pplu / aws-sdk-perl

A community AWS SDK for Perl Programmers
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README dev setup missing instructions #230

Open castaway opened 6 years ago

castaway commented 6 years ago

If I was following the development setup instructions to the letter.. I'd get stuck at the point where it tells me to run carton, but doesn't tell me to install it..

In fact the instructions for using Paws also assume carton is installed, it's not a dependency of Paws, so should be explicitly mentioned, I feel

castaway commented 6 years ago

Getting down to the "make gen-classes" part, I find I'm also missing "Data::Printer", I see its in cpanfile under: on 'develop' .. how do you normally install those ?

.. doing: cpanm -L local --with-develop --installdeps . for now

pplu commented 6 years ago

Please correct as you feel the development setup instructions (they've not been worked on for a while). I think carton is now shipped in a lot of Linux distros, so apt-get install -y carton (or equivalent) would get them up and running easily

I do a carton install and it installs everything (develop and test deps).

castaway commented 6 years ago

Hmm, carton install definitely didnt get all the deps for me, have you tried it in an empty local lately?

pplu commented 6 years ago

I've tried this today: docker run --rm -ti perl:5.26 /bin/bash

apt-get update
apt-get install git build-essential
git clone https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl.git
cd aws-sdk-perl/
cpanm Carton
git checkout release/0.37
make pull-other-sdks
carton exec make gen-classes