
              fig2 = figure()

              ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
              ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)

      - linestyles now include steps-pre, steps-post and
        steps-mid.  The old step still works and is equivalent to

      - Multiple line styles may be provided to a collection.

      See API_CHANGES for more low-level information about this

2007-10-24 Added ax kwarg to Figure.colorbar and pyplot.colorbar - EF

2007-10-19 Removed a gsave/grestore pair surrounding _draw_ps, which was causing a loss graphics state info (see "EPS output problem - scatter & edgecolors" on mpl-dev, 2007-10-29)

  • DSD

2007-10-15 Fixed a bug in patches.Ellipse that was broken for aspect='auto'. Scale free ellipses now work properly for equal and auto on Agg and PS, and they fall back on a polygonal approximation for nonlinear transformations until we convince oursleves that the spline approximation holds for nonlinear transformations. Added unit/ellipse_compare.py to compare spline with vertex approx for both aspects. JDH

2007-10-05 remove generator expressions from texmanager and mpltraits. generator expressions are not supported by python-2.3 - DSD

2007-10-01 Made matplotlib.use() raise an exception if called after backends has been imported. - EF

2007-09-30 Modified update* methods of Bbox and Interval so they work with reversed axes. Prior to this, trying to set the ticks on a reversed axis failed with an uninformative error message. - EF

2007-09-30 Applied patches to axes3d to fix index error problem - EF

2007-09-24 Applied Eike Welk's patch reported on mpl-dev on 2007-09-22 Fixes a bug with multiple plot windows in the qt backend, ported the changes to backend_qt4 as well - DSD

2007-09-21 Changed cbook.reversed to yield the same result as the python reversed builtin - DSD

2007-09-13 The usetex support in the pdf backend is more usable now, so I am enabling it. - JKS

2007-09-12 Fixed a Axes.bar unit bug - JDH

2007-09-10 Made skiprows=1 the default on csv2rec - JDH

2007-09-09 Split out the plotting part of pylab and put it in pyplot.py; removed numerix from the remaining pylab.py, which imports everything from pyplot.py. The intention is that apart from cleanups, the result of importing from pylab is nearly unchanged, but there is the new alternative of importing from pyplot to get the state-engine graphics without all the numeric functions. Numpified examples; deleted two that were obsolete; modified some to use pyplot. - EF

2007-09-08 Eliminated gd and paint backends - EF

2007-09-06 .bmp file format is now longer an alias for .raw

2007-09-07 Added clip path support to pdf backend. - JKS

2007-09-06 Fixed a bug in the embedding of Type 1 fonts in PDF. Now it doesn't crash Preview.app. - JKS

2007-09-06 Refactored image saving code so that all GUI backends can save most image types. See FILETYPES for a matrix of backends and their supported file types. Backend canvases should no longer write their own print_figure() method -- instead they should write a print_xxx method for each filetype they can output and add an entry to their class-scoped filetypes dictionary. - MGD

2007-09-05 Fixed Qt version reporting in setupext.py - DSD

2007-09-04 Embedding Type 1 fonts in PDF, and thus usetex support via dviread, sort of works. To test, enable it by renaming _draw_tex to draw_tex. - JKS

2007-09-03 Added ability of errorbar show limits via caret or arrowhead ends on the bars; patch by Manual Metz. - EF

2007-09-03 Created type1font.py, added features to AFM and FT2Font (see API_CHANGES), started work on embedding Type 1 fonts in pdf files. - JKS

2007-09-02 Continued work on dviread.py. - JKS

2007-08-16 Added a set_extent method to AxesImage, allow data extent to be modified after initial call to imshow - DSD

2007-08-14 Fixed a bug in pyqt4 subplots-adjust. Thanks to Xavier Gnata for the report and suggested fix - DSD

2007-08-13 Use pickle to cache entire fontManager; change to using font_manager module-level function findfont wrapper for the fontManager.findfont method - EF

2007-08-11 Numpification and cleanup of mlab.py and some examples - EF

2007-08-06 Removed mathtext2

2007-07-31 Refactoring of distutils scripts.

  • Will not fail on the entire build if an optional Python package (e.g., Tkinter) is installed but its development headers are not (e.g., tk-devel). Instead, it will continue to build all other extensions.
  • Provide an overview at the top of the output to display what dependencies and their versions were found, and (by extension) what will be built.
  • Use pkg-config, when available, to find freetype2, since this was broken on Mac OS-X when using MacPorts in a non-
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