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[readme] Make the logo less big and match screen size #28616

Closed tutacat closed 1 day ago

tutacat commented 3 days ago

Use vmin for the width and make smaller. Reduce pixel size for fallback.

bdach commented 3 days ago

The current size seems to have been chosen intentionally, so I dunno about this.

peppy commented 3 days ago

yeah i dunno, feels too small with this change?

jvyden commented 1 day ago

at this size, it looks better when left-aligned: image

i think i still prefer the big logo over that, though.

tutacat commented 11 hours ago

Whereas on a 4k display, 500px height is just 23% of the display height

On Sat, 29 Jun 2024, 02:17 Xbml Xyface, @.***> wrote:

The problem is a fixed pixel size, for example 500px, depends on the screen. It feels on the big side at 1080p, but at say 4k/5k it will feel much more reasonable. It doesn't need to be that size exactly. It could just be the same size even, but using something like em or vmin (vmin is a fraction of the displays smallest dimension, so it doesn't get too tall/wide for example.

It could be 33vmin (fallback 350px) or 40vmin (fallback 430px), as a suggestion. Just on a smaller screen it feels a little large when taking up close to half of the height (500px at 1080p is 46% of the height)

On Fri, 28 Jun 2024, 03:19 Dean Herbert, @.***> wrote:

Closed #28616 https://github.com/ppy/osu/pull/28616.

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