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Figure out the final partitioning structure for `solo_scores` #16

Closed peppy closed 6 months ago

peppy commented 10 months ago

I setup partitioning to work with my last major effort on this table, but two pieces are missing.

Partition scheme includes ruleset_id but it is not used

Originally we were looking to partition per ruleset, which seems like a great idea from a performance angle. As such, this was included in the partition scheme, but it hasn't actually been used in the constructed partitions.

I want to test the overhead having ruleset_id in the primary key adds, and if it is negligible then we should leave it there and ensure the constructed partitions are per-ruleset.

(will be tested in #17)

Conclusion: Including ruleset in the partitioning schema is not a good direction, in terms of future extensibility and complexity in partition rotation.

Partition rotation is not yet implemented

Currently we have only two partitions – preserve=0 and preserve=1. The plan is to add partition rotation for the p0 case, but this hasn't been done yet. It still seems like a good idea, but comes with a concern:

We are going in a direction where a score can be switched between preserve=0 and preserve=1. We also have tooling for removing preserve=0 scores after a certain delay and when all criteria are correct (see https://github.com/ppy/osu-queue-score-statistics/issues/141).

So, what happens when a score becoming p=0 and falls into a partition that is about to be rotated for cleanup? If the cleanup process is guaranteeing a time window before scores are cleaned up after the last preserve flag switch, then they may end up getting rotated out of existence too soon. An example would be a user unpinning a score, then realising they want to pin it again a few minutes later. With unfortunate timing it would be lost during this period.

A solution may be to change the partitioning to be on updated_at instead of created_at and ensure we are updating updated_at on any row change.

Partition rotation should be considered for other tables

peppy commented 9 months ago

As a status update here, the actual partition structure (in terms of included columns) has been finalised in #17. What remains is rotation considerations, aka how to split up the partition ranges using updated_at, and where the rotation process is run for cycling.

peppy commented 6 months ago

Found out we can't use TIMESTAMP in a RANGE COLUMNS partition schema.

 CREATE TABLE `scores` (
  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `user_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
  `beatmap_id` mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,
  `ruleset_id` smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
  `data` json NOT NULL,
  `has_replay` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  `preserve` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `unix_updated_at` int NOT NULL DEFAULT (unix_timestamp()),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`preserve`,`updated_at`),
  KEY `user_ruleset_index` (`user_id`,`ruleset_id`),
  KEY `beatmap_user_index` (`beatmap_id`,`user_id`)
/*!50500 PARTITION BY RANGE  COLUMNS(`preserve`,`unix_updated_at`)
(PARTITION p20231215 VALUES LESS THAN (0,1702512000) ENGINE = InnoDB,
 PARTITION p20231216 VALUES LESS THAN (0,1702598400) ENGINE = InnoDB,
 PARTITION p20231217 VALUES LESS THAN (0,1702684800) ENGINE = InnoDB,

This might be the new best-we-can-do.

peppy commented 6 months ago

Above has been deployed and is rotating successfully.