ppy / osu

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Cursor starts at top left corner in replays set on maps with skippable intros #28384

Open TechniKris opened 1 month ago

TechniKris commented 1 month ago


Game behaviour

Bug description

After setting a play on a map with an intro that is 3 seconds long or longer, in the first frame of the replay the cursor will be in the top left corner of the screen. Maps with shorter intros aren't affected. The cursor either immediately teleports to the real position in the 2nd frame of the replay (usually), or if the intro sequence was skipped automatically by a restart using the backtick/tilde ~ key, it will slowly glide towards its real position (which makes the bug very obvious to spot). I wouldn't consider this to be a cosmetic bug, because the buggy cursor position seems to be saved in the replay itself - I tested affected replays in Rewind and they show the same behavior there. Of course, I leave the decision up to you on how you'd like to handle it.

The bug seems to occur on affected beatmaps 100% of the time, but can be nullified by DT, like how it happens in this replay (perhaps HT could make more maps affected). To reproduce the bug, set a play on one of the following beatmaps, or on any other map that has a skippable intro.

A couple replays on affected maps:

Other players' affected replays that I've found:

Perhaps this issue might be somehow related, judging by the fact it's also in the top left corner: https://github.com/ppy/osu/issues/4668

Currently, the flashlight position with autoplay is incorrect, as it starts at the top left corner of the screen.

Screenshots or videos

GIF: gif showcasing the bug A couple replays in game: https://github.com/ppy/osu/assets/30842158/7a54f07a-b0ba-46d0-b6b2-b0530a818a39

Comparison in Rewind: ⚠ Flashing background 1:52 - 1:56 (I guess a Rewind bug, idk) https://github.com/ppy/osu/assets/30842158/b01bf831-0e27-4dd3-b213-b2ff8040c042 The replay at 1:38 has key1 stuck, it seems to be a Rewind bug as I've seen this happen in the past with osu!stable replays


2024.521.2, but I've found the issue in replays from March


I opened the game, set this score (where the replay is affected) then exported the replay. compressed-logs.zip

gadielisawesome commented 2 weeks ago

I have this issues on some of my replays too, and sometimes in-game.

gadielisawesome commented 2 weeks ago

image image image gadielisawesome playing Bad Bunny - La Santa (feat. Daddy Yankee) (Renumi) [no te hagas tu eres igual] (2024-06-19_02-31).zip

In the replay, I retried using the ~ (tilde) key, which means I didn't have any chance to move the cursor until 2 seconds before the first hit circle.