In addition to standard indented code blocks, pandoc supports fenced code blocks. These begin with a row of three or more tildes (~) and end with a row of tildes that must be at least as long as the starting row. Everything between these lines is treated as code. No indentation is necessary:
在这一段中只说了 tilde 波浪线可作为代码区块的分隔符,没有说 backtick 反引号也可以。但是曾于修的繁体翻译中,有提到同样可以用 backtick 作为分隔符:
又加上了 backticks。 紧接着有一段介绍:
说明后来的改版中,把 backtick 代码区块作为一个 Extension 来用了,而不再属于 fenced_code_block 这个 Extension。所以在新的翻译中,上面的那两段将不提及 backtick。