ppkantorski / Ultrahand-Overlay

The fully craft-able Nintendo Switch overlay executor.
GNU General Public License v2.0
194 stars 25 forks source link

Could you explain me the Easy Installer overlays.json please? #213

Open HeikesFootSlave opened 1 day ago

HeikesFootSlave commented 1 day ago

Hello ppkantorski,

I just realised 2-3 Days ago how GENIUS your App is!

I started to read the Wiki and try to understand the packages, looking at the examples you made!

What I don't understand is how the overlay.json is working from the Easy Installer Package? If I look at this as example: { "name": "EdiZon - latest", "zip-url": "https://api.github.com/repos/proferabg/EdiZon-Overlay/releases?per_page=1&sort=created&order=desc", "download-entry": "0" },

zip-url and ovl-url is clear for me (package.ini), but if I open the link from "zip-url" in a browser and see that file with lots of entries I don't know which is the "download-entry": "0"?

And in case of OC Suite and sysDVR it is download-entry 1 and the other is 3!

If I want to put more entries into that file like BootSoundNX from TheModdersDen what do I have to do? If I do it like you in that file I have this URL: https://api.github.com/repos/TheModdersDen/BootSoundNX/releases?per_page=1&sort=created&order=desc

Which download entry would that be? And here is a bigger Problem = The 1.4.0 beta is still broken but the 1.3.0 works = how to get that file?

Sorry for so many questions!

THANK YOU in advance and greetings from Germany!

ppkantorski commented 13 hours ago

Here download-entry corresponds to the file index in the list within the json file. Some projects package multiple files. zip-url here tells the package that the download / install type is a .zip so it should follow the zip instructions, and download entry is 0 so the first file it refers to is the .zip file. In the case of BootSoundNX, entry 0 corresponds to

        "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/TheModdersDen/BootSoundNX/releases/assets/101972914",
        "id": 101972914,
        "node_id": "RA_kwDOF4KTuc4GE_uy",
        "name": "BootSoundNX-1.4.0-beta.zip",
        "label": null,
        "uploader": {
          "login": "TheModdersDen",
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        "content_type": "application/x-zip-compressed",
        "state": "uploaded",
        "size": 339624,
        "download_count": 253,
        "created_at": "2023-04-02T06:54:38Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-04-02T06:54:38Z",
        "browser_download_url": "https://github.com/TheModdersDen/BootSoundNX/releases/download/1.4.0/BootSoundNX-1.4.0-beta.zip"

where it will then use browser_download_url for this 0th index to download the zip file.

HeikesFootSlave commented 12 hours ago

In case of BootSoundNX I have to use this url to get all releases: https://api.github.com/repos/TheModdersDen/BootSoundNX/releases

And to get BootSoundNX 1.3.0 I have to set "download_entry" = "1"


ppkantorski commented 12 hours ago

You will use 0 for the 0/1st index, 1 for the 2nd index, 2 for the 3rd index, etc. So in this case you will be using 0.

You can always preview if your command looks correct before you run it by clicking - / MINUS on top of the command and seeing what it would be running before executing.