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Getting Forbidden error when trying a path with a space in it #359

Open amergrgic opened 5 years ago

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

Testing on Ubuntu 18.04, Perl 5.26.1 and Paws 0.41

When I try to do a simple upload to S3 with a small script (see the script below), I get a Forbidden error, when the key doesn't have a space it does work. Don't know if it's related to #323, but it seems to be. This is a huge problem that I really need a workaround for. Anyone have an idea? I have tested with versions > 0.37 and all have this same issue.

use Paws;

$ENV{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'} = "xxx";
$ENV{'AWS_SECRET_KEY'} = "xxx";

my $s3 = Paws->service('S3', region => "eu-west-1");

        Bucket  => "bucketname",
        Key     => "text test.txt",
        Body    => "text.txt",
byterock commented 5 years ago

Hmm I have been working extensively on S3 paws ofer the past few weeks.

If you have the opportunity.

Try this branch of paws


So you are saying that

key => "text test.txt",



key => "texttest.txt",


I will check that

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

@byterock yes, exactly. I have tried with the Paws CLI as well:

paws S3 --region eu-west-1 PutObject Bucket: bucketname Key: "test text.txt" Body: text.txt


Paws::S3 is not stable / supported / entirely developed at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/S3.pm line 2.
The API retured an error: Forbidden(403)

Have tried on multiple different servers, all with the same exact result.

When trying without space in the Key:

paws S3 --region eu-west-1 PutObject Bucket: bucketname Key: "testtext.txt" Body: text.txt


Paws::S3 is not stable / supported / entirely developed at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/S3.pm line 2.
ETag: "034d361a5942e67697d17534f37ed5a9"

Update: I have tried with your branch as well, but still am getting a Forbidden. Output of my testscript:

Paws::S3 is not stable / supported / entirely developed at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/S3.pm line 2.

Trace begun at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/Net/RestXMLResponse.pm line 25
Paws::Net::RestXMLResponse::process('Paws::Net::RestXMLResponse=HASH(0x55e924bd0a30)', 'Paws::S3::PutObject=HASH(0x55e924b9e5e0)', 'Paws::Net::APIResponse=HASH(0x55e924d3cad0)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/Net/Caller.pm line 46
Paws::Net::Caller::caller_to_response('Paws::Net::Caller=HASH(0x55e923a0f598)', 'Paws::S3=HASH(0x55e92466f678)', 'Paws::S3::PutObject=HASH(0x55e924b9e5e0)', 'Paws::Net::APIResponse=HASH(0x55e924d3cad0)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/Net/RetryCallerRole.pm line 19
Paws::Net::RetryCallerRole::do_call('Paws::Net::Caller=HASH(0x55e923a0f598)', 'Paws::S3=HASH(0x55e92466f678)', 'Paws::S3::PutObject=HASH(0x55e924b9e5e0)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Paws/S3.pm line 451
Paws::S3::PutObject('Paws::S3=HASH(0x55e92466f678)', 'Bucket', 'bucketname', 'Key', 'text test.txt', 'Body', 'text.txt') called at test_s3.pl line 8
byterock commented 5 years ago

Well first you need Git installed ;)


git checkout s3ObjectTagging

Then follow the normal install dev steps


this command will recompile just the S3 bits

carton exec builder-bin/gen_classes.pl --classes botocore/botocore/data/s3/2006-03-01/service-2.json

Alternatively if you really just want to hack about you can just drop these files

https://github.com/byterock/aws-sdk-perl/blob/s3ObjectTagging/lib/Paws/Net/RestXmlCaller.pm https://github.com/byterock/aws-sdk-perl/blob/s3ObjectTagging/lib/Paws/Net/RestXMLResponse.pm

on the correct path of your Paws it should fix it

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

Well first you need Git installed ;)


git checkout s3ObjectTagging

Then follow the normal install dev steps


this command will recompile just the S3 bits

carton exec builder-bin/gen_classes.pl --classes botocore/botocore/data/s3/2006-03-01/service-2.json

Alternatively if you really just want to hack about you can just drop these files

https://github.com/byterock/aws-sdk-perl/blob/s3ObjectTagging/lib/Paws/Net/RestXmlCaller.pm https://github.com/byterock/aws-sdk-perl/blob/s3ObjectTagging/lib/Paws/Net/RestXMLResponse.pm

on the correct path of your Paws it should fix it

Yeah, I updated my comment, even your branch didn't fix the issue.

byterock commented 5 years ago

Opps did not see your update!

Sorry for the above.

Normally I hack into the two '.pm' files and dump the 'response' and 'request' objects to see what is really coming back. I will be working on this shortly

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

Opps did not see your update!

Sorry for the above.

Normally I hack into the two '.pm' files and dump the 'response' and 'request' objects to see what is really coming back. I will be working on this shortly

@byterock I tried btw replacing those two .pm files with the ones from your branch and I get a different error on my screen:

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

That's with my testscript, Paws CLI gives me back:

The API retured an error: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.(SignatureDoesNotMatch)

I tried turning on your Data::Dumper inside the files you created on your branch, result is below:

JSP request=$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'method' => 'PUT',
                 'content' => 'text.txt',
                 'parameters' => {
                                   'Body' => 'text.txt',
                                   'Bucket' => 'bucketname',
                                   'Key' => 'text test.txt'
                 'url' => 'https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/bucketname/text%20test.txt',
                 'content_length' => 8,
                 'headers' => bless( {
                                       'content-length' => 8,
                                       'content-md5' => 'A002GllC5naX0XU0837VqQ=='
                                     }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
                 'date' => '20191121T134220Z',
                 'uri' => '/bucketname/text%20test.txt'
               }, 'Paws::Net::S3APIRequest' );
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
byterock commented 5 years ago

I just ran that test and it worked fine for me ;)

Which is good on my part but not on yours

Is that bucket of yours public. I can try and upload from my end?

My request and response are

request=$VAR1 = bless( { 'content_length' => 8, 'date' => '20191121T134041Z', 'url' => 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/dev.cargotel.paws/text%20test.txt', 'headers' => bless( { 'content-md5' => 'A002GllC5naX0XU0837VqQ==', 'content-length' => 8 }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), 'uri' => '/dev.cargotel.paws/text%20test.txt', 'method' => 'PUT', 'content' => 'text.txt', 'parameters' => { 'Body' => 'text.txt', 'Bucket' => 'dev.cargotel.paws', 'Key' => 'text test.txt' } }, 'Paws::Net::S3APIRequest' ); process response=$VAR1 = bless( { 'headers' => { 'content-length' => '0', 'server' => 'AmazonS3', 'x-amz-version-id' => 'XVHVnuB3ZiO6vYyqaURdc.NveEKz9aGD', 'date' => 'Thu, 21 Nov 2019 13:40:43 GMT', 'etag' => '"034d361a5942e67697d17534f37ed5a9"', 'x-amz-request-id' => 'DFCBC01EA7C0A2CB', 'x-amz-id-2' => 'W259s/K3Na/Mi/Mb9NzSgMqajHcMPKCmlIfpCnCIjZuIq6nicUihsCH4bs0XfXR5kzGDKABdVms=' }, 'status' => '200', 'content' => '' }, 'Paws::Net::APIResponse' ); PutObject =$VAR1 = bless( { '_request_id' => 'DFCBC01EA7C0A2CB', 'ETag' => '"034d361a5942e67697d17534f37ed5a9"', 'VersionId' => 'XVHVnuB3ZiO6vYyqaURdc.NveEKz9aGD' }, 'Paws::S3::PutObjectOutput' );

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

I just ran that test and it worked fine for me ;)

Which is good on my part but not on yours

Is that bucker of yorus public. I can try and upload from my end?

Bucket is not public unfortunately, did you test with a bucket that has a policy on it?

P.s. I added the data::dumper dump in my previous comment.

byterock commented 5 years ago

You are always on step ahead of me ;)

byterock commented 5 years ago

Yeah the code swap out was jsut a Hail Mary Pass on my part :)

You most likly have to rebuild after a checkout of my branch.

Could be a case of the policy being incorrect.

If you can go back to your .41 branch and add in that dumper warning and compair to what we have above

byterock commented 5 years ago

Don't forget if you download my branch you still have to 'checkout' my branch


git branch s3-todo-cleanup

git checkout s3ObjectTagging

but you might already knwo that

Btw I am getting an 'Access Denied' which is expected when I try to upload to your bucket

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

@byterock good call, I think I forgot that the first time, but it still didn't help. The test you are doing, is that on Ubuntu 18.04 with Perl 5.26.1? I have a feeling it might be something Ubuntu related, doing a test on Ubuntu 14.04 with 0.41 now as well.

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

Update: Ubuntu 14.04 with Paws 0.41 works, but it encodes my filename to text%20text.txt, but that is something I had before as well and kind of patched (was in a different issue as well, workaround).

amergrgic commented 5 years ago

Ok, I have found the problem. The problem resides in using V4.pm in /usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Net/Amazon/Signature.

The new version of that V4.pm (0.19) doesn't seem to be working correctly with Paws > 0.37. When I moved V4.pm from a machine with Ubuntu 14.04 (which is version 0.16), my Paws works.

I don't know why it doesn't work exactly, but it works when I switched these files out. I think this is something for you guys to fix, as it means that anyone on this version of Ubuntu wouldn't be able to work with Paws (if they use spaces)

byterock commented 5 years ago

Glad I could help on that

Will see that bug might be my next blogging project S3 is coming to an end

galenhuntington commented 4 years ago

This looks the same as #323, where the issue is the encoded (rather than original) key being signed. Have you tried my workaround there (altering S3Signature.pm to decode the uri field in-place before signing)?

castaway commented 4 years ago

It looks like we might need this PR applying to Signature::V4.. https://github.com/Grinnz/Net-Amazon-Signature-V4/pull/7

Grinnz commented 4 years ago

Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 0.20 has this change, please try updating. Thanks

webtoolbox commented 4 years ago

Upgrading Net::Amazon::Signature::V4 fixes the issue related to spaces in the object key, but it still fails in some cases. For example, with a file name like ~lkta100.gif.