I made derivate of czech.xml. The original czech.xml is based on CONTROL_R which is not available on MacBook Air. I changed the CONTROL_R to Option_R. The Option_R is common mapping also on Windows. The new file has name czech_macbook_air.xml.
Then I made copy of this file and stored it under slovak.xml. While Czech and Slovak are very close there are some differences and I recommend to keep the file separate for corrections of mapping in future.
Please review the suggested change. I'll be happy for any feedback. Thank you.
I made derivate of czech.xml. The original czech.xml is based on CONTROL_R which is not available on MacBook Air. I changed the CONTROL_R to Option_R. The Option_R is common mapping also on Windows. The new file has name czech_macbook_air.xml.
Then I made copy of this file and stored it under slovak.xml. While Czech and Slovak are very close there are some differences and I recommend to keep the file separate for corrections of mapping in future.
Please review the suggested change. I'll be happy for any feedback. Thank you.