ppy / osu

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Enhance Rank Display: Showing Maximum and Minimum Achievable Ranks #28614

Open normalid-awa opened 3 days ago

normalid-awa commented 3 days ago

I've added a feature to the rank display component that allows displaying the maximum and minimum ranks. It works similar to the accuracy display, where we have a maximum and minimum value shown for accuracy. I implemented this feature in the rank display, so now it can show both the minimum-achievable and maximum-achievable ranks.

In order to enable the rank display component to utilize this functionality, I have added two new properties, MinimumRank and MaximumRank, to the ScoreProcessor class.

sorry for the bad English :(




Even though the new Osu! update has been implementing the rank display update but I think it's good to implement the max. and min. achievable rank display. Just like how the accuracy did.It allows players to actually see what rank they can if they mess up at the following or what rank they can achieve if they get all perfectly.
bdach commented 3 days ago

Would you mind explaining what is going on with https://github.com/ppy/osu/pull/28583 getting closed and then this getting opened?

normalid-awa commented 3 days ago

Would you mind explaining what is going on with #28583 getting closed and then this getting opened?

I'm sorry for that, my repo master branch get out of sync and I don't know how to fix it. So that I deleted my repo, but I don't know it will cause the pr getting close, so I copy all the change and make a new pr

bdach commented 3 days ago

Please read https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/syncing-a-fork

normalid-awa commented 3 days ago

Please read https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/syncing-a-fork

It seems that my master branch is currently ahead of the osu! branch. But I accidentally merged my feature branch into the master branch, and it appears that the action to undo was not explicitly outlined in the documentation. sorry again for causing confusion.

normalid-awa commented 2 days ago
+        private Bindable<ScoreRank> rankBinding = new Bindable<ScoreRank>();

this binding was added to the rank display component, as they handle the rank display update.