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Determine any cross-implementation API requirements #4

Open dstebila opened 5 months ago

mkannwischer commented 1 month ago

I propose that we use the following common KEM API (following what's currently in the ML-KEM reference implementation):

int pqcp_mlkem512_ref_keypair_derand(uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk, const uint8_t *coins);
int pqcp_mlkem512_ref_keypair(uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk);
int pqcp_mlkem512_ref_enc_derand(uint8_t *ct, uint8_t *ss, const uint8_t *pk, const uint8_t *coins);
int pqcp_mlkem512_ref_enc(uint8_t *ct, uint8_t *ss, const uint8_t *pk);
int pqcp_mlkem512_ref_dec(uint8_t *ss, const uint8_t *ct, const uint8_t *sk);

The namespacing can be dropped for languages where it's done differently. mlkem512 is to be replaced by the corresponding parameter set and ref can be replaced by an identifier of the implementation. This follows what NIST wants to see: https://groups.google.com/a/list.nist.gov/g/pqc-forum/c/Mf2kemwwreY/m/KArjoIhxAQAJ. The keypair and enc wrappers basically just fill the coins with randombytes() (64 bytes for keypair, 32 bytes for enc) and then call the derandomized versions.

(I'm assuming here that NIST is not going to change their mind about having those de-randomized APIs. I personally don't think there is a technical need for these because replacing the randombytes() implementation with a deterministic one for testing works just as well as Daniel J. Bernstein argues in the thread. We've had good experience with that approach in the PQClean and also pqm4.)

This API is already being used by https://github.com/pq-code-package/mlkem-c-embedded and https://github.com/pq-code-package/mlkem-c-aarch64 as those are based on the reference implementations.

For the saving code size, it may be useful for some target platforms to have dynamic parameter selection. In that case, I would additionally allow an API with an additional parameter selecting the parameter set. Something like this would work:

enum {
    MLKEM512  = 0,
    MLKEM768  = 1,
    MLKEM1024 = 2

int pqcp_mlkem_ref_keypair_derand(uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk, const uint8_t *coins, int param);
int pqcp_mlkem_ref_keypair(uint8_t *pk, uint8_t *sk, int param);
int pqcp_mlkem_ref_enc_derand(uint8_t *ct, uint8_t *ss, const uint8_t *pk, const uint8_t *coins, int param);
int pqcp_mlkem_ref_enc(uint8_t *ct, uint8_t *ss, const uint8_t *pk, int param);
int pqcp_mlkem_ref_dec(uint8_t *ss, const uint8_t *ct, const uint8_t *sk, int param);
tfaoliveira commented 1 month ago

I agree with Matthias. In addition to that, I propose to use extended names for the function arguments. I think it improves usability and reduces the chances of misusage.

int pqcp_mlkem768_keypair_derand(
  uint8_t *public_key,
  uint8_t *secret_key,
  const uint8_t *keypair_coins

int pqcp_mlkem768_keypair(
  uint8_t *public_key,
  uint8_t *secret_key

int pqcp_mlkem768_enc_derand(
  uint8_t *ciphertext,
  uint8_t *shared_secret,
  const uint8_t *public_key,
  const uint8_t *enc_coins

int pqcp_mlkem768_enc(
  uint8_t *ciphertext,
  uint8_t *shared_secret,
  const uint8_t *public_key

int pqcp_mlkem768_dec(
  uint8_t *shared_secret,
  const uint8_t *ciphertext,
  const uint8_t *secret_key

Regarding corresponding header files here is what is currently in use for libjade: api.h

It is similar to other projects as well.

Regarding namespacing and code organization: should we include, for instance, ref, avx2, amd64/x86_64/x64, or armv7m in the function names to identify, in more detail, the function and avoid misusages?

Currently, in libjade, the name of each exposed function is the full implementation path — an example here.

In the context of amd64, with which I'm most familiar, I think it is important that each implementation is distributed with an extra file stating which CPU extensions the implementation requires (if applicable: Jasmin/assembly implementations). For example, Keccak permutation using the andn instruction (defined in BMI1 extension) can be significantly faster (up to 20% IIRC). I think some CPU with support for AVX2 do not have BMI1. In any case, it might be excessive to include the full set of CPU extensions that an implementation requires in the corresponding function names (note: current mlkem768 requires BMI1 as it uses the non-AVX2 keccak permutation as well).

Regarding derandomized API's, they have the advantage of greatly simplifying known answer tests:

planetf1 commented 1 month ago

I'm a newbie to MK-KEM so forgive any nonsensical input

Staying close to the standard/reference implementation make sense..

planetf1 commented 1 month ago

I've proposed an update on this for the TSC this week.