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Overview of CI failures for `v6_pqc_2306` #36

Closed falko-strenzke closed 1 year ago

falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago
run backend errors in main cause current work item issue
fuzzing / fuzzing ERROR:root:No git repos with specific commit: None found in /src clarify cause
macos CMake Error at src/lib/CMakeLists.txt:150 (message): apparentyl due to AEAD not supported with OpenSSL backend, see #1642 clarify cause
windows-msys2 / windows-latest msys2 CMake Error at src/lib/CMakeLists.txt:150 (message): generic feature error, but probably like macos
windows-latest msys2 [msystem clang64; backend botan; build shared libs on; GnuPG stable]^1 is successful, though
debian OpenSSL like macos
Botan "Unavailable KDF HKDF(SHA-256)" thrown during test, see here test on windows (?), verify Botan build
ubuntu OpenSSL like macos
coverity wget returns error (?)

@ni @TJ-91

falko-strenzke commented 1 year ago

All problems excecpt for the one with coverity are fixed in the meantime, so closing this one here and making a new issue for coverity.