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PutBucketAcl is fixed #356

Open byterock opened 5 years ago

byterock commented 5 years ago

This was a major fix as this is the only call in all of AWS that uses an XML trait


` I also fixed another bug-bear the flatten problems and the double up of NameInRequest in generated code `traits => ['NameInRequest','NameInRequest'], required => 1); ` seems I can leverage this to get the above XML to work as I now get this snippett `has Grants => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Paws::S3::Grant]', request_name => 'Grant', list_request_name => 'AccessControlList' , traits => ['NameInRequest','ListNameInRequest']); has Owner => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Paws::S3::Owner' ` generated in 'AccessControlList.pm' that gives as we can see from above the correct XML
byterock commented 5 years ago

opps forgot the branch
