Open little-by opened 3 years ago
Same problem, did you find any solution on Windows 10?
Since using MSVC I commented the line as shown below and was able to build it.
std::tr2::sys::path _fbase(file); auto fbase = _fbase.stem().c_str();
char fdup = strdup(file); char fbase = basename(fdup);
c_fprintf(colormap[line].c_str(), stderr, "[%s@%s:%d] ", func, fbase, line); //free(fbase);
My problem: I compile the code in the win10 using vs2015. First, I compile and install the eigen3.
When I compile the openpano, I get the error, “'.serialize' must have class/struct/union D:\Libs\PCL\flann\include\flann\util\serialization.h”. Then I fix this by adding the following code in include/flann/util/serialization.h.
But I get the error, “fdup: Undeclared identifier” How can I deal with it? I can't find useful information on the Internet.