ppolabs / jlinda

jLinda - Java Library for Interferometric Data Analysis
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SimulatedAmplitude namespace #21

Closed lveci closed 10 years ago

lveci commented 10 years ago

The module.xml and metainf need to say jlinda instead of jdoris

Also org.jlinda.nest.dat.SimulateAmplitudeAction is missing

pmar commented 10 years ago

module.xml and metainfo have been updated with jlinda.

Action for SimulateAmplitude I have to merge-in from some old dev branch.

lveci commented 10 years ago

Also CrossResampling has an Action missing

pmar commented 10 years ago

Indeed - SimulatedAmplitude I wanted to keep graph only and action is missing for Cross.

pmar commented 10 years ago

The namespace issue of SimulatedAmplitude resolved with a9bb24136de9458a9cbe1b70a436908eda1b554d .

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