ppparihar / GoTestExplorer

A Go Test Explorer for VS code (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=premparihar.gotestexplorer)
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Search fo tests #15

Closed jgardner04 closed 4 years ago

jgardner04 commented 4 years ago

Love the test explorer but when I work on a project with a large number of tests and only want to run one, I have to scroll through the whole list. A nice feature would be the ability to search for a test by name.

ppparihar commented 4 years ago

@jgardner04 Thanks for writing here. let me check the feasibility of the feature. I will love to implement if it's feasible.

jgardner04 commented 4 years ago

@ppparihar normally I would try to help but I don’t have the cycles at the moment! Keep up the great work.

ppparihar commented 4 years ago

@jgardner04 VS Code has native support for search and the same can be used to search our tests. Feel free to write back if you still have any feedback/suggestion.

Search Test

diversemix commented 3 years ago

When you apply the filter however it is only applied to the view - not to which tests are run. Which means after applying the filter and then clicking run tests - it runs the entire tests for the project (not the ones just filtered)