ppizarror / PyMultiDictionary

PyMultiDictionary is a dictionary module that gets meanings, translations, synonyms, and antonyms of words in 20 different languages
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Meanings and translations do not work for 18 languages #14

Closed carbon-starlight closed 5 months ago

carbon-starlight commented 6 months ago

The console output of the following code:

print(dictionary.meaning("ru", "дом"))

(it requests for meaning of a common Russian word "дом" (en. "house"))


([], '', '')

I wrote a small script to test the issue for other languages. First, I've got a list of a word on all supported languages with print(dictionary.translate("en", "house")):

[('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'بَيْتٌ'), ('bn', 'গৃহ'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'house'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'Omah'), ('ko', '주택'), ('mr',
 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'ngôi nhà'), ('zh', '房屋')]

After that, I iterated through it and forwarded the output for every language to two separate files. Here are the results:


❌ af Error: `af code is not supported for translation`
❌ ar Error: `ar code is not supported for translation`
❌ bn []
✔️ de [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'House'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ el Error: `el code is not supported for translation`
✔️ en [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'بَيْتٌ'), ('bn', 'গৃহ'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'house'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'Omah'), ('ko', '주택'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'ngôi nhà'), ('zh', '房屋')]
✔️ es [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
✔️ fr [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'House'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ hi []
✔️ it [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'house'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ ja []
✔️ jv [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'omah'), ('ko', '홈'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'do domu'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
❌ ko []
❌ mr []
✔️ ms [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'الصفحة الرئيسية'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'дома'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинку'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
❌ no Error: `no code is not supported for translation`
✔️ pl [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'الصفحة الرئيسية'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
✔️ pt [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'Σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'Casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ ro []
❌ ru []
❌ sv Error: `sv code is not supported for translation`
❌ ta []
✔️ tr [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '홈'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'do domu'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
❌ uk []
❌ vi Error: `vi code is not supported for translation`
❌ zh []


❌ af code is not supported for meanings
❌ ar code is not supported for meanings
❌ bn ([], '', '')
✔️ de (['Noun'], 'Building that serves people for living Buildings that have been built for a specific purpose Apartment, home in which someone lives permanently All the inhabitants of the house Totality of people who are in a particular function in a particular house, are active there Family Household, Economy, household of a family dynasty, gender person, human zodiacal sign in its assignment to a planet one of the twelve sections into which the zodiac is divided. Buildings that help people to live © MEV Verlag, Augsburg © MEV Verlag, AugsburgExamplesA large, small, old, multi-storey, twisted Hausarmselige, simple, depraved, dilapidated, modern houses, the house of his parents, the house is on us, in other hands over build a house , set up, live in, rent a house, buy a house remodel, remodel have own house, ownhome, house by house, lead their guests through the whole house, live in the parental home janitor chased the playing children out of the house, the paternal house. Gebäude, das Menschen zum Wohnen dient Gebäude, das zu einem bestimmten Zweck errichtet wurde Wohnung, Heim, in dem jemand ständig lebt Gesamtheit der Hausbewohner Gesamtheit von Personen, die sich in einer bestimmten Funktion in einem bestimmten Haus aufhalten, dort tätig sind Familie Haushalt, Wirtschaft, Hauswesen einer Familie Dynastie, geschlecht Person, Mensch Tierkreiszeichen in seiner Zuordnung zu einem Planeten einer der zwölf Abschnitte, in die der Tierkreis eingeteilt ist. Gebäude, das Menschen zum Wohnen dient©\xa0MEV Verlag, Augsburg©\xa0MEV Verlag, AugsburgBeispieleein großes, kleines, altes, mehrstöckiges, verwinkeltes Hausarmselige, einfache, verkommene, baufällige, moderne Häuserdas Haus seiner Elterndas Haus ist auf uns, in andere Hände übergegangenein Haus bauen, einrichten, beziehen, bewohnenein Haus mieten, kaufenein Haus renovieren, umbauenein eigenes Haus haben, besitzenHaus an Haus wohnensie führten ihre Gäste durch das ganze Hausim elterlichen Haus wohnender Hausmeister jagte die spielenden Kinder aus dem Hausdas väterliche Haus.', '')
❌ el code is not supported for meanings
✔️ en (['Noun', 'Verb'], 'The first definition of house in the dictionary is a building used as a home; dwelling. Other definition of house is the people present in a house, esp its usual occupants. House is also a building used for some specific purpose.', 'A house is a building that functions as a home for humans or other creatures, including simple dwellings ranging from rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes and complex structures composed of many systems. The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. Most commonly, a household is a family unit of some kind, although households may also be other social groups or individuals.')
✔️ es (['Noun'], 'The first definition of a house in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a building for living. A house with eight floors. Another meaning of house in the dictionary is building of one or few plants for single-family housing, as opposed to floor. They want to sell the apartment and buy a house. House is also flat. My house is in the 3rd C. La primera definición de casa en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es edificio para habitar. Una casa de ocho plantas. Otro significado de casa en el diccionario es edificio de una o pocas plantas destinado a vivienda unifamiliar, en oposición a piso. Quieren vender el piso y comprarse una casa. Casa es también piso. Mi casa está en el 3.º C.', '')
✔️ fr (['Noun', 'Adjective'], "The definition of house in the dictionary is habitation of the man. Building intended to serve as dwelling to the man. La définition de maison dans le dictionnaire est habitation de l'homme. Bâtiment destiné à servir d'habitation à l'homme.", '')
❌ hi ([], '', '')
✔️  it (['Noun'], "The first definition of a house in the dictionary is one or more floors used as a dwelling for one or more families: c. of city, of country; c. luxury; c. Single Family. Another definition of home is the home of a single family unit; apartment: c. small, spacious, welcoming, modern; c. of two, three, four rooms; go, go back to c .; go out of c. Casa is also a building intended to host a community or a particular group of people, or a specific activity: c. of the student. La prima definizione di casa nel dizionario è costruzione a uno o più piani adibita ad abitazione per uno o più nuclei familiari: c. di città, di campagna; c. di lusso; c. monofamiliare. Altra definizione di casa è abitazione di un singolo nucleo familiare; appartamento: c. piccola, spaziosa, accogliente, moderna; c. di due, tre, quattro locali; andare, tornare a c.; uscire di c. Casa è anche edificio destinato a ospitare una collettività o un gruppo particolare di persone, o a un'attività specifica: c. dello studente.", '')
❌ ja ([], '', '')
✔️ jv ([], 'house 1 [house] house [damn] house with a house that is located in [or] used another property; 2 [uncle] house [krama] the country, which is inhabited; 3 [crepes] have been eaten (preferably on pet animals), homemade; [Default word substitute] over horses pr: sêkuthon nyêdya mblela; compress [Default word substitute] in the case of a person who has not been diagnosed with it; in- [Replace the default word] -i: 1 (n is given k); be handled by the male (especially about the woman); 2 (pronounced [krama] dipalêmi ki) in the house, inhaled; which is- [Replace the basic word] -i (which is translated into the verb): the home; [Substitute default words] -not pronounced k: 1 set in; 2 is intended for the home (especially for animals); [married to] marriages, pomahan, wife. omah  1 [ngoko]   griya [krama]   dalêm [krama-inggil]   yêyasan mawa payon kang dianggo dêdunung [utawa]   dianggo kaprêluan liyane; 2 [ngoko]   griya [krama]   padunungan, kang didunungi; 3 [krama-ngoko]   wis gêlêm manggon ( [luwih-luwih tumrap ing]    kewan ingon-ingon), krasan; [Pengganti kata baku] sadhuwuring jaran pr: sêkuthon nêdya mblela; ngêdêgake [Pengganti kata baku] ing pawêdhèn pr: pitaya marang wong kang ora kêna diandêl; di-[Pengganti kata baku]-i: 1 (n.  dipun-griyani k); ditunggoni dening kang lanang ( [luwih-luwih tumrap ing]    wong wadon); 2 (dipun-griyani [krama]   didalêmi ki) diêdêgi omah, diênggoni; kang di-[Pengganti kata baku]-i (ingkang dipun-griyani [krama]   kang didalêmi ki): omahe ing; di-[Pengganti kata baku]-ake [ngoko]   dipun-griyakakên k: 1 dipapanake ing; 2 ditêtutut supaya omah ( [luwih-luwih tumrap ing]    kewan); [kacocogna karo]   omah-omah, pomahan, somah.', '')
❌ ko ([], '', '')
❌ mr ([], '', '')
✔️ ms ([], "house I 1. building for residence; member (person) ~ a) wife; b) family members living at home; porch of the front porch; house rent allowance for officer; wife ~ wife's wife; appliance ~ a) material for making a home; b) furniture; house owners; 2. (usually used when giving a name to a building with meaning) building, building: R ~ Federation; 3. in troops or teams in sports (in schools etc): a school is usually divided into four ~ and ~ ~ ~ it is given color names such as ~ red, ~ blue, etc .; 4. = ~ figures in the order of numbers, columns, columns: ~ se; ~ twenty; ~ hundred; ~ adat balairung; ~ Allah a) a special building where Muslims perform prayers and other worships, mosques and surau; The Temple; ~ api tower (lighthouse); ~ building or special smoke to dry or preserve something (such as rubber, tobacco, fish etc) by applying it; ~ city a) the same type of building and built together in a row, usually each floor is a unit of house; b) one or two half-storey terrace house that looks taller and fairly narrow, located in urban or suburban areas, modernized design, usually has a downstairs carriage and a living room on the first floor; ~ brick-walled stone house; ~ temple idol (idol worship site); ~ big a) big house; b) a staple house (as a mother or a parent); ~ speak Id of meeting place; ~ Ball house id where play billiards, club house; ~ Button (buttoned) hole where insert button (button buttons); ~ dance Id house where dancing (dancing), cabaret; ~ kitchen home backyard (cooking place); ~ mortgage (tax) house where pawned goods; ~ Mn house of mother (parent) as a family place of residence; ~ crazy home where cure crazy people; ~ the ghost of the meeting of members of the Freemasons association; ~ haram house erected without the permission of the ruling party (proprietor tan rumah I 1. binaan utk tempat tinggal; ahli (orang) ~ a) isteri; b) ahli keluarga yg tinggal di rumah; anjung ~ bahagian depan rumah yg menganjur; elaun ~ elaun sewa rumah utk pegawai; nyonya ~ Id isteri; perkakas ~ a) bahan utk membuat rumah; b) perabot; tuan ~ pemilik rumah; 2. (biasanya dipakai apabila memberi nama kpd sesuatu bangunan dgn erti) bangunan, gedung: R~ Persekutuan; 3. ki pasukan atau kumpulan dlm olahraga (di sekolah dll): sebuah sekolah selalunya dibahagikan kpd empat ~ dan ~-~ itu diberi nama warna misalnya ~ merah, ~ biru, dll; 4. = ~ angka bahagian dlm susunan angka, ruang, kolum: ~ se; ~ puluh; ~ ratus; ~ adat balairung; ~ Allah a) bangunan khas tempat umat Islam mengerjakan solat dan ibadat-ibadat lain, iaitu masjid dan surau; Kaabah; ~ api menara api (mercu suar); ~ asap bangunan atau tempat khas utk mengeringkan atau mengawet sesuatu (spt getah, tembakau, ikan dsb) dgn mengasapinya; ~ bandar a) rumah bertingkat yg sama bentuknya dan dibina bercantum dlm satu deretan, biasanya setiap tingkat merupakan satu unit rumah; b) rumah teres satu atau dua setengah tingkat yg kelihatan tinggi dan agak sempit, terletak di kawasan bandar atau pinggir bandar, bereka bentuk moden, biasanya mempunyai anjung kereta di tingkat bawah serta ruang tamu di tingkat satu; ~ batu rumah yg berdinding batu-bata; ~ berhala kuil (tempat memuja berhala); ~ besar a) rumah yg besar; b) rumah yg pokok (sbg ibu atau induk); ~ bicara Id bangunan tempat bermesyuarat; ~ bola Id rumah tempat bermain biliard, rumah kelab; ~ butang (kancing) lubang tempat memasukkan butang (buah kancing) baju; ~ dansa Id rumah tempat berdansa (menari), kabaret; ~ dapur bahagian rumah yg di belakang (tempat memasak); ~ gadai (pajak) rumah tempat menggadaikan barang-barang; ~ gedang Mn rumah ibu (induk)sbg tempat tinggal kaum keluarga; ~ gila rumah tempat merawat orang gila; ~ hantu tempat pertemuan ahli persatuan Freemason; ~ haram rumah yg didirikan tanpa kebenaran pihak yg berkuasa (tuan punya tanah dll); ~ hijau rumah kaca; ~ ibadat (ibadah) rumah tempat beribadat (masjid, gereja, kuil); ~ ibu bahagian yg utama rumah Melayu, rumah induk, rumah gedang; ~ instansi Id rumah utk pegawai kerajaan; ~ jaga pondok tempat berkawal (tempat pengawal berteduh), gardu; ~ judi tempat berjudi, petopan; ~ kaca bangunan khas yg bumbung dan dindingnya drpd kaca, digunakan utk melindungi tanaman tertentu dlm keadaan yg terkawal; ~ kampung bp (biasanya) rumah yg diperbuat drpd kayu yg berlantai tinggi dan beratapkan rumbia (nipah dll); ~ kedai rumah dan kedai sekali (biasanya rumah deret di bandar), bangunan utk kedai; ~ kembar rumah yg dua serangkai (sebandung); ~ kilat bp rumah haram yg didirikan dgn cepat (biasanya pd waktu malam); ~ kit tempat menghisap candu; ~ komedi Id panggung sandiwara; ~ kutai sj rumah tradisional Melayu Perak; ~ ladang tempat kediaman yg didirikan di kawasan ladang yg mengusahakan tanaman atau ternakan, biasanya secara komersial; ~ lelang Id rumah tempat melelong barang-barang; ~ liar bp rumah haram; ~ limas = ~ bumbung lima rumah yg mempunyai lima tulang bumbung (satu ruang atau bilik menganjung ke hadapan); ~ loteng (berloteng) rumah yg bertingkat; ~ makan kedai tempat makan; ~ minum kedai tempat minum (menjual minuman); ~ miskin rumah tempat merawat orang miskin; ~ monyet rumah jaga (gardu kecil); ~ murah rumah yg murah harganya (dibangunkan oleh kerajaan utk dijual kpd orang ramai yg berpendapatan rendah); ~ panggung rumah yg tinggi lantainya; ~ pangsa rumah yg bertingkat-tingkat dan berpetak-petak (tempat kediaman banyak keluarga); ~ panjang a) rumah kediaman orang Iban, Bidayuh dsb di Borneo; b) rumah pelacuran; ~ pasang siap rumah yg dibina dgn beberapa bahagiannya telah tersedia utk dipasang dan disiapkan di tapak binaan; ~ pasung a) balai polis; b) rumah tempat menahan orang salah; ~ pelacuran rumah tempat sundal; ~ penginapan (pemalaman ark) rumah tempat bermalam (hotel, motel, dll); ~ penjelasan (Eko) a) pusat pertukaran cek antara bank utk tujuan menjelaskan cek; b) pusat yg menguruskan penjelasan bagi urus niaga yg dijalankan di pasaran sekuriti atau komoditi; ~ perdeo (perai) Id, bp penjara; ~ perhentian rumah tempat berhenti (berehat, bermalam, biasanya kepunyaan kerajaan); ~ pesanggarahan Id = ~ persinggahan rumah perhentian; ~ petak rumah deret; ~ piatu rumah yg menempatkan anak-anak yatim piatu; ~ potong = ~ sembelih tempat menyembelih (lembu, kerbau, dll), pembantaian, pejagalan; R~ Putih nama bangunan tempat kediaman Presiden Amerika Syarikat; ~ rehat bangunan (yg disediakan oleh kerajaan) yg memberi kemudahan penginapan (spt hotel) terutamanya utk kakitangan kerajaan; ~ sakit tempat merawat orang sakit, hospital; ~ setinggan rumah yg didirikan di atas tanah kerajaan (orang lain) secara haram atau tanpa kebenaran, biasanya di kawasan bandar dan tidak sempurna kemudahan asasnya; ~ sewa rumah utk disewakan; ~ siput kulit siput; ~ tanaman rumah kaca; ~ tengah bahagian rumah Melayu yg di tengah; ~ terbuka majlis makan dan ramah mesra di rumah seseorang yg terbuka kpd sahabat handai dsb (biasanya semasa musim perayaan, spt perayaan Aidilfitri); ~ teres rumah yg dibina yg satu di sisi yg lain (sehingga menjadi deretan yg terdiri drpd beberapa buah atau unit rumah); ~ tetamu rumah yg memberi penginapan; ~ tumpangan rumah tempatmenumpang makan dan tidur, hotel kecil (lazimnya menyediakan penginapan pd kadar murah); ~ turutan rumah samping (bukan rumah induk); ~ ubat Id kedai tempat menjual ubat-ubatan; ~ uruta) rumah tempat berurut; b) rumah pelacuran; ~ buruk disapu cat prb orang tua yg suka bersolek; ~ gedang ketirisan prb perihal seorang perempuan yg kurang membawa bahagia kpd suami; ~ gedang bersendi perak prb orang bangsawan dan kaya pula; ~ sudah, tukul (pahat) berbunyi prb mengemukakan pendapat dll sesudah perkara diputuskan; dalam ~ membuat ~ prb mencari keuntungan utk diri sendiri ketika bekerja dgn orang lain; diseluduki bawah ~ orang berluluk kepala = masuk ke bawah ~ orang kotor kepala prb kalau tinggal di tempat orang tentu diisi adat lembaganya atau kalau beristeri ke sebuah rumah, tentu ditanggung susah senang dll di rumah itu; memperlihatkan ~ buruk kpd orang maling prb mempertontonkan rahsia sendiri kpd orang; tiada berorang di ~ prb perihal seorang perempuan yg belum pernah bersuami tetapi bukan gadis lagi; serumah 1. seisi rumah, seluruh rumah; 2. tinggal dlm satu rumah: kedua-dua perempuan itu hiduplah ~, seorang di atas loteng dan seorang di bawah; 3. sudah kahwin (beristeri atau bersuami); menyerumahkan meletakkan (menaruhkan) dlm satu rumah: apakah dia akan diserumahkan dgn madunya?rumah-rumah 1. banyak rumah; 2. = rumah-rumahan sesuatu yg menyerupai rumah atau boleh disamakan dgn rumah, tiruan drpd rumah; berumah 1. mempunyai (memiliki) rumah: seorang muda yg berkedudukan tinggi, berbudi bahasa, dan ~ besar; 2. = ~ tinggal diam (tinggal) di: ia lebih suka ~ di Ulu Langat; 3. = berumahtangga; bagai ~ di tepi tebing prb selalu tidak aman hatinya (selalu keluh-kesah dll); berumahkan menjadikan sbg rumah: orang Arab yg hidup ~ khemah yg dibuat drpd kulit unta; memperumahkan mengahwinkan (memperisterikan, mempersuamikan): lebih lekas anakanda diperumahkan lebih elok; perumahan 1. kumpulan rumah, rumah-rumah tempat tinggal: Petaling Jaya sebuah kota kecil ~ dan perusahaan; syarikat ~ syarikat yg mendirikan rumah-rumah (utk ahli-ahli atau utk dijual); 2. perihal pengurusan tempat tinggal (rumah): masalah ~ sedikit sebanyaknya sudah dapat diatasi dgn pembinaan rumah- rumah pangsa; pejabat ~ pejabat yg mengurus rumah pegawai kerajaan; 3. tanah kosong (tapak) utk mendirikan rumah: kawasan~ baharu di Kampung Tunku; 4. = perumah kayu tempat mata ketam (serut); 5. Mn ark pendirian, maksud: ~mu sudah jelas kini; perumah (Bio) tumbuhan atau haiwan yg digunakan oleh parasit sbg tempat tinggalnya, serta sbg sumber makanan dan perlindungan. rumah II; ~ langsuyar sj tumbuhan, daun samun, paku pandan, selimber, Neottopteris nidus.", '')
❌ no code is not supported for meanings
❌ pl ([], '', '')
❔ pt (['Noun'], '', '')
❌ ro ([], '', '')
❌ ru ([], '', '')
❌ sv code is not supported for meanings
❌ ta ([], '', '')
✔️ tr ([], 'house A structure built in such a way that a single family can live. The place where someone or the family lives. / Interior of the house, property, etc. Place where a job is seen or sometimes used for a specific purpose. The organization that undertakes the task of promoting social, cultural and economic aspects in any place, or that enables people who are in certain areas to gather and maintain social relations. / Family. / Progeny, progeny. ev Yalnız bir ailenin oturabileceği biçimde yapılmış yapı. / Bir kimsenin veya ailenin içinde yaşadığı yer, konut. / Evin iç düzeni, eşyası vb. / İçinde bir iş görülen veya bazen belirli bir amaçla kullanılan yer. / Herhangi bir yerde toplumsal, kültürel, ekonomik yönlerden tanıtma görevini üstlenen veya belli alanlarda olan kişilerin toplanıp toplumsal ilişkilerini sürdürmelerini sağlayan kuruluş. / Aile. / Soy, nesil.', '')
❌ uk ([], '', '')
❌ vi code is not supported for meanings
❌ zh ([], '', '')

18 of 26 inquires resulted in an error.

ppizarror commented 5 months ago

Hi I will take a look at this today

ppizarror commented 5 months ago

Hi. The new version 1.2.4 (already on pip!) fixed several dictionaries and queries. Let me know if that solves your issue. For existing errors it is an issue of the dictionary (its limits) itself rather than its parsing/query.

Fixed meanings for a large set of languages:

print(dictionary.meaning("ru", "дом"))


([], "HOUSE, -a (-y), pl. -a, -o, m. 1. Residential (or for the institution) building. The house is newly built. Stone house Get to the house. I've left home. Flag on the house. The whole house came running (all living in the house). 2. Their housing, as well as the family, people living together, their household. Go to the house. Leave the house. Native house Take someone into the house We are familiar with houses (our families happen to each other). To hurry around the house. At the mother's crocheted the whole house 3. (many do not). The place where people live, united by common interests, conditions of existence. Common European Home Rodina - our common home 4. what or what. An institution, an institution that serves any public needs. Holiday House. House of creativity. House of Scientists. House veterans of the scene. Trading house (the name of some trading firms). House of models. House of furniture. House of shoes. D, trade (names of large stores). 5. Dynasty, genus. The Kingdom House. The Romanovs. At home - at home. Work at home. On the house - home. Take work at home. The order was delivered to the house. The White House - 1) the residence of the American president in Washington; 2) in Russia: the main government building. Refuse the house of someone - stop taking, invite to yourself. The European House (high) - all European states as equal and friendly communities. Profitable house - an apartment building, built to be let out. The house is upside down (spoken jocular) - about complete confusion, confusion in the house. My house - my fortress - last. about the reliable inviolability of the house, family. || decreasing. house, -a, m. (to 1 value) and house, -mka, m. (to 2 value). Live your own house. || unich. house, -a, m. (to 1 value). || uvel. dominance, -a, m. (to 1 value) and domina, -y, m. (to 1 value). || the adjective is of the house, -th, -th (to 1 value). House book (for registration of tenants).  ДОМ,  -а (-у), мн.  -а, -ов, м.  1. Жилое (или для учреждения) здание. Дом-новостройка. Каменный дом Дойти до дома. Вышел из дома. Флаг на доме. Сбежался весь дом (все живущие в доме). 2. Свое жильё, а также семья, люди, живущие вместе, их хозяйство. Дойти до дому. Выйти из дому. Родной дом Принять в дом кого-нибудь Мы знакомы домами (наши семьи бывают друг у друга). Хлопотать по дому. У матери наруках весь дом 3. (мн.  нет). Место, где живут люди, объединённые общими интересами, условиями существования. Общеевропейский дом Родина — наш общий дом 4. чего или какой.  Учреждение, заведение, обслуживающее ка-кие-нибудь общественные нужды. Дом отдыха. Дом творчества. Дом учёных. Дом ветеранов сцены. Торговый дом (название некоторых торговых фирм). Дом моделей. Дом мебели. Дом обуви. Д, торговли (названия больших магазинов). 5. Династия, род. Царствующий домД. Романовых.   На дому — дома. Работать на дому.  На дом — домой. Брать работу на дом. Заказ доставлен на дом.  Белый дом — 1) резиденция американского президента в Вашингтоне; 2) в России: главное правительственное здание.  Отказать от дома кому — перестать принимать, приглашать к себе.  Общеевропейский дом (высок. ) — все европейские государства как равноправные и дружественные сообщества.  Доходный дом — многоквартирный дом, построенный для сдачи внаём.  Дом вверх дном (разговорное шутливое) — о полном беспорядке, неразберихе в доме.  Мой дом — моя крепость — посл. о надёжной неприкосновенности дома, семьи. || уменьш.  домик,  -а, м. (к 1 значение) и домок,  -мка, м.  (ко 2 значение). Жить своим домком.  || унич.  домишко,  -а, м. (к 1 значение). || увел.  домище,  -а, м.  (к 1 значение) и домина,  -ы, м.  (к 1 значение). || прилагательное домовый,  -ая, -ое (к 1 значение). Домовая книга (для регистрации жильцов).", '')


❌ af Error: `af code is not supported for translation`
❌ ar Error: `ar code is not supported for translation`
❌ bn []
✔️ de [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'House'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ el Error: `el code is not supported for translation`
✔️ en [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'بَيْتٌ'), ('bn', 'গৃহ'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'house'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'Omah'), ('ko', '주택'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'ngôi nhà'), ('zh', '房屋')]
✔️ es [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
✔️ fr [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'House'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
✔️ hi [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'الصفحة الرئيسية'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'Home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'House'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'House'), ('no', 'Hjem'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'Главная'), ('sv', 'Hem'), ('ta', 'வீடு'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'Головна'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
✔️ it [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'house'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ ja []
✔️ jv [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'omah'), ('ko', '홈'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'do domu'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
✔️ ko [('af', 'behuising'), ('ar', 'إسكان'), ('bn', 'হাউজিং'), ('de', 'Gehäuse'), ('el', 'Στέγαση'), ('en', 'Housing'), ('es', 'Vivienda'), ('fr', 'logement'), ('hi', 'आवास'), ('it', 'alloggiamento'), ('ja', '住宅'), ('jv', 'Omah'), ('ko', '주택'), ('mr', 'गृहनिर्माण'), ('ms', 'Perumahan'), ('no', 'bolig'), ('pl', 'obudowa'), ('pt', 'habitação'), ('ro', 'carcasă'), ('ru', 'корпус'), ('sv', 'bostäder'), ('ta', 'வீட்டுவசதி'), ('tr', 'konut'), ('uk', 'корпус'), ('vi', 'nhà ở'), ('zh', '壳')]
✔️ mr [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'zu Hause'), ('el', 'Αρχική'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'Inicio'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '홈'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'Hjem'), ('pl', 'do domu'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'Hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '主页')]
✔️ ms [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'الصفحة الرئيسية'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'дома'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинку'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
❌ no Error: `no code is not supported for translation`
✔️ pl [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'الصفحة الرئيسية'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
✔️ pt [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'Σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'Casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ ro []
✔️ ru [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'الصفحة الرئيسية'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
❌ sv Error: `sv code is not supported for translation`
❌ ta []
✔️ tr [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Zuhause'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'home'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', 'ホーム'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '홈'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hjem'), ('pl', 'do domu'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'acasă'), ('ru', 'домой'), ('sv', 'hem'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'додому'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '家')]
✔️ uk [('af', 'huis'), ('ar', 'منزل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Haus'), ('el', 'σπίτι'), ('en', 'house'), ('es', 'casa'), ('fr', 'maison'), ('hi', 'घर'), ('it', 'casa'), ('ja', '家'), ('jv', 'house'), ('ko', '집'), ('mr', 'घर'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'hus'), ('pl', 'dom'), ('pt', 'casa'), ('ro', 'casă'), ('ru', 'дом'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீட்டில்'), ('tr', 'ev'), ('uk', 'будинок'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房子')]
❌ vi Error: `vi code is not supported for translation`
✔️ zh [('af', 'huise'), ('ar', 'منازل'), ('bn', 'ঘর'), ('de', 'Häuser'), ('el', 'σπίτια'), ('en', 'Houses'), ('es', 'casas'), ('fr', 'maisons'), ('hi', 'मकान'), ('it', 'case'), ('ja', '住宅'), ('jv', 'Land'), ('ko', '주택'), ('mr', 'घरे'), ('ms', 'rumah'), ('no', 'Houses'), ('pl', 'Domy'), ('pt', 'Moradias'), ('ro', 'case'), ('ru', 'дома'), ('sv', 'hus'), ('ta', 'வீடுகள்'), ('tr', 'Evler'), ('uk', 'будинки'), ('vi', 'nhà'), ('zh', '房屋')]

(Translations) errors decreased from 16 → 10


❌ af code is not supported for meanings
❌ ar code is not supported for meanings
❌ bn ([], '', '')
✔️ de (['Noun'], 'Building that serves people for living Buildings that have been built for a specific purpose Apartment, home in which someone lives permanently All the inhabitants of the house Totality of people who are in a particular function in a particular house, are active there Family Household, Economy, household of a family dynasty, gender person, human zodiacal sign in its assignment to a planet one of the twelve sections into which the zodiac is divided. Buildings that help people to live © MEV Verlag, Augsburg © MEV Verlag, AugsburgExamplesA large, small, old, multi-storey, twisted Hausarmselige, simple, depraved, dilapidated, modern houses, the house of his parents, the house is on us, in other hands over build a house , set up, live in, rent a house, buy a house remodel, remodel have own house, ownhome, house by house, lead their guests through the whole house, live in the parental home janitor chased the playing children out of the house, the paternal house. Gebäude, das Menschen zum Wohnen dient Gebäude, das zu einem bestimmten Zweck errichtet wurde Wohnung, Heim, in dem jemand ständig lebt Gesamtheit der Hausbewohner Gesamtheit von Personen, die sich in einer bestimmten Funktion in einem bestimmten Haus aufhalten, dort tätig sind Familie Haushalt, Wirtschaft, Hauswesen einer Familie Dynastie, geschlecht Person, Mensch Tierkreiszeichen in seiner Zuordnung zu einem Planeten einer der zwölf Abschnitte, in die der Tierkreis eingeteilt ist. Gebäude, das Menschen zum Wohnen dient©\xa0MEV Verlag, Augsburg©\xa0MEV Verlag, AugsburgBeispieleein großes, kleines, altes, mehrstöckiges, verwinkeltes Hausarmselige, einfache, verkommene, baufällige, moderne Häuserdas Haus seiner Elterndas Haus ist auf uns, in andere Hände übergegangenein Haus bauen, einrichten, beziehen, bewohnenein Haus mieten, kaufenein Haus renovieren, umbauenein eigenes Haus haben, besitzenHaus an Haus wohnensie führten ihre Gäste durch das ganze Hausim elterlichen Haus wohnender Hausmeister jagte die spielenden Kinder aus dem Hausdas väterliche Haus.', '')
❌ el code is not supported for meanings
✔️ en (['Noun', 'Verb'], 'The first definition of house in the dictionary is a building used as a home; dwelling. Other definition of house is the people present in a house, esp its usual occupants. House is also a building used for some specific purpose.', 'A house is a building that functions as a home for humans or other creatures, including simple dwellings ranging from rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes and complex structures composed of many systems. The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. Most commonly, a household is a family unit of some kind, although households may also be other social groups or individuals.')
✔️ es (['Noun'], 'The first definition of a house in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is a building for living. A house with eight floors. Another meaning of house in the dictionary is building of one or few plants for single-family housing, as opposed to floor. They want to sell the apartment and buy a house. House is also flat. My house is in the 3rd C. La primera definición de casa en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es edificio para habitar. Una casa de ocho plantas. Otro significado de casa en el diccionario es edificio de una o pocas plantas destinado a vivienda unifamiliar, en oposición a piso. Quieren vender el piso y comprarse una casa. Casa es también piso. Mi casa está en el 3.º C.', '')
✔️ fr (['Noun', 'Adjective'], "The definition of house in the dictionary is habitation of the man. Building intended to serve as dwelling to the man. La définition de maison dans le dictionnaire est habitation de l'homme. Bâtiment destiné à servir d'habitation à l'homme.", '')
✔️ hi ([], "Home Noun Points [NO Home Pvt. 0h\\u003e Home] [V Most Home, Household] 1. The living space of humans is surrounded by live walls etc. is made . Habitat . Accommodation House . Yo0-Homecity Rowing Home to grow Son-in-law who stays at wife's home . Home Homeowner House door Home-house Homeowner Home bazaar Houseboat Muha0- Understanding your home = Understanding the comfort space. Do not hesitate to understand the place where the house Behave like As such, you consider it as your home, which Need, take demand. House dwell = give 0 'house Settle' . Getting home = getting home Home dismantling = (1) Deteriorate the condition of the family. Cool enrichment of wealth Home But catastrophe House property destroyed (2) Family But calamity comes upon House beings scatter or to be dead . Home = = (1) settle down live . the residence do . building a house . Like, they now live in the forest Have done the house. (2) To settle or stay of any item Make room for Space removal . As such, -Payer has not taken home in boots yet; This is how shoe is made from this. (3) of any object Crater to settle or stay. to enter . Sigh Making lair . make a hole . Like- (A) the bar which is on the boil It is kept, he gets home after four days to get all the pus Will give (B) Bugs make house in the woods. (4) house management do . Housekeeping Walk by the way Like, now You grew up, learn to make it home. (House) of a woman = Stay in a house with your wife. To settle down In the eye To make home = (1) so much that his meditation is eternal Keep up Scratch (2) be dear Be comfortable. Home in mind, mind or heart = so much like that His meditation is always there. Scratch To be extremely dear Be loving love Doing the lamp, let the lamp be lit. Home = (1) of private ours . Like home, home Money, home garden (2) interconnected Not of strangers Between relatives or relatives E.g., - (a) house The matter of the house, the talk of the house, the door of the house (B) their Our house is the case. (3) your family or Family of animals Related Brothers . Auspicious U- Three called thirah, new village custom Outgoing The villages of the house were eaten. (4) Husband Owner . Charter At-home to our foreign country We are very kind to you  घर संज्ञा पुं० [सं० गृह प्रा० हर > घर] [वि० घराऊ घरू, घरेलू]\r१. मनुष्यों के रहने का स्थान जी दीवार आदि से घेरकर\rबनाया जाता है । निवासस्थान । आवास । मकान ।\rयौ०—घरकत्ती । घरघालन । घरघुसना । घरजमाई । घरजोत ।\rघरदासी । घरद्वार । घरफोरी घरबसा । घरवसी । घरबार ।\rघरबैसी ।\rमुहा०—अपना घर समझना =आराम की जगह समझना ।\rसंकोच का स्थान न समझना ऐसा स्थान समझना जहाँ घर\rका सा व्यवहार हो । जैसे,—इसे आप अपना घर समझिए, जो\rजरूरत हो, माँग लीजिए । घर आबाद होना = दे० 'घर\rबसना' । घर उठना = घर बनना । घर उजड़ना = (१)\rपरिवार की दशा बिगड़ना । कूल की समृद्धि नष्ट होना । घर\rपर तबाही आना । घर की संपत्ति नष्ट होना । (२) परिवार\rपर विपत्ति आना । घर के प्राणियों का तितर बितर होना या\rमर जाना । घर करना = (१) बसना । रहना । निवास\rकरना । घर बनाना । जैसे,—उन्होंने अब जंगल में अपना\rघर किया है । (२) किसी पस्तु का जमने या ठहरने के\rलिये जगह बनाना । समाने या अँटने के लिये स्थान\rनिकालना । जैसे,—पैर ने जूते में अभी घर नहीं किया है;\rइसी से जूता कसा मालुम होता है । (३) किसी वस्तु का\rजमने या ठहरने के लिये गड्ढा करना । घुसना । धँसना ।\rबिल बनाना । छेद करना । जैसे—(क) फोड़े पर जो पट्टी\rरखी है, वह चार दिन में घर करके सब मवाद निकाल\rदेगी । (ख) कीड़े काठ में घर करते हैं । (४) घर का प्रबंध\rकरना । घर सँभालना । किफायत से चलना । जैसे,—अब\rतुम बड़े हुए, घर करना सीखो । (स्त्री का) घर करना =\rपत्नी भाव से किसी के घर में रहना । खसम करना । आँख में\rघर करना = (१) इतना पसंद आना कि उसका ध्यान सदा\rबना रहे । जँचना । (२) प्रिय होना । पेरमपात्र होना ।\rचित्त, मन या हृदय में घर करना = इतना पसंद आना कि\rउसका ध्यान सदा बना रहे । जँचना । अत्यंत प्रिय होना ।\rप्रेमपात्र होना । दीआ घर करना = दीपक बुझाना । घर का =\r(१) निज का । अपना । जैसे—घर का मकान, घर का\rपैसा, घर का बगीचा । (२) आपस का । पराए का नहीं ।\rसंबंधियों या आत्मीय जनों के बीच का । जैसे,—(क) घर\rका मामला, घर की बात, घर का वास्ता । (ख) उनका\rहमारा तो घर मामला है । (३)अपने परिवार या\rकुटुंब का प्राणी । संबंधी । भाई बंधु । सुहृद् । उ०—\rतीन बुलाए तेरह आए, नए गाँव की रीत । बाहरवाले\r\rखा गए घर के गावें गीत ।—लोकोक्ति । (४) पति ।\rस्वामी । भर्त्तार । उ०—घर के हमारे परदेश को सिधारे\rयातें दया करि बूझी हम रीति राहवारे की ।—कविंद\r(शब्द०) । घर का अच्छा = समृद्ध कुल का । अच्छे\rखानदान का । खाने पीने से खुश । घर का आदमी—अपने कुटुंब का प्राणी । भाई बंधु । इष्ट मित्र ।\rजैसे आप दो घर के आदमी हैं; आपसे छिपाना क्या ?\rघर का आँगन हो जाना = (१) घर खँडहर हो जाना । घर\rउजड़ जाना । घर पर तबाही आना । (२) स्त्री को बच्चा\rहोना । घर में संतान उत्पन्न होना । घर का उजाला = (१)\rकुलदीपक । कुल की समृद्धि करनेवाला । कुल की कीर्ति\rबढ़ानेवाला । भाग्यवान् । (२) वह जिसे देखकर घर के सब\rप्राणी प्रफुल्लित हों । अत्यंत प्रिय । लाडला । बहुत प्यारा ।\r(३) बहुत सुंदर । रूपवान् । घर का चिराग = दे० 'घर का\rउजाला' । घर का चिराग गुल होना = (१) घर का सर्वनाश\rहो जाना । (२) इकलौते पुत्र का मर जाना । जैसे—उनके\rघर का चिराग ही गुल हो गया ।—फिसाना०, भा० ३, पृ०\r५८० । घरवा या घरौना करना = घर उजाड़ना । घर\rसत्यानाश करना । घर का बोझ उठाना या सँभालना = घर\rका प्रबंध करना । गृहस्थी का कामकाज देखना । घर का\rभेदिया या भेदी = घर का सब भेद जाननेवाला । ऐसा निकटस्थ\rमनुष्य जो सब रहस्य जानता हो । जैसे—घर का (भेदी) भेदिया\rलंका दाह । घर का भोला = अपने परिवार में सबसे मूर्ख ।\rबिलकुल सीधा सादा । जैसे—वह ऐसा ही तो घर का भोला है\rजो इतने में ही तुम्हें दे देगा । घर का काट खाना या काटने\rदौड़ना = घर में रहना अच्छा न लगना । घर में जी न लगना ।\rघर उजाड़ और भयानक लगना । घर में उदासी छाना ।\rविशेष—जब घर का गोई प्राणि कहीं चला जाता है या मर\rजाता है, तब ऐसा बैलते हैं ।\rघर का न घाट का = (१) जिसके रहने का कोई\rनिश्चित स्थान न हो । (२) निकम्मा । बेकाम । घर का\rहिसाब = (१) अपने लेन देन का लेखा । निज का लेखा ।\r(२) अपने इच्छानुसार किया हुआ हिसाब । मनमाना लेखा ।\rघर का रास्ता =सीधा या सहज काम । जैसे—इस काम को\rघर का रास्ता न समझना । घर का मर्द, शेर, वीर या\rबहादुर = अपने ही खर में बल दिखाने वा बढ़ बढ़करे बोलने—\rवाला । परोक्ष में शेखी बघारनेवाला और मुकाबिले के लिये\rसामने न आनेवाला । घर (घरहिं या घर ही ) के बाढ़े=घर\rही में बढ़ बढ़कर बात करनेवाला । बाहर कुछ पुरुषार्थ न\rदिखानेवाला । पीठ पीछे शेखी बघारनेवाला । सामने न आने\rवाला । उ०—(क) मिले न कबहुँ सुभट रन गाढ़े । द्विज देवता\rघरहिं के बाढ़े । तुलसी (शब्द०) । (ख) ग्वालिनि हैं घर\rही की बाढ़ी । निसि अरु दिन प्रति देखति हौं, आपनैं ही\rआँगन ढाढ़ी ।—सूर०, १० ।७७४ । घर का नाम उछालना या\rडुबोना = कुल को कलंकित करना । अपने भ्रष्ट और निष्कृष्ट\rआचरण से अपने परिवार की प्रतिष्ठा खोना । घर की =\rघरवाली । गृहिणी । स्त्री । घर की बात = (१) कुल से\rघर घराना १ क्रि० अ० [अनुध्व०]\rघर्र घर्र शब्द करना । कफ के\rकारण गले से साँस लेते समय शब्द निकलना ।घर घराना २ संज्ञा पुं० [हिं० घर + घराना]\rकुल परिवार । वंश ।\rजैसे,—अंधा बाँटे शीरनी घर घराने खाँय ।", '')
✔️ it (['Noun'], "The first definition of a house in the dictionary is one or more floors used as a dwelling for one or more families: c. of city, of country; c. luxury; c. Single Family. Another definition of home is the home of a single family unit; apartment: c. small, spacious, welcoming, modern; c. of two, three, four rooms; go, go back to c .; go out of c. Casa is also a building intended to host a community or a particular group of people, or a specific activity: c. of the student. La prima definizione di casa nel dizionario è costruzione a uno o più piani adibita ad abitazione per uno o più nuclei familiari: c. di città, di campagna; c. di lusso; c. monofamiliare. Altra definizione di casa è abitazione di un singolo nucleo familiare; appartamento: c. piccola, spaziosa, accogliente, moderna; c. di due, tre, quattro locali; andare, tornare a c.; uscire di c. Casa è anche edificio destinato a ospitare una collettività o un gruppo particolare di persone, o a un'attività specifica: c. dello studente.", '')
❌ ja ([], '', '')
✔️ jv ([], 'house 1 [house] house [damn] house with a house that is located in [or] used another property; 2 [uncle] house [krama] the country, which is inhabited; 3 [crepes] have been eaten (preferably on pet animals), homemade; [Default word substitute] over horses pr: sêkuthon nyêdya mblela; compress [Default word substitute] in the case of a person who has not been diagnosed with it; in- [Replace the default word] -i: 1 (n is given k); be handled by the male (especially about the woman); 2 (pronounced [krama] dipalêmi ki) in the house, inhaled; which is- [Replace the basic word] -i (which is translated into the verb): the home; [Substitute default words] -not pronounced k: 1 set in; 2 is intended for the home (especially for animals); [married to] marriages, pomahan, wife. omah  1 [ngoko]   griya [krama]   dalêm [krama-inggil]   yêyasan mawa payon kang dianggo dêdunung [utawa]   dianggo kaprêluan liyane; 2 [ngoko]   griya [krama]   padunungan, kang didunungi; 3 [krama-ngoko]   wis gêlêm manggon ( [luwih-luwih tumrap ing]    kewan ingon-ingon), krasan; [Pengganti kata baku] sadhuwuring jaran pr: sêkuthon nêdya mblela; ngêdêgake [Pengganti kata baku] ing pawêdhèn pr: pitaya marang wong kang ora kêna diandêl; di-[Pengganti kata baku]-i: 1 (n.  dipun-griyani k); ditunggoni dening kang lanang ( [luwih-luwih tumrap ing]    wong wadon); 2 (dipun-griyani [krama]   didalêmi ki) diêdêgi omah, diênggoni; kang di-[Pengganti kata baku]-i (ingkang dipun-griyani [krama]   kang didalêmi ki): omahe ing; di-[Pengganti kata baku]-ake [ngoko]   dipun-griyakakên k: 1 dipapanake ing; 2 ditêtutut supaya omah ( [luwih-luwih tumrap ing]    kewan); [kacocogna karo]   omah-omah, pomahan, somah.', '')
✔️ ko ([], 'Housing It refers to a building that protects humans from social harm such as wind, cold, and heat, as well as natural harm such as burglary \\u0026 destruction; the nucleation of the family structure and miniaturization as a place of pure family life; There is a tendency that simplification is made.  주택 \r\t\t\t\t\t\r\t\t\t\t\t인간을 비 ·바람이나 추위 ·더위와 같은 자연적 피해와 도난 ·파괴와 같은 사회적 침해로부터 보호하기 위한 건물을 말하는데, 가족구성의 핵화(核化)와 순수한 가정생활의 장소로서 소형화 ·단순화가 이루어져 가는 경향이 있다.', '')
✔️ mr ([], "Home-no 1 place built for livelihood; Wada. 2 one Living in families (in one place); Family 3 homemaker Labor Dharma; World; Excellence 'He is a freelancer who wants him a job Home '4 People working in a business, Church, organization; Adjustment Space 5 (Rats, Chichundari etc.) Bil; Nuts 6 The rate at which a substance is inserted, Screech 'Build a wall and knock it down.' 7 (Gathered against owner's wishes, taken away) Place. 'Kantyanen made my tote house.' 8 A thing To protect the safe, made metal, linen sheets, wraps, Cell A. The glasses house 'My glasses are home to leather It is. ' 9 boxes, taps, pots, mines, Food. 10 Songtai, Chess, Panchanga- Square (each) square; Square; The original square of the stamp; The motive hit 'King make a house next' 'Horse two and a half houses (At the same time). ' 11 (Jyoti) Horoscope- Place of planets 12 residences; Lineage; Clan 'They are The house kulinanchane sigh. ' 'His house has a palace.' = His The parasite is adulterated. 13 Genesis; Province, region, place, Thane (wind, rain, love, disorder, disease Glasses etc.); 'Omniscient Thought of Chinmata. It's about At home Knowingly. ' -Mac 7.130 'Konkan coconut house It is. ' 14 diseases, etc. Due to the origin of carbon, origin, origin, Birthplace, mine 'Wangen is the house of mine.' 'Are lazy There is a house of poverty. ' 15 The fundamental issue of disputes, Establishment Gummy, Proof 16 sutar Location; The distance between the two holes of the air; Hauntingly The difference between the two screens. 17 Science, Art etc. Khushi, Marmo, Mystery, Machhi, Kili. 'You sing but true You do not have a house to sing in your hands. ' 'Multiply, divide This is the house of reckoning. ' 18 Strength; Property; Apt; Swing; Power 'Do some things to see your house.' 19 Martyr Paragraph Province, place. 20 (music) tan, sun limit, limit, Area.  घर—न. १ रहावयासाठीं बांधलेली जागा; वाडा. २ एका\rकुटुंबांतील (एके ठिकाणीं) राहणारी मंडळी; कुटुंब. ३ गृहस्था\rश्रमधर्म; संसार; प्रपंच. 'त्याला नोकरी लागतांच त्यानें स्वतंत्र\rघर थाटलें' ४ एखाद्या व्यवसायांत जुटीनें काम करणारीं माणसें,\rमंडळी, संस्था; अडतीची जागा. ५ (उंदीर, चिचुंदरीं इ॰ काचें)\rबीळ; घरटें. ६ एखादा पदार्थ शिरकवण्यासाठीं केलेला दरा,\rभोंक, खोबण, खांचण. 'भिंतीस घर करून मग खुंटी ठोक.'\r७ (मालकाच्या इच्छेविरुद्ध मिळविलेलें, बळकावलेलें) वस्तीचें\rठिकाण. 'कांट्यानें माझ्या टाचेंत घर केलें.' ८ एखादी वस्तु\rसुरक्षितपणें ठेवण्यासाठीं केलेलें धातूचें, लांकडाचें आवरण, वेष्टण,\rकोश. उ॰ चष्म्याचें घर. 'माझ्या चष्म्याचें घर चामड्याचें\rआहे.' ९ पेटींतील, टाइपाच्या केसींतील कप्पा, खण,\rखाना. १० सोंगट्याच्या, बुद्धिबळांच्या पटावरील, पंचांगा-\rतील (प्रत्येक) चौक; चौरस; मोहर्\u200dयाचा मुळचा चौरस;\rमोहर्\u200dयाचा मारा. 'राजा एक घर पुढें कर' 'घोडा अडीच घरें\r(एकाच वेळीं) चालतो.' ११ (ज्यो.) कुंडलीच्या कोष्टकां-\rतील सूर्य, चंद्र इ॰ ग्रहांचें स्थान. १२ घराणें; वंश; कुळ. 'त्याचें\rघर कुलीनांचें आहें.' 'त्याच्या घराला पदर आहे.' = त्याच्या\rवंशात परजातीची भेसळ झाली आहे.' १३ उत्पत्तिस्थान;\rप्रांत, प्रदेश, ठिकाण, ठाणे (वारा, पाउस, प्रेम, विकार, रोग\rइ॰ काचें); 'सर्वज्ञतेचि परि । चिन्मात्राचे तोंडावरी । परि ते\rआन घरीं । जाणिजेना ।' -अमृ ७.१३०. 'कोंकण नारळाचें घर\rआहे.' १४ रोग इ॰ कांच्या उत्त्पतीचे कारण, मूळ, उगम,\rजन्मस्थान, खाण. 'वांगें हें खरजेंचें घर आहे.' 'आळस हें\r\rदारिद्र्याचें घर आहे.' १५ वादांतील आधारभूत मुद्दा,\rप्रतिष्ठान. गमक, प्रमाण. १६ सतार इ॰ वाद्यांतील सुरांचें\rस्थान; सनईसारख्या वाद्याच्या दोन भोकांमधील अंतर; सता-\rरीच्या दोन पडद्यांमधील अंतर. १७ शास्त्र, कला इ॰ कांतील\rखुबी, मर्म, रहस्य, मख्खी, किल्ली. 'तुम्ही गातां खरे पण\rतुमच्या हातीं गाण्याचें घर लागलें नाहीं.' 'गुणाकार, भागाकार\rहें हिशेबाचें घर.' १८ सामर्थ्य; संपत्ति; ऐपत; आवांका;\rकुवत. 'जें कांहीं करणें तें आपलें घर पाहून करावें.' १९ मृदंग\rइ॰ चर्मवाद्यांच्या, वादी, दोरी इ॰ परिच्छेदातनें परिच्छिन्न\rप्रांत, जागा. २० (संगीत) तान, सूर यांची हद्द, मर्यादा,\rक्षेत्र. २१ (अडचणीच्या, पराभवाच्या वेळीं) निसटून जाण्या-\rसाठीं करून ठेवलेली योजना; आडपडदा; पळवाट; कवच;\r'हा घर ठेवून बोलतो.' २२ खुद्द; आपण स्वतः; स्वतःचा देह-\rम्ह॰ इच्छी परा तें येई घरा.' २३ (वर्तमानपत्राचा, पत्र-\rकाचा, कोष्टकाचा रकाना, सदर. (इं.) कॉलम. 'येऊन जाऊन\rपत्रप्रकाशकास स्वतःचा असा मजकूर दर खेपेस पराकाष्ठा\rदोन तीन घरें घालणें येतें.' -नि १५. २४ वयोमानाचा विभाग;\rकालमर्यादा. 'हा नवा गृहस्थ पन्नाशीच्या घरांत आला होता.'\r-कोरकि ३२. २५ (मधमाशीचें पोळें वगैरेतील) छिद्र. 'केळीच्या\rसोपटाचीं घरें ज्यांनी पाहिली असतील' -मराठी सहावें पुस्तक\rपृ. २२५. (१८५७) २६ ठाणें; ठिकाण. 'कुबल, बांकी घरें ।\rशिवराजाच्या हाता आलीं' -ऐपो ९. २७ बायको; स्वस्त्री.\r'घरांत विचारा.' घर उघडणें पहा. [सं. गृह; प्रा. घर; तुल॰\rगु. घर; सिं. घरु; ब. घर; आर्मेंजि. खर; फ्रेजि. खेर; पोर्तु.\rजि केर.] (वाप्र.) ॰आघाडणें-(कों.) घर जळून खाक\rहोणें. ॰उघडणें-१ लग्न करून संसार थाटणें. 'नारोपंतांनी\rआतां घर उघडलें आहे, ते पूर्वीचें नारोपंत नव्हत!' २ एखा-\rद्याचें लग्न करून देऊन त्याचा संसार मोडून देणें. 'सदुभाऊंनीं\rआपली मुलगी त्या भटाच्या मुलास देऊन त्याचें घर उघडलें'\r॰करणें-१ विर्\u200dहाड करणें; रहावयास जागा घेऊन तींत जेवण-\rखाण इ॰ व्यापार करावयास लागणें. 'चार महिनें मी खाणाव-\rळींत जेवीत असे, आतां घर केलें आहें.' २ (त्रासदायक\rवस्तूंनीं) ठाणें देणें; रहाणें; वास्तव्य करणें. 'कांट्यानें माझ्या\rटांचेंत घर केलें.' 'माझ्या हृदयांत घर करून बसून त्यानें\rमला घायाळ केलें.' -बाय ३.३. ॰खालीं करणें-घर सोडून\rजाणें; घर मोकळें करून देणें. 'गावांत प्लेगचें मान वाढतें\rअसल्यामुळें सर्वानी आपापलीं घरें खालीं केलीं.' ॰घालणें-\r(एखाद्याच्या) घराचा नाश करणें. ॰घेणें-१ (सामा.) लुबा-\rडणें; लुटणें; नागविणें; बुचाडणें. 'मग रेणुकेनें बोलिलें । अहो\rजेऊनि कैसें घर घेतलें ।' -कालिकापुराण २३.४०. 'ज्या", '')
✔️ ms ([], "house I 1. building for residence; member (person) ~ a) wife; b) family members living at home; porch of the front porch; house rent allowance for officer; wife ~ wife's wife; appliance ~ a) material for making a home; b) furniture; house owners; 2. (usually used when giving a name to a building with meaning) building, building: R ~ Federation; 3. in troops or teams in sports (in schools etc): a school is usually divided into four ~ and ~ ~ ~ it is given color names such as ~ red, ~ blue, etc .; 4. = ~ figures in the order of numbers, columns, columns: ~ se; ~ twenty; ~ hundred; ~ adat balairung; ~ Allah a) a special building where Muslims perform prayers and other worships, mosques and surau; The Temple; ~ api tower (lighthouse); ~ building or special smoke to dry or preserve something (such as rubber, tobacco, fish etc) by applying it; ~ city a) the same type of building and built together in a row, usually each floor is a unit of house; b) one or two half-storey terrace house that looks taller and fairly narrow, located in urban or suburban areas, modernized design, usually has a downstairs carriage and a living room on the first floor; ~ brick-walled stone house; ~ temple idol (idol worship site); ~ big a) big house; b) a staple house (as a mother or a parent); ~ speak Id of meeting place; ~ Ball house id where play billiards, club house; ~ Button (buttoned) hole where insert button (button buttons); ~ dance Id house where dancing (dancing), cabaret; ~ kitchen home backyard (cooking place); ~ mortgage (tax) house where pawned goods; ~ Mn house of mother (parent) as a family place of residence; ~ crazy home where cure crazy people; ~ the ghost of the meeting of members of the Freemasons association; ~ haram house erected without the permission of the ruling party (proprietor tan rumah I 1. binaan utk tempat tinggal; ahli (orang) ~ a) isteri; b) ahli keluarga yg tinggal di rumah; anjung ~ bahagian depan rumah yg menganjur; elaun ~ elaun sewa rumah utk pegawai; nyonya ~ Id isteri; perkakas ~ a) bahan utk membuat rumah; b) perabot; tuan ~ pemilik rumah; 2. (biasanya dipakai apabila memberi nama kpd sesuatu bangunan dgn erti) bangunan, gedung: R~ Persekutuan; 3. ki pasukan atau kumpulan dlm olahraga (di sekolah dll): sebuah sekolah selalunya dibahagikan kpd empat ~ dan ~-~ itu diberi nama warna misalnya ~ merah, ~ biru, dll; 4. = ~ angka bahagian dlm susunan angka, ruang, kolum: ~ se; ~ puluh; ~ ratus; ~ adat balairung; ~ Allah a) bangunan khas tempat umat Islam mengerjakan solat dan ibadat-ibadat lain, iaitu masjid dan surau; Kaabah; ~ api menara api (mercu suar); ~ asap bangunan atau tempat khas utk mengeringkan atau mengawet sesuatu (spt getah, tembakau, ikan dsb) dgn mengasapinya; ~ bandar a) rumah bertingkat yg sama bentuknya dan dibina bercantum dlm satu deretan, biasanya setiap tingkat merupakan satu unit rumah; b) rumah teres satu atau dua setengah tingkat yg kelihatan tinggi dan agak sempit, terletak di kawasan bandar atau pinggir bandar, bereka bentuk moden, biasanya mempunyai anjung kereta di tingkat bawah serta ruang tamu di tingkat satu; ~ batu rumah yg berdinding batu-bata; ~ berhala kuil (tempat memuja berhala); ~ besar a) rumah yg besar; b) rumah yg pokok (sbg ibu atau induk); ~ bicara Id bangunan tempat bermesyuarat; ~ bola Id rumah tempat bermain biliard, rumah kelab; ~ butang (kancing) lubang tempat memasukkan butang (buah kancing) baju; ~ dansa Id rumah tempat berdansa (menari), kabaret; ~ dapur bahagian rumah yg di belakang (tempat memasak); ~ gadai (pajak) rumah tempat menggadaikan barang-barang; ~ gedang Mn rumah ibu (induk)sbg tempat tinggal kaum keluarga; ~ gila rumah tempat merawat orang gila; ~ hantu tempat pertemuan ahli persatuan Freemason; ~ haram rumah yg didirikan tanpa kebenaran pihak yg berkuasa (tuan punya tanah dll); ~ hijau rumah kaca; ~ ibadat (ibadah) rumah tempat beribadat (masjid, gereja, kuil); ~ ibu bahagian yg utama rumah Melayu, rumah induk, rumah gedang; ~ instansi Id rumah utk pegawai kerajaan; ~ jaga pondok tempat berkawal (tempat pengawal berteduh), gardu; ~ judi tempat berjudi, petopan; ~ kaca bangunan khas yg bumbung dan dindingnya drpd kaca, digunakan utk melindungi tanaman tertentu dlm keadaan yg terkawal; ~ kampung bp (biasanya) rumah yg diperbuat drpd kayu yg berlantai tinggi dan beratapkan rumbia (nipah dll); ~ kedai rumah dan kedai sekali (biasanya rumah deret di bandar), bangunan utk kedai; ~ kembar rumah yg dua serangkai (sebandung); ~ kilat bp rumah haram yg didirikan dgn cepat (biasanya pd waktu malam); ~ kit tempat menghisap candu; ~ komedi Id panggung sandiwara; ~ kutai sj rumah tradisional Melayu Perak; ~ ladang tempat kediaman yg didirikan di kawasan ladang yg mengusahakan tanaman atau ternakan, biasanya secara komersial; ~ lelang Id rumah tempat melelong barang-barang; ~ liar bp rumah haram; ~ limas = ~ bumbung lima rumah yg mempunyai lima tulang bumbung (satu ruang atau bilik menganjung ke hadapan); ~ loteng (berloteng) rumah yg bertingkat; ~ makan kedai tempat makan; ~ minum kedai tempat minum (menjual minuman); ~ miskin rumah tempat merawat orang miskin; ~ monyet rumah jaga (gardu kecil); ~ murah rumah yg murah harganya (dibangunkan oleh kerajaan utk dijual kpd orang ramai yg berpendapatan rendah); ~ panggung rumah yg tinggi lantainya; ~ pangsa rumah yg bertingkat-tingkat dan berpetak-petak (tempat kediaman banyak keluarga); ~ panjang a) rumah kediaman orang Iban, Bidayuh dsb di Borneo; b) rumah pelacuran; ~ pasang siap rumah yg dibina dgn beberapa bahagiannya telah tersedia utk dipasang dan disiapkan di tapak binaan; ~ pasung a) balai polis; b) rumah tempat menahan orang salah; ~ pelacuran rumah tempat sundal; ~ penginapan (pemalaman ark) rumah tempat bermalam (hotel, motel, dll); ~ penjelasan (Eko) a) pusat pertukaran cek antara bank utk tujuan menjelaskan cek; b) pusat yg menguruskan penjelasan bagi urus niaga yg dijalankan di pasaran sekuriti atau komoditi; ~ perdeo (perai) Id, bp penjara; ~ perhentian rumah tempat berhenti (berehat, bermalam, biasanya kepunyaan kerajaan); ~ pesanggarahan Id = ~ persinggahan rumah perhentian; ~ petak rumah deret; ~ piatu rumah yg menempatkan anak-anak yatim piatu; ~ potong = ~ sembelih tempat menyembelih (lembu, kerbau, dll), pembantaian, pejagalan; R~ Putih nama bangunan tempat kediaman Presiden Amerika Syarikat; ~ rehat bangunan (yg disediakan oleh kerajaan) yg memberi kemudahan penginapan (spt hotel) terutamanya utk kakitangan kerajaan; ~ sakit tempat merawat orang sakit, hospital; ~ setinggan rumah yg didirikan di atas tanah kerajaan (orang lain) secara haram atau tanpa kebenaran, biasanya di kawasan bandar dan tidak sempurna kemudahan asasnya; ~ sewa rumah utk disewakan; ~ siput kulit siput; ~ tanaman rumah kaca; ~ tengah bahagian rumah Melayu yg di tengah; ~ terbuka majlis makan dan ramah mesra di rumah seseorang yg terbuka kpd sahabat handai dsb (biasanya semasa musim perayaan, spt perayaan Aidilfitri); ~ teres rumah yg dibina yg satu di sisi yg lain (sehingga menjadi deretan yg terdiri drpd beberapa buah atau unit rumah); ~ tetamu rumah yg memberi penginapan; ~ tumpangan rumah tempatmenumpang makan dan tidur, hotel kecil (lazimnya menyediakan penginapan pd kadar murah); ~ turutan rumah samping (bukan rumah induk); ~ ubat Id kedai tempat menjual ubat-ubatan; ~ uruta) rumah tempat berurut; b) rumah pelacuran; ~ buruk disapu cat prb orang tua yg suka bersolek; ~ gedang ketirisan prb perihal seorang perempuan yg kurang membawa bahagia kpd suami; ~ gedang bersendi perak prb orang bangsawan dan kaya pula; ~ sudah, tukul (pahat) berbunyi prb mengemukakan pendapat dll sesudah perkara diputuskan; dalam ~ membuat ~ prb mencari keuntungan utk diri sendiri ketika bekerja dgn orang lain; diseluduki bawah ~ orang berluluk kepala = masuk ke bawah ~ orang kotor kepala prb kalau tinggal di tempat orang tentu diisi adat lembaganya atau kalau beristeri ke sebuah rumah, tentu ditanggung susah senang dll di rumah itu; memperlihatkan ~ buruk kpd orang maling prb mempertontonkan rahsia sendiri kpd orang; tiada berorang di ~ prb perihal seorang perempuan yg belum pernah bersuami tetapi bukan gadis lagi; serumah 1. seisi rumah, seluruh rumah; 2. tinggal dlm satu rumah: kedua-dua perempuan itu hiduplah ~, seorang di atas loteng dan seorang di bawah; 3. sudah kahwin (beristeri atau bersuami); menyerumahkan meletakkan (menaruhkan) dlm satu rumah: apakah dia akan diserumahkan dgn madunya?rumah-rumah 1. banyak rumah; 2. = rumah-rumahan sesuatu yg menyerupai rumah atau boleh disamakan dgn rumah, tiruan drpd rumah; berumah 1. mempunyai (memiliki) rumah: seorang muda yg berkedudukan tinggi, berbudi bahasa, dan ~ besar; 2. = ~ tinggal diam (tinggal) di: ia lebih suka ~ di Ulu Langat; 3. = berumahtangga; bagai ~ di tepi tebing prb selalu tidak aman hatinya (selalu keluh-kesah dll); berumahkan menjadikan sbg rumah: orang Arab yg hidup ~ khemah yg dibuat drpd kulit unta; memperumahkan mengahwinkan (memperisterikan, mempersuamikan): lebih lekas anakanda diperumahkan lebih elok; perumahan 1. kumpulan rumah, rumah-rumah tempat tinggal: Petaling Jaya sebuah kota kecil ~ dan perusahaan; syarikat ~ syarikat yg mendirikan rumah-rumah (utk ahli-ahli atau utk dijual); 2. perihal pengurusan tempat tinggal (rumah): masalah ~ sedikit sebanyaknya sudah dapat diatasi dgn pembinaan rumah- rumah pangsa; pejabat ~ pejabat yg mengurus rumah pegawai kerajaan; 3. tanah kosong (tapak) utk mendirikan rumah: kawasan~ baharu di Kampung Tunku; 4. = perumah kayu tempat mata ketam (serut); 5. Mn ark pendirian, maksud: ~mu sudah jelas kini; perumah (Bio) tumbuhan atau haiwan yg digunakan oleh parasit sbg tempat tinggalnya, serta sbg sumber makanan dan perlindungan. rumah II; ~ langsuyar sj tumbuhan, daun samun, paku pandan, selimber, Neottopteris nidus.", '')
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✔️ ru ([], "HOUSE, -a (-y), pl. -a, -o, m. 1. Residential (or for the institution) building. The house is newly built. Stone house Get to the house. I've left home. Flag on the house. The whole house came running (all living in the house). 2. Their housing, as well as the family, people living together, their household. Go to the house. Leave the house. Native house Take someone into the house We are familiar with houses (our families happen to each other). To hurry around the house. At the mother's crocheted the whole house 3. (many do not). The place where people live, united by common interests, conditions of existence. Common European Home Rodina - our common home 4. what or what. An institution, an institution that serves any public needs. Holiday House. House of creativity. House of Scientists. House veterans of the scene. Trading house (the name of some trading firms). House of models. House of furniture. House of shoes. D, trade (names of large stores). 5. Dynasty, genus. The Kingdom House. The Romanovs. At home - at home. Work at home. On the house - home. Take work at home. The order was delivered to the house. The White House - 1) the residence of the American president in Washington; 2) in Russia: the main government building. Refuse the house of someone - stop taking, invite to yourself. The European House (high) - all European states as equal and friendly communities. Profitable house - an apartment building, built to be let out. The house is upside down (spoken jocular) - about complete confusion, confusion in the house. My house - my fortress - last. about the reliable inviolability of the house, family. || decreasing. house, -a, m. (to 1 value) and house, -mka, m. (to 2 value). Live your own house. || unich. house, -a, m. (to 1 value). || uvel. dominance, -a, m. (to 1 value) and domina, -y, m. (to 1 value). || the adjective is of the house, -th, -th (to 1 value). House book (for registration of tenants).  ДОМ,  -а (-у), мн.  -а, -ов, м.  1. Жилое (или для учреждения) здание. Дом-новостройка. Каменный дом Дойти до дома. Вышел из дома. Флаг на доме. Сбежался весь дом (все живущие в доме). 2. Свое жильё, а также семья, люди, живущие вместе, их хозяйство. Дойти до дому. Выйти из дому. Родной дом Принять в дом кого-нибудь Мы знакомы домами (наши семьи бывают друг у друга). Хлопотать по дому. У матери наруках весь дом 3. (мн.  нет). Место, где живут люди, объединённые общими интересами, условиями существования. Общеевропейский дом Родина — наш общий дом 4. чего или какой.  Учреждение, заведение, обслуживающее ка-кие-нибудь общественные нужды. Дом отдыха. Дом творчества. Дом учёных. Дом ветеранов сцены. Торговый дом (название некоторых торговых фирм). Дом моделей. Дом мебели. Дом обуви. Д, торговли (названия больших магазинов). 5. Династия, род. Царствующий домД. Романовых.   На дому — дома. Работать на дому.  На дом — домой. Брать работу на дом. Заказ доставлен на дом.  Белый дом — 1) резиденция американского президента в Вашингтоне; 2) в России: главное правительственное здание.  Отказать от дома кому — перестать принимать, приглашать к себе.  Общеевропейский дом (высок. ) — все европейские государства как равноправные и дружественные сообщества.  Доходный дом — многоквартирный дом, построенный для сдачи внаём.  Дом вверх дном (разговорное шутливое) — о полном беспорядке, неразберихе в доме.  Мой дом — моя крепость — посл. о надёжной неприкосновенности дома, семьи. || уменьш.  домик,  -а, м. (к 1 значение) и домок,  -мка, м.  (ко 2 значение). Жить своим домком.  || унич.  домишко,  -а, м. (к 1 значение). || увел.  домище,  -а, м.  (к 1 значение) и домина,  -ы, м.  (к 1 значение). || прилагательное домовый,  -ая, -ое (к 1 значение). Домовая книга (для регистрации жильцов).", '')
❌ sv code is not supported for meanings
❌ ta ([], '', '')
✔️ tr ([], 'house A structure built in such a way that a single family can live. The place where someone or the family lives. / Interior of the house, property, etc. Place where a job is seen or sometimes used for a specific purpose. The organization that undertakes the task of promoting social, cultural and economic aspects in any place, or that enables people who are in certain areas to gather and maintain social relations. / Family. / Progeny, progeny. ev Yalnız bir ailenin oturabileceği biçimde yapılmış yapı. / Bir kimsenin veya ailenin içinde yaşadığı yer, konut. / Evin iç düzeni, eşyası vb. / İçinde bir iş görülen veya bazen belirli bir amaçla kullanılan yer. / Herhangi bir yerde toplumsal, kültürel, ekonomik yönlerden tanıtma görevini üstlenen veya belli alanlarda olan kişilerin toplanıp toplumsal ilişkilerini sürdürmelerini sağlayan kuruluş. / Aile. / Soy, nesil.', '')
✔️ uk ([], "house, building, part 1. The building, the building, is intended for housing. Lotin from the matches Hid under the sway of his houses And waited for what would end (Kotl., I, 1952, 191); The sun fell; Ukraine - Where was burning, shouting, And where is the nobility, locked up, In the houses of mildew (Shevch., I, 1951, 119); These are the houses, the rooms, on which the first one wandered a nonself and zagrebushchy man - now go to school (Kotsyub., II, 1955, 83); They approached the house where Kargat lived, stopped at the entrance (Silk., Engineers, 1956, 306) .2. Scientific, cultural and educational, household and others. a government institution, an institution, and the building where he / she is located. From the houses I liked most of all the university and the academy (Kotsyub., III, 1956, 351). The rest house is a institution for the rest of the working people. In the city and on the outskirts there are sixty three fine sanatoria and sixteen rest houses (Kucher, Chernomorets, 1956, 97); House of Culture - an institution for meeting the cultural needs of the working people; The House of the Soviet Army is an institution for meeting the cultural needs of servicemen; the Children's Home is a closed educational institution for children. Ochich for the fence - a children's home in the courtyard of the courtyard (Golovko, I, 1957, 209); Maternal hospital is a medical institution intended to provide medical assistance during childbirth.  будинок, нку, ч.1. Будівля, споруда, призначена для житла. Латин од поєдинків Сховавсь під спід своїх будинків І ждав, що буде за кінець (Котл., І, 1952, 191); Зійшло сонце; Україна — Де палала, тліла, А де шляхта, запертися, У будинках мліла (Шевч., І, 1951, 119); Оці будинки, покої, по яких перше блукала одна несита і загребуща людина — тепер підуть під школи (Коцюб., II, 1955, 83); Вони підійшли до будинку, де жив Каргат, спинились коло входу (Шовк., Інженери, 1956, 306).2. Науковий, культурно-освітній, побутовий та ін. державний заклад, установа, а також будівля, де він (вона) міститься. З будинків найбільше подобались мені університет і академія (Коцюб., III, 1956, 351).Буди́нок відпочи́нку — заклад для відпочинку трудящих. В місті й на околицях розташовано шістдесят три прекрасні санаторії і шістнадцять будинків відпочинку (Кучер, Чорноморці, 1956, 97); Буди́нок культу́ри — заклад для задоволення культурних потреб трудящих; Буди́нок Радя́нської А́рмії — заклад для задоволення культурних потреб військовослужбовців;Дитя́чий буди́нок — закритий навчально-виховний заклад для дітей. Обіч за огорожею — будинок дитячий у попівському дворищі (Головко, І, 1957, 209); Роди́льний (поло́говий) буди́нок — медичний заклад, призначений для подавання медичної допомоги під час пологів.", '')
❌ vi code is not supported for meanings
✔️ zh ([], 'House (general).  房屋 房子(总称)。', '')

(Meanings) errors decreased from 18 → 11

ppizarror commented 5 months ago
