pqc-thunderbird / rnp

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Create Upstream PR PQC #29

Closed falko-strenzke closed 11 months ago

falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago

Botan 3 Adaptions

cr_pqc as PR


falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago

I cherrypicked the following botan-3 adaption:

└─(14:37:44 on cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream ✹)──> git cherry-pick 7cf47f24682179d2c57b3b606bce7668bbd7e271                                                                                                                                                                                                   ──(Do,Jun01)─┘
[cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream 39ab958e] fixed kyber for botan-3.0.1
 Date: Thu Apr 27 11:21:51 2023 +0200
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
└─(14:43:30 on cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream -> ✹)──> git cherry-pick 172eef49d2b8010bf8106c45e243954dbfbbf408                                                                                                                                                                                                ──(Do,Jun01)─┘
[cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream 3dad2945] dilithium botan changes
 Author: Johannes Roth <johannes.roth@mtg.de>
 Date: Thu Apr 27 11:25:25 2023 +0200
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
└─(14:44:22 on cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream -> ✹)──> git cherry-pick 6eb6bafd92643ab604196d95da7f8109c3393cd0                                                                                                                                                                                                ──(Do,Jun01)─┘
[cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream 39155c7f] cleanup
 Author: Johannes Roth <johannes.roth@mtg.de>
 Date: Thu Apr 27 12:16:53 2023 +0200
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago

Merged cr_pqc-23-05-merge-fr-upstream into cr_pqc just now.

falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago

Proposed commit structure:

@ni4 Are you okay if the commits we generate have this granularity? Each item in the above list would be one commit in the PR.

falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago

The branch main__base_for_v6_pqc_pr points to the last upstream/main commit which we merged into cr_pqc. The latter branch is the code state that will be partioned into the commits for the PR. The branches with the commits for the PR are tracked in this table:

feature branch author status
v6 signatures and v6 keys pr2306__v6_keys_sigs_rng Johannes regression tests run, no tests for new features
v6 PKESK / AEAD / v2 SEIPD pr2306__v6_pkesk_seipd Falko integrated, but no running tests
v6 Ed25519 pr2306__v6_ed25519 Johannes integrated, no new tests
v6 X25519 + ecdhkem/exdsa abstraction pr2306__v6_x25519 Johannes integrated, tests with crypto refresh test vectors (pubkey, seckey, pkesk/enc) . CLI can create Ed/X25519 certificate
PQC Dilithium standalone functionality pr2306__pqc_dilithium Johannes integrated, dilithium self-test
PQC Dilithium + ECDSA/EdDSA composite pr2306__pqc_dilithium_exdsa Johannes integrated, dilithium exdsa self-test
PQC KMAC pr2306__pqc_kmac Johannes adds KMAC, no tests
PQC Kyber pr2306__pqc_kyber Johannes adds Kyber functionality and Kyber self-test
PQC Kyber + ECDH pr2306__pqc_kyber_ecdh Johannes adds Kyber+ECDH, self-test runs, CLI works
