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New Mod Idea : Finger Control #6555

Closed LanTenDragon closed 3 years ago

LanTenDragon commented 4 years ago

Describe the new feature: A new multimod: Finger Control & Finger Control Strict

Proposal designs of the feature:

Topics needing further discussion:

99sjn commented 4 years ago

I have a question for this. Will this mod be useable across different game modes?

bdach commented 4 years ago

It appears to me that this mod would only make sense in the case where there are distinguished keyboard inputs you need to press to the beat (by which I mean taiko and mania), since these are the ones you might try to press "too many keys" on and still get hits, and not very much sense in standard (where a hit is a hit) or in catch (not sure how it would have to even be interpreted there). But I see no reason for it to be impossible to reuse the same mod in taiko and mania if it is implemented in a way that enables it.

99sjn commented 4 years ago

If this was to be implemented for catch mode, it will be based on the amount of transitions (fruit change) you need to do without exceeding the maximum limit on a specific beatmap, correct?

bdach commented 4 years ago

I suppose it could be done by calculating the minimum amount of left-right input switches autoplay does to pass, true.

99sjn commented 4 years ago

So which proposal are you in favour of based on discussion, this issue or #5686? I would like to know which one is a better proposal than the other.

bdach commented 4 years ago

Personally I don't feel comfortable making that sort of decision, I just mostly code here. Going to defer to the core team and/or opinions of players if they are around to give some on this matter.

LanTenDragon commented 4 years ago

With this being discussed further recently, I realised my proposal lacked some extra details.

Will this mod be useable across different game modes?

@dscnnctd Yes I intend it to be implemented in the four main rulesets. For future custom rulesets, it is up to the ruleset author to implement.

PP was not involved in the punishment?

@genericthing I intended score penalty as punishment, as I had lazer's scoring system in mind. Lazer seems to bring 1 million scoring into focus and potentially shift away from PP. But I do agree that if you FC any rhythmically complex beatmap with this mod turned on, then you should be rewarded a healthy amount of PP.

Not an anti-mashing mechanism

I really forgot to add this part in. I was speaking specifically about being unable to prevent standards ruleset's mashing. That's why I mentioned Hidamari No Uta.

To expand on what I meant, its not fully an anti-mashing mechanism, but rather it is the intended by-product of finger control mod

LanTenDragon commented 4 years ago

not very much sense in standard (where a hit is a hit)

@bdach There are situations in standard mode where players would do (for a lack of a better word) an empty press. Check the keypress counter at the end of these comparison video.


Out of four plays accross two maps, it seems only one had keypresses == number of hitobjects

Looks like this would become a really difficult mod on maps with complex rhythms, especially with strict mode.