pr0v3rbs / FirmAE

Towards Large-Scale Emulation of IoT Firmware for Dynamic Analysis
MIT License
603 stars 117 forks source link

Update Dockerfile #50

Closed Lorenyx closed 1 year ago

Lorenyx commented 1 year ago

Included install statements for rustc and cargo then setuptools_rust to satisfy bcrypt dependencies that were not installed automatically.

pr0v3rbs commented 1 year ago

FirmAE doesn't use bcrypt.

Can you explain more detail about the situation and OS version, and tested firmware?

Lorenyx commented 1 year ago

I am attempting to reproduce the error, but it occurred during the docker build on line 35:

# for analyzer
RUN python3 -m pip install selenium bs4 requests future paramiko pysnmp==4.4.6 pycryptodome

And one of the above pip packeges was throwing an error due to not having setuptools_rust and rustc installed so I included them in the Dockerfile and was able to complete the build.

Lorenyx commented 1 year ago

I was unable to reproduce the error across multiple Ubuntu versions (22, 18, and 16) so it was likely a client side issue.