pprzetacznik / IElixir

Jupyter's kernel for Elixir programming language
Apache License 2.0
357 stars 44 forks source link

** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :elixir_env.env_to_scope/1 is undefined or private #63

Open skull-squadron opened 1 year ago

skull-squadron commented 1 year ago
MCE ``` git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/pprzetacznik/IElixir cd IElixir patch -Np1 <<'PATCH' diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs index f0cdc60..76cf7a4 100644 --- a/mix.exs +++ b/mix.exs @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ defmodule IElixir.Mixfile do end def application do - [mod: {IElixir, []}, applications: [:logger, :iex, :ecto, :erlzmq, :poison, :uuid, :floki]] + [mod: {IElixir, []}, applications: [:logger, :iex, :ecto, :sqlite_ecto2, :erlzmq, :poison, :uuid, :floki]] end defp deps do @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ defmodule IElixir.Mixfile do {:erlzmq, "~> 3.0"}, {:floki, "~> 0.29.0"}, {:poison, "~> 3.0"}, - {:uuid_erl, "~> 1.7.5", app: false}, + {:uuid, "~> 1.7.5", [hex: :uuid_erl]}, {:sqlite_ecto2, "~> 2.4.0"}, # Docs dependencies @@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ defmodule IElixir.Mixfile do {:inch_ex, "~> 2.0.0", only: :docs}, # Test dependencies + # TODO: Remove when the following PR is merged & released: + # https://github.com/deadtrickster/ssl_verify_fun.erl/pull/27 + {:ssl_verify_fun, "~> 1.1", + manager: :rebar3, only: [:test], runtime: false, override: true}, {:excoveralls, "~> 0.13.3", only: :test} ] end PATCH mix deps.get env CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix zeromq)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix zeromq)/lib" mix ecto.migrate -r IElixir.Repo env CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix zeromq)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix zeromq)/lib" mix test ```
Console ``` 023-08-08 21:24:59.509 [debug] Initializing control agent on url: tcp:// 2023-08-08 21:24:59.522 [notice] Application ielixir exited: IElixir.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: IElixir.Sandbox ** (EXIT) an exception was raised: ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :elixir_env.env_to_scope/1 is undefined or private (elixir 1.15.4) :elixir_env.env_to_scope(#Macro.Env: 2, >=: 2, abs: 1, apply: 2, apply: 3, binary_part: 3, binary_slice: 2, binary_slice: 3, bit_size: 1, byte_size: 1, ceil: 1, div: 2, elem: 2, exit: 1, floor: 1, function_exported?: 3, get_and_update_in: 3, get_in: 2, hd: 1, inspect: 1, inspect: 2, is_atom: 1, is_binary: 1, is_bitstring: 1, is_boolean: 1, ...]}], lexical_tracker: nil, line: 1, macro_aliases: [], macros: [{Kernel, [!: 1, &&: 2, ..: 0, ..: 2, ..//: 3, <>: 2, @: 1, alias!: 1, and: 2, binding: 0, binding: 1, dbg: 0, dbg: 1, dbg: 2, def: 1, def: 2, defdelegate: 2, defexception: 1, defguard: 1, defguardp: 1, defimpl: 2, defimpl: 3, defmacro: 1, defmacro: 2, defmacrop: 1, defmacrop: 2, defmodule: 2, defoverridable: 1, defp: 1, defp: 2, defprotocol: 2, defstruct: 1, destructure: 2, get_and_update_in: 2, if: 2, in: 2, is_exception: 1, ...]}], module: nil, requires: [Application, Kernel, Kernel.Typespec], ...>) (ielixir 0.9.21) lib/ielixir/sandbox.ex:313: IElixir.Sandbox.eval_forms/3 (ielixir 0.9.21) lib/ielixir/sandbox.ex:263: IElixir.Sandbox.prepare_clear_state/0 (ielixir 0.9.21) lib/ielixir/sandbox.ex:40: IElixir.Sandbox.init/1 (stdlib 5.0.2) gen_server.erl:962: :gen_server.init_it/2 (stdlib 5.0.2) gen_server.erl:917: :gen_server.init_it/6 (stdlib 5.0.2) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application floki exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application html_entities exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application uuid exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application quickrand exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application erlzmq exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application sqlite_ecto2 exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application sqlitex exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.531 [notice] Application esqlite exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application sbroker exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application sasl exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application poison exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application db_connection exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application connection exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application ecto exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application poolboy exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.532 [notice] Application decimal exited: :stopped 2023-08-08 21:24:59.533 [notice] Application iex exited: :stopped ** (Mix) Could not start application ielixir: IElixir.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: IElixir.Sandbox ** (EXIT) an exception was raised: ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :elixir_env.env_to_scope/1 is undefined or private (elixir 1.15.4) :elixir_env.env_to_scope(#Macro.Env: 2, >=: 2, abs: 1, apply: 2, apply: 3, binary_part: 3, binary_slice: 2, binary_slice: 3, bit_size: 1, byte_size: 1, ceil: 1, div: 2, elem: 2, exit: 1, floor: 1, function_exported?: 3, get_and_update_in: 3, get_in: 2, hd: 1, inspect: 1, inspect: 2, is_atom: 1, is_binary: 1, is_bitstring: 1, is_boolean: 1, ...]}], lexical_tracker: nil, line: 1, macro_aliases: [], macros: [{Kernel, [!: 1, &&: 2, ..: 0, ..: 2, ..//: 3, <>: 2, @: 1, alias!: 1, and: 2, binding: 0, binding: 1, dbg: 0, dbg: 1, dbg: 2, def: 1, def: 2, defdelegate: 2, defexception: 1, defguard: 1, defguardp: 1, defimpl: 2, defimpl: 3, defmacro: 1, defmacro: 2, defmacrop: 1, defmacrop: 2, defmodule: 2, defoverridable: 1, defp: 1, defp: 2, defprotocol: 2, defstruct: 1, destructure: 2, get_and_update_in: 2, if: 2, in: 2, is_exception: 1, ...]}], module: nil, requires: [Application, Kernel, Kernel.Typespec], ...>) (ielixir 0.9.21) lib/ielixir/sandbox.ex:313: IElixir.Sandbox.eval_forms/3 (ielixir 0.9.21) lib/ielixir/sandbox.ex:263: IElixir.Sandbox.prepare_clear_state/0 (ielixir 0.9.21) lib/ielixir/sandbox.ex:40: IElixir.Sandbox.init/1 (stdlib 5.0.2) gen_server.erl:962: :gen_server.init_it/2 (stdlib 5.0.2) gen_server.erl:917: :gen_server.init_it/6 (stdlib 5.0.2) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 ```
noizu commented 7 months ago
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ defmodule IElixir.HMAC do
   def handle_call({:compute_sig, parts}, _from, state = {algo, key}) do
     ctx = Enum.reduce(parts,
-            :crypto.hmac_init(algo, key),
-            &:crypto.hmac_update(&2, &1))
-          |> :crypto.hmac_final()
+            :crypto.mac_init(:hmac, algo, key),
+            &:crypto.mac_update(&2, &1))
+          |> :crypto.mac_final()
     hex = for <<h :: size(4), l :: size(4) <- ctx>>, into: <<>>, do: <<to_hex_char(h), to_hex_char(l)>>
     {:reply, hex, state}


   defp eval_forms(forms, binding, e) do
+    {ex_vars, erl_vars, erl_binding} = :elixir_erl_var.load_binding(binding,false)
+    e2 = :elixir_env.with_vars(e, ex_vars)
+    ex_s = :elixir_env.env_to_ex(e2)
+    erl_s = :elixir_erl_var.from_env(e2,erl_vars)
     :elixir.eval_forms(forms, binding, e)
-    |> Tuple.append(:elixir_env.env_to_scope(e))
+    |> Tuple.append({ex_s,erl_s})

Wil get you closer, you you also need to redo

  try do
-      {{result, binding, env, scope}, stdout, stderr} =
+      {{  {result, binding, env, scope}, diagnostics}, stdout, stderr} =
         CaptureIO.capture do
           {:ok, quoted} = Code.string_to_quoted(request["code"])
-          eval_forms(quoted, state.binding, state.env, state.scope)
+     Code.with_diagnostics([log: true],
+   fn ->
+try do
+       {:ok,       eval_forms(quoted, state.binding, state.env, state.scope)}
+err -> {:error, err}
+end  ) |> case do
+{{:ok,r},d} -> {r,d}
+{{:error,e},d} -> throw {:diagnostics, e, d}

to catch diagnostics or you won't get any usable warning messages when running nodes in ielixir on newer OTP versions.