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Sliders overlaying circles (osu!lazer) #10466

Open Anemois opened 4 years ago

Anemois commented 4 years ago

So in osu!lazer there is an option to disable snaking out sliders, and this makes it so the sliders don't fade out with the progress of the slider.

But I found a problem, when the sliders overlap with another circle or slider it will make it harder to see like this Cap23ture

and if there is too make it will just completely block the circles, like this Capture Capt2ure

and no this is not a skin problem I have tried it on many skins.

So please make the circles visible.

peppy commented 4 years ago

Please include your skin (or just skin.ini) for reference.

Wieku commented 4 years ago

Please include your skin (or just skin.ini) for reference.

It's not a skinning problem. I recently worked on this in my own client. Looking at those screenshots it seems that lazer sorts objects by their start times whereas in stable hit circles (as well as slider start circles) are sorted by their start times but slider bodies are sorted by their end times.

It's only visible on 2B maps though, because the map in the topic is: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/756794#osu/1605148